Dream girl/guy

Ok so what would be your ideal dream girl/guy? Not based on an anime character, rather on personality and your taste in looks.

Mines would be a lite skinned girl, slim body size, with brown eyes. College educated, good job, likes to have fun, loves anime and video games. Wants kids preferably 2. And B cup.

But also someone I can have an intellectual argument with for fun. And it wouldn't hurt if see was into Wushu.
Likes to keep in shape/healthy (I work out so, it'd be nice if my dream guy did too)
Has wit and can hold a conversation
Is finanically stable
Wants to have a future (marriage/kids 2-3)
Accepting of my hobbies and qwirks
Willing to try anything once

I'm not picky on eye or hair color, though I do like guys with blue eyes
Wow. This is a tough one. To be specific: flat chested, college educated, with long black hair. Like down to her knees long.
Light skin. God I love it when shy girls have light skin. Makes me want to squeeze them.

Hopefully someone I could talk to and have a real conversation with. It's difficult to find someone with my interests in real life that is actually considerate. She has to like Manga and children are a maybe. I've always wanted children though.
my dream girl needs orange eyes and short black hair. Her height has to be to my chin minimum.
ragethis wrote...
my dream girl needs orange eyes and short black hair. Her height has to be to my chin minimum.

orange eyes? So she has to wear contacts or more like amber or something?
Hey ragethis, there is no girl born with orange eyes. Stop bringing your personal fantasies into the real world.

Height-wise, I can live with her being slightly taller than me, but not like a friggin' foot or something.

Long hair. Absolute must for me.

Stays in shape. I myself am a little out of it, but I've been putting more emphasis on it so I can join OTS after college. So someone who exercises regularly and wouldn't mind doing it together would be nice.

Appreciates music. I would love someone that not only listens to music, but full out enjoys it and practices an instrument from time to time.

Doesn't always appreciate my teasing. I like to tease people, girls especially, but I find it way more attractive in a girl when she doesn't like it. Makes it seem more worthwhile.

And, uh, a decent bust never hurt anyone, yea?

That's pretty much it. Oh, and someone who's edumacated. I'm all for ditzy people, but they got to have some smarts.
rondwhud wrote...
ragethis wrote...
my dream girl needs orange eyes and short black hair. Her height has to be to my chin minimum.

orange eyes? So she has to wear contacts or more like amber or something?

something like amber is nice to but i like orange better. besides its a dream girl it dose not mean so parts have to be correct with reality :3
ragethis wrote...
rondwhud wrote...
ragethis wrote...
my dream girl needs orange eyes and short black hair. Her height has to be to my chin minimum.

orange eyes? So she has to wear contacts or more like amber or something?

something like amber is nice to but i like orange better. besides its a dream girl it dose not mean so parts have to be correct with reality :3

Well ok I guess I'll give you take, although when I made the topic I did mean that could actually exist.
I already found him.

I'm not shitting you. When I was younger I compiled a list in my mind of the things I wanted most in a person.

He crosses all the items off, and with bonuses.
ようこ ほたる wrote...
i got my dream guy ... sorry

Lollikittie wrote...
I already found him.

I'm not shitting you. When I was younger I compiled a list in my mind of the things I wanted most in a person.

He crosses all the items off, and with bonuses.

Well congratulations to the both of you. :)
My ideal girl... hmmm... let me ponder this for a second...

Height, shorter than me (at 191cm, 6'3", that's not hard). In shape, relative to what's possible for people her, genetics do play a role after all. No plastic surgery outside of necessary procedures (nothing purely cosmetic). Short hair is always nice, glasses are sexy to me so preferably wearing glasses. Brown eyes aren't a disqualifier, but other colors, specifically green, catch my fancy. Preferably a "b" or "c" cup, but over or under really doesn't matter. That ought to do it for a physical description.

Personality wise my dream girl would be intelligent, sarcastic, cold and removed when a situation necessitates it and warm at the right moments. Philosophical, idealistic, contrasts my opinions and challenges me. Liking anime and manga would be a definite plus. Sharp wit, short tempered (but level headed in serious situations), playful, competitive and places more importance on love than sex.
Sweet, innocent, but likes to have fun. 5-5'5'' in height, and likely slender (or a bit less than average for her height) Long hair (brown/black generally) Likes music and would be willing to get involved. Someone who can be a best friend, and not just a lover. Blue and green heterochromia.
Caucasian, light-skinned
Brunette or red (like actual red, not ginger) shoulder-length hair or longer, bangs would be nice
Blue or green eyes
Intelligent, cute
A sense of humor
Has a non-generic taste in music (as in, they don't listen to Top 20 pop hits all the time)
Small breasts (probably somewhere around a B-cup, I guess?)
Slim, but healthy, not anorexic
Would be into marriage at some point, and max. 3 kids

Actually, my avatar is pretty close to my description. It's exactly like my description, now that I've colored it.
Appearance: My height or taller, short dark hair.
Personality: Someone kind, funny, interesting, and willing to except me for who I am. (And being adventurous wouldn't hurt.)
My dream guy would be a real life hisoka(hunterxhunter) or nakago(fushiigi yuugi).
Damoz ~Not A User~
Short, green eyes, black hair..... that aside.

Mildly intelligent
Able to cook non-instant food
Mentally stable (as in NOT FUCKING INSANE)
Accepts me to be who i am

nufff said, i don't really want much else besides finding a girl like that seems highly unlikely....
Slightly taller than me, if not the same height.
Green eyes (or heterochromatic).
Intelligent, with a good appreciation of science, Monty Python's Flying Circus, and the Internet.
Darker skin.
Very long, unconventionally colored hair (like cobalt blue).
Good musical talent and appreciation.
Smaller, but perky, breasts and butt.
A tiny bit tsundere.
Slim, but not supermodel-thin, because that's really unhealthy.
Monster Girl
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