Female Entitlement in Social Interactions

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I went out with my boyfriend and some of his friends last night. We were all having a good time until the end of the night. One of my bf's friend wanted to find a girl and I couldn't understand why it was so hard. He told me that one big issue is that some of the women will pretty much tell you to f*ck off if you even try to approach them.

I decided to try and wingman for him... I've done this for guys before. I'm also from an area where it's not too impossible to meet and mingle. I couldn't believe it when even I got the f*ck off from as many girls as I did in one night!

My bf told me that this was very common in his area. For some reason the women felt entitled to act this way with men and that a big reason is the ratio of men to women (10 men for every 1 woman).

I always talk about being confident, but with a situation like this, it can be difficult since the motto of the night was "and no shits were given". I found it to be shitty myself that you don't even say a single syllable and you get the middle finger from nearly every girl :(

My question to you guys is how do you feel about this? Have you (or anyone) ever experienced this? What do you think causes this?
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
As a guy with absolutely no experience whatsoever of any kind in real life, shit like that would discourage me hard, and repeats would probably discourage me from trying to date anyone from there. I've never met anyone who's so... hostile to being interacted with, even if it's just for a chat. As for the third question, no idea as to why that could be. Hell, I don't even get why so many guys being there can relate to girls being like this.
As a man of a decent size of experience and logical thinking it wouldn't discourage me too hard but I do understand if it discouraged people like Artcellrox that has zero experience, it's a pretty big thing to just be given the "Fuck you" without saying anything.

What I think causes this is as you said the huge man to woman ratio, it being 10 guys to 1 woman means these women have such a large chance of getting hit on and it probably happens a lot too which just makes them tired of it. Imagine if you had 10 guys hit on you every time you went out for a drink, every night. After a while it's not something you would take lightly but I do believe that there are still some women that aren't like that even in such an enviroment so you really just have to look, look hard.

I think it might also just be a cause of following the herd and/or just thinking that because they get hit on by 5 assholes, the other 5 must be too so they just instantly give them a "Fuck off".

It has never happened to me but I do believe that there are many things that count into this but that's just my 2 cent.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
They either get hit on a lot due to it being a sausagefest and they get pissed off by it, or they're just out for a good night with friends and don't want to be disturbed. Not every girl goes clubbing because they're gagging for it.

They could just be bitches though.
Eh, it's fairly normal. If they aren't interested in milking you of drinks, and aren't interested in you, they will just tell you to fuck off straight off the bat, to save any trouble. Probably a good thing, cause in most cases, sounds like they are shallow anyway, so no real loss.
Although, it's seriously hard to pick up in clubs these days. If any girls go into clubs to pick up, it's for a one night stand. if the sex is good enough, they may stay with them. Or at least, that's what I've been told by a few of the girls that do that at work.

If you pick up at a club and expect a life partner, you're going to have a bad time
Some girls are just bitches, ive learned to accept that
I don't associate with such individuals as the ones you have described, and have not experienced such a phenomena myself.

It's likely though, that it's frustrating. To be casually hit on, consistently, all night, in the span of seconds. I'd imagine it'd get tiring.

It may not be a question of entitlement and just exhaustion.
They can do whatever they want. Well, he already told you about what's going to happen anyway. -_- Find a girl from a different area then.
We seem to have evolved past basic mating rules but the principle is still there. If, as you say, there is a ratio of ten men for every one woman, then the women have more to choose from and greater chances to successfully meet their choice. If you find yourself in a room filled with food, you'll probably only eat when you see the thing you like most and you will keep an empty stomach until you do. Almost any nature show will reveal the exact same thing in most mating patterns. While we aren't exactly wild animals, I think the this principle still applies only the females are always favored for obvious reasons.

So, they kind of have a point. They could be nicer about it though. «Sorry but I'm not interested ought to work» Unless they are approached quite often which gets annoying.

My last objection is that if you were running around with your friend hitting on every girl there, they might be quite put off by it. That doesn't excuse the very first «fuck off» but still...
And that's why he shouldn't give a shit. The act of getting digits is a battle. You can't slay every maiden. I dated a lot of people. I find the act of not caring for it to work for me. That and i can talk to people without a sexual overtone needed. Small talk in such. Then get more sexual in nature. Even with that it's a 6:1 no to backs on mattress. Also DON'T BUY THEM DRINK UNTIL THEY AT LEAST RESPOND POSITIVITY. Most of them are drink sluts and will never talk to a normal man. Good question to ask if they know how much a beer or glass of vodka is.

Lollikittie wrote...
I don't associate with such individuals as the ones you have described, and have not experienced such a phenomena myself.

It's likely though, that it's frustrating. To be casually hit on, consistently, all night, in the span of seconds. I'd imagine it'd get tiring.

It may not be a question of entitlement and just exhaustion.


I also have not been in such a situation. Although it's probably tiring/exhausting as hell, I'm sure they're smart enough to know that particular bar's atmosphere and should be able to handle themselves in a more mature manner than "fuck off".
With a guy-girl ratio of 10 to 1, where do you live, Alaska?
Winged-Fapper wrote...
With a guy-girl ratio of 10 to 1, where do you live, Alaska?

I was on vacation with my bf who's from Maryland and we went out with friends somewhere (I have no idea were since I was pretty hammered when we got to wherever we were lol). I'm from down south were there is a lot more girls then guys. The ratio I gave isn't to be 100% accurate, it was just to state that there were a heck of a lot more guys then girls.

OT: Thanks for all of the comments guys, I talked with my bf's friend some more and it helped him quite a bit!
rofl, wow... No one HAS to speak with someone who tries to flirt with them.

Your friend is really the one who's acting entitled to ALL those he flirts with, really. No woman/man has to give someone their precious time and energy if they find said individual annoying.
Gravity cat wrote...
They either get hit on a lot due to it being a sausagefest and they get pissed off by it, or they're just out for a good night with friends and don't want to be disturbed. Not every girl goes clubbing because they're gagging for it.

They could just be bitches though.

summed it up to me.
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
gizgal wrote...
rofl, wow... No one HAS to speak with someone who tries to flirt with them.

Your friend is really the one who's acting entitled to ALL those he flirts with, really. No woman/man has to give someone their precious time and energy if they find said individual annoying.

Yeah, but if it happens CONSTANTLY?
artcellrox wrote...
gizgal wrote...
rofl, wow... No one HAS to speak with someone who tries to flirt with them.

Your friend is really the one who's acting entitled to ALL those he flirts with, really. No woman/man has to give someone their precious time and energy if they find said individual annoying.

Yeah, but if it happens CONSTANTLY?

Then it happens constantly. Perhaps these people need to look inward for fault, rather than on everyone else?
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
gizgal wrote...
artcellrox wrote...
gizgal wrote...
rofl, wow... No one HAS to speak with someone who tries to flirt with them.

Your friend is really the one who's acting entitled to ALL those he flirts with, really. No woman/man has to give someone their precious time and energy if they find said individual annoying.

Yeah, but if it happens CONSTANTLY?

Then it happens constantly. Perhaps these people need to look inward for fault, rather than on everyone else?

... what, the girls they're trying to talk just can't be rude in general?
artcellrox wrote...
gizgal wrote...
artcellrox wrote...
gizgal wrote...
rofl, wow... No one HAS to speak with someone who tries to flirt with them.

Your friend is really the one who's acting entitled to ALL those he flirts with, really. No woman/man has to give someone their precious time and energy if they find said individual annoying.

Yeah, but if it happens CONSTANTLY?

Then it happens constantly. Perhaps these people need to look inward for fault, rather than on everyone else?

... what, the girls they're trying to talk just can't be rude in general?

They most certainly could be, yes. But I always find that before making gross generalizations about large groups based on one's interactions with them, it's better to look at oneself for potential faults.
I really don't think it matters....
For every 100 "fuck offs" if he gets one "hello ;)" back, then it all works out.
tl;dr he doesn't need a wingman, he needs some confidence
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