Haru's graphics shop: Open

Welcome in
I'm a Sig maker ladies and gentleman, my work tool is my computer (obviously) and Photoshop CS3.
If you have requests ask here or send me a PM.

Use this module to make a request

Type of work: Specify the type of the work you want. Signature, avatar, icon or set(avatar + sign)
Size of the work: Es. 380x130
Pics to use: Link a picture you would like me to use or insert name of a character
Text to add (if you want it): "Type text you want in"

[color=#9D0A0A]Current Status: not available[/color]

[color=green]Showdown [size=10](some of my works)[/h][/color]

Forum Image: http://i586.photobucket.com/albums/ss306/sunnyral/guitC-Usign.png

Forum Image: http://i586.photobucket.com/albums/ss306/sunnyral/blackrockshootersign.png

Forum Image: http://i586.photobucket.com/albums/ss306/sunnyral/sfidasng.png

Forum Image: http://i586.photobucket.com/albums/ss306/sunnyral/br-ddmstrsign.png

Forum Image: http://i586.photobucket.com/albums/ss306/sunnyral/dwgrin.png

Forum Image: http://i586.photobucket.com/albums/ss306/sunnyral/brdsign.png

Forum Image: http://i586.photobucket.com/albums/ss306/sunnyral/snaesigntural.png

[color=blue]Latest work[/color]

Forum Image: http://i586.photobucket.com/albums/ss306/sunnyral/mkappsig.png

Tegumi "im always cute"
Why did you remake? Did the old one bug?
Amazing as always
Tegumi wrote...
Why did you remake? Did the old one bug?

Was canceled due to the that problem happened in February
I admire your works haruchan, I really like the way you make those sigs.
and I would like to book a sig for me! I'll give the details in pm later, after deciding. ^_^
I approve of this 1000%
Could you explain how you make your backgrounds? I like they way the look, it's very slick.
Displaying public gratitude :D

I actually ended up with four awesome sigs, which I will be attempting to use simultaneously as soon as I get home.
Thank you so much for the sig Harune! Thanks you so much! I'm sorry for all the troubles on modification, i didn't meant to bother you too much. Your efforts is very much appreciated!
I added your name to my sig! i hope you don't mind it.
[font=Times New Roman]you have some really great sigs Harune
the work you do is really great some of the best i've seen [/font]
SurvivorType wrote...
Could you explain how you make your backgrounds? I like they way the look, it's very slick.

For doing my background i usually begin using the smudge tool on the starting pic
once i've done, i sharpen, copy and transform it, by using "Free transformation"
(by flip it upside down for example)
Then i add C4d, texture and sometimes brushes.
Hope it did help, if not Pm me so i can be more specific

@ Doswillrule
glad you like it :D

@ vaLentine
You're welcome and no problem ^^

and thank you too Azylsagara

Just found some of my old works today
i have fix it a bit


Forum Image: http://i586.photobucket.com/albums/ss306/sunnyral/ryusign.png

Forum Image: http://i586.photobucket.com/albums/ss306/sunnyral/conquissign.png

Forum Image: http://i586.photobucket.com/albums/ss306/sunnyral/aegisigngif.gif

Static ver. with no text
Forum Image: http://i586.photobucket.com/albums/ss306/sunnyral/aegisignstatic.png

Forum Image: http://i586.photobucket.com/albums/ss306/sunnyral/Persona4sign.png

I'm very proud of the last one...
Ah! that Aegis sig!

and thanks again for my sig, Harune!
Harune, I just saw your beautiful gallery recently, and I would like to asking a request if you don't mind.

Pic :
Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/431560-N9B9EJX.jpg

Text : Yuuka Kazami, The Oriental Sunflower beauty
Size : Preferably (width)375 x (height)175
Theme : Flowers.

Hope I didn't asking too much, hehe.
absolutely not

Forum Image: http://i586.photobucket.com/albums/ss306/sunnyral/yuukasign.png

ask for any changes.
Harune wrote...
SurvivorType wrote...
Could you explain how you make your backgrounds? I like they way the look, it's very slick.

For doing my background i usually begin using the smudge tool on the starting pic
once i've done, i sharpen, copy and transform it, by using "Free transformation"
(by flip it upside down for example)
Then i add C4d, texture and sometimes brushes.
Hope it did help, if not Pm me so i can be more specific

No, I get it. Thanks for that, I'll have to try it out and see what I can do with it.
Harune wrote...

ask for any changes.

Wow, it's very sweet.
But if you don't mind, I'd like to request for further modifications on its text,

"Kazami Yuuka" -> Font : Scriptina pro, letter spacing : 5, size : 22.

[lowercase]"oriental sunflower beauty" -> Font : Segoe Print, letter spacing : 0, size : 12.

Thank you :)

add only a new one, for now

Forum Image: http://i586.photobucket.com/albums/ss306/sunnyral/hollowichigosign.png
preettyyy goooddd, should work on your text though its kindve basic and ruins the sigs :( bring them closer to the focal point.
It 's been a month from the last update
Here's something new

Forum Image: http://i586.photobucket.com/albums/ss306/sunnyral/revy_sign.png

Forum Image: http://i586.photobucket.com/albums/ss306/sunnyral/hatsunemiku-sign_blue.png

Forum Image: http://i586.photobucket.com/albums/ss306/sunnyral/nagatosign.png

Forum Image: http://i586.photobucket.com/albums/ss306/sunnyral/headphone_n6.png

same, without text

Forum Image: http://i586.photobucket.com/albums/ss306/sunnyral/headphone_n6notxt.png
amazing Harune, you're so much better than me
Monster Girl
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