How do guys feel about free downloading vs paying

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Aside from free downloading being free,if you prefer free downloads what made you prefer downloading from sites rather than buying from online stores such as iTunes? Is is easier or that some online stores charge too much.
I torrent must of my stuff, I really hate iTunes when it comes to variety, torrent may have some viruses, but I pick it over iTunes, as iTunes has a small selection and not enough variety of products.
Ashamed as I am to admit it I prefer downloading. Reason? Because I hate paying for stuff that isn't worth all that money, especially when we are in a huge economic recession. As far as ROMs and emulators I think it's fair because you don't pay for the game but you don't get all the features either. So that is my say to the thing.
I am a F2 DL myself. I could pay but then the PC crashes losing all saved items.
Thats my view on the matter.
I tend to download but if I genuinely like it I consider buying later.
I buy things I can't download or that I like so much I wish to show some form of support to the developer.
Well in my opinion, majority of the people are for free downloading, but then again, some people really do pay for what they get out of support and total devotion for the product they are buying.

Either way, free downloading is always better than buying it anyway, its fast easy and free. But you cant argue, that buying your product has its perks.
Consumer sovereignty. I will support who I feel deserves supporting. In terms of hentai stuff though, I just use Fakku, but to support the anime industry in general I will try and buy soundtracks to animes that I really enjoyed. The only really expensive anime-related item I bought would be all 21 volumes of NANA for about $165. Worth every cent.
gestaltandreplicant wrote...
Consumer sovereignty. I will support who I feel deserves supporting. In terms of hentai stuff though, I just use Fakku, but to support the anime industry in general I will try and buy soundtracks to animes that I really enjoyed. The only really expensive anime-related item I bought would be all 21 volumes of NANA for about $165. Worth every cent.

Exacly what i'm doign too .

Do you imagine how much i would have had to pay if i paid for all the animes i watched ? Seriously it doesn't change anything if i download it , i wouldn't have paid for it in the end .

Seriously just put decent prices on your products and a lot of people will stop downloading .
I don't download unless it's something I've paid for (freeware being an exception). And like 90% of this stuff is from iTunes. I don't care about what anti-Apple folks have to say 'cause there's a selection of useful Apps that I'm glad I paid for and own. I used to not care and download everything from music to movies to visual novels all the time, but I felt like something was missing. I wanted a genuine collection of my own that I paid for and had rights to use. There's a sense of accomplishment there that reminds me of old times. That's just how I feel.
Vivaldiren wrote...
I buy things I can't download ...

Like dildos.
guammastermind671 Da RL Lurker at FAKKU the rules about SD before you post dude...or you'll face Tegumi's wrath -_- So yeah reported :\
In general, the stuff I download is what I would buy but for whatever reason is not available to buy.
When it comes to music i download it, but for some movies i will buy them and some games as well. It all depends on age, if the movie is really old i will probably download it.
If I can't buy it in my country, I'll download it.
devsonfire 3,000,000th Poster
Seriously, I wouldn't mind paying for downloading stuff as long as the quality is worth it.
Like $1.50 for each episode of anime, I mean, it's worth it as long as the quality is the best I can get.
I've heard from someone that they bought musics from iTunes, but ended up torrenting them because the quality is much better.
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y

You see that? $1 USD translates to more than 80 BDT. Add to the fact that most of Bangladesh is already in poverty, and you have some pretty big reasons. Believe me, I'd buy legit more these days, now that I'm studying in the States, but back then, download was pretty much the ONLY way I could get most things.
Why paid for mediocre shit.
I used to pirate lots of games, but now I just buy them on steam, I hate having to do complicated stuff when torrenting a PC game, plus with steam's sales you can't beat their bargains
I download stuff as 'trials' and either immediately buy it if I like it or delete it if I don't.

I also download stuff I've already paid for, but somehow lost along the way.
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