Dream girl/guy

I am probably lying to myself, but a girl that simply loves me from bottom of her heart. That is all I ask, for South Korea (Where I live)has some wonderful plastic surgeons XD jk
My dream guy is me because I'm perfect.
My dream guy in appearance would be tall, has dark hair, fair/tan skin, glasses, and a slim but well built body.

In personality I would like a sweet and sincere guy who is very intelligent (I like guys who I can learn things from) who is nerdy (shares common interests with me of video games, cartoons etc), and who has ambitions and dreams he is working at achieving.

//////_///// aaaaand points if he's foreign/knows other languages, and if he could cook well!
Man it's fun reading off other fakku users' ideal, a lot of us are surprisingly chill/realistic.

For me I need my other person to be kind and open minded. No one too full of themselves or inconsiderate to others. Honest and willing to accept his mistakes to move on. As long as they have those basic qualities the rest is up to that person and fate.

Can mentally keep up with me, call it compatibility, wavelength or whatnot.

Physically I'd like it if the guy was taller than me (4'11 here), has strong/broad shoulders, and happy eyes. When he's happy you can see it reaches and shines up to his eyes.

A simple guy is fine as long as he's kind.

Someone to hold hands with.
i have two types and i dont know why but here:

Small but not smaller than me (5'2) so around 5'6/7
black curly hair / straight
personality: loves gaming , likes to tease , likes rock and is always happy :3

Tall (6ft or bigger)
black/blonde short hair
a small stubble-ish beard
personality: Funny ,nice ,always happy ,has a thing for short girls


i dont mind if theyre thin or chubby/fat its cool to be who they are UuU

- Long shoulder-length hair
- Fit physique
- Pretty face
- Wears glasses (preference only/not necessary)


- Faithful
- Caring
- Sense of humour
- Common sense

Result? I'll never meet, thus it's a dream girl.
I've always had this in mind.. and it's both my dream and my standard for the perfect girl I will settle down with- anything less is just categorized as "temporarily dating."

She has to intelligent.
I've dated people who, in university, can't even convert 17:00 into 5:00pm, or thought that boiled eggs would become raw again once put in the fridge.
Cute, not sexy
There's a difference between being cute and sexy. Cute happens naturally and can't really be created. Sexy, while possibly natural, is always played upon and promoted as the best. Trying hard to look sexually attractive = biggest turnoff for me. Some modesty, please <3 I don't want to share with the world what you look like under that revealing, skin-tight clothing.
Red-head, ginger, Korean, or Japanese
I don't care what anyone else says, gingers and red-head girls are the most attractive and cute product of the Caucasian ethnicity. The pale skin and freckles which I can't get enough of, as well as the orange/red hair. And why Japanese or Korean girls, specifically? Because they're specifically what I find most attractive. Canada = surrounded by people of all nationalities at school, work, etc., so I know my way around identifying the nationalities and what I like most.
Smaller boobs are better boobs
Dated many different-sized girls, but never anyone sized C or smaller. Completely flat or A would be ideal, B also good, but depends on her body size.
Wait, I did half-date someone who had A or Bs, but it was hard to tell. At age 19, they were the most amazingly-fluid (saggy) things imaginable, worthy of her "she gets around" lifestyle. Laying on her back, i swear they were like a pair of cracked eggs, melting/spreading every which-way when she moved. Damn interesting and mesmerizing... but disturbing.
Likes/wants kids in the future
Truth me told, I love kids. Always have and always wanted many. To the point where I'm more interested in having kids than a wife. Because the law always gives custody over to single mothers, rather than the father, if I want kids, I need to find a woman I'll be willing to stay with (like this ideal girl I'm describing!).
Able to be mature and stupid!
Intelligence and maturity go a long way, but on their own can be boring. My ideal girl will not only be mature when necessary, but is also a kid at heart and can act like a complete idiot at times too, just letting loose and having fun for no particular reason ^^
Misaki_Chi wrote...
Likes to keep in shape/healthy (I work out so, it'd be nice if my dream guy did too)
Has wit and can hold a conversation
Is finanically stable
Wants to have a future (marriage/kids 2-3)
Accepting of my hobbies and qwirks
Willing to try anything once

I'm not picky on eye or hair color, though I do like guys with blue eyes

Dream guy results:
Red: no
Green: yes
Blue: still pending

I just realized that I made this thing a while back and looking at my desires for what I want in a man, I am actually pretty happy that I haven't changed all that much within the past couple of years. Even though I didn't get all of the things on here, doesn't matter and I feel I've ended up with a pretty great guy. (^///^)
  • I would want a guy not to much taller than me 5'8-6'0 I suppose

  • Doesn't need to be 6-pack fit, but takes care of body somewhat

  • Smart person who I can have decent conversations and healthy arguments

  • Has an interest in anime and video games outside of just FPS

  • Likes to cuddle but knows when to turn it on in the bedroom

  • Like hockey and maybe a few other sports

  • Open minded

  • Has a good steady career....

hmmm not sure what else
Fun and Outgoing, but can understand when i'm feeling shy and a bit reserved.
Has goals and aspirations of his own and doesn't mind supporting me with mine.
He should be kinky like me or kinkier than me.
I'd like him to be a bit of a hopeless romantic.

Taller than me. (5'2)
I like guys of races other than mine (I'm Black.)
I'm fond of long hair, gingers, guys with alternative styles.
Goth and Metalhead guys are cool too.

I'd like him to be into arts, viking metal, and anime.
Pretty much non-existent so far but a girl can dream!
mm. I guess I'd prefer to be with a girl who's also asian, but I don't really care that much.

A good start would be someone who doesn't cheat on me again I guess? I think the best mates are ones that aren't just your girlfriend, but your friend as well. So videogames, anime/manga, bad sense of humor and loves fish. Enjoys just laying in bed, watching movies, eating. I really like window shopping and walking, so I guess that would be cool if she'd like to walk a lot.

I guess I prefer shorter girls as well, and not to sound picky, but I don't really like large, large chests at all, but like, I guess it doesn't really matter if they accept me for who I am, then I should give them the benefit as well.

I guess it's more about the feel of a relationship instead of describing what I would like. It's not like I should be able to grab a mail order girl or something.
i have never thought about it so i started to think now, i like blue shiny eyes but its not MUST. about hair color i think that black or red hair is beautiful and perfect length would be long from back and shorter from front. Boobs size doesnt really matter, i like small and big boobs, but height matters. i like smaller women, i dont know really why.

she would be smart and like to play table top/computer games with me and wouldnt look down upon my eroge gaming and hentai (most likely the hardest part, i have yet to find a single human being outside of internet whose okay with my eroges and hentai) she would also like to cook and clean. also she isnt afraid of tight places because when imove out of my parents house iam going to move to little tiny house in the middle of city because i would love it (right now ilive in the middle of no where in a big houe with too much room)

the dream girls personality would be..... i dont know, she would like to be dominative but also be dominated (i like to be at the both ends), she would also be protective and would like to cuddle and hug (people dont know how much i need it). i also wouldnt mind if she were little perv.

in all reality i propably will never meet this dream girl and iam more on the feelings and romance so in the end the personality and looks of the girl i (hopefully) marry someday can be completely different.

i cant come up with any more but i will propably think this for next few weeks and maybe write more then
I have no personal preference. Just someone who accepts me.
I guess thick and curvy. I have a thing for petite women. 5'5 and below.
Hm I haven't really put a lot of thought into this. I just want to spend life great moments with a woman who has a great personality.
I like tiny women myself as well. I'm 5'7 so I'm not that big or anything either. 5'0 and petite is the perfect ideal for me, from there it's just bonus points. Basically 10 times out of 10 I think women of this profile are beautiful and always look good, so I won't be picky beyond that.

I do like girls who are well... girls, feminine, if that makes sense. They take care of themselves, dress cute, have some kind of fashion sense and style. I enjoy taking care of myself and would want them to do the same. But it doesn't have to be extreme, don't get me wrong. A girl in jeans, flats, and a cool t-shirt is awesome to me.

Personality, fun, supportive, open and honest, organized, loving... eh cliche' stuff. I'm a nice guy* and want a nice girl. Simply put.

*Nice guys don't finish last, BORING guys do. ;)
Looks don't really matter because im game for any girl as long as she's pretty. Although i do have a thing for shy looking girls. Also a decent chest is something i wouldn't mind. She should have soft hair that smells nice.
What i mainly want:
She should have a job that pay's good
She should be independent and able to fend for herself (i don't want to carry the both of us alone)
Willing to have kids (up to 2)
Likes anime, science fiction and plays vidya games
Willing to try new things
Respect for my beliefs and hobbies
Caring mother
She likes to go to stuff like comicons and cosplay
Responsible but not really uptight
A good personality
Skinny (but not too skinny filled out enough that she's soft)

Looks fade what's important is what's inside (but i do want someone who looks good)
This isn't too much to ask is it?
[size=10]A guy with Doublelift's mechanics. [/h]
Monster Girl
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