How do you deal with negative emotion?

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Music, watching funny videos or jacking my thing.
I just let it build up inside me until it goes away.
Throwing rocks is my best bet on this.
When I know that something bad will ruin my mood, before it happens I usually calm myself and be emotionally read for it. That way, the blow won't be as hard. First, I keep thinking about it and thinking of the bad stuff and what will happen. When I finish, I'll just go, "Whatever. At least..." that's when I start looking at the good side of things. (: Bad things happen, but it's usually my own fault. It's like telling myself, "It couldn't get any worse..." but in a different way. I tell myself that I should have done better on this test or I shouldn't have done it, but what's done is done. I have to embrace what has happened and make the best of it. I can't let something like that ruin my day!
Room101 Waifu Collector
I throw stuff around.

Basically, Imagine a FFFFFFFF- rage moment, then you slam your hand on the table and sweep away every unfortunate thing that gets in your way.

I also throw my anti-stress ball, though I'm concerned that I'll eventually break a window with it.

I originally tended to take it out on pencils and pens, but after I snapped one of those ink ball pens and nearly re-coloring my room I stopped doing that.

Arguably though, me taking it out violently is also a sign I'm not dealing with it, which is a problem in itself.
Damoz ~Not A User~
I tend to just take myself away from the conflict, light a cigarette and find some music on my ipod.... i usually calm down after a few minutes.
- I hang out with my close buds
- Games
- Music

These things never fail me.
iMuse Kuroneko is mine
Either throw something or Punch my door which somehow i managed to break it off its hinges true story.
Hanasaku i should just die
Biting shirts and/or shouting in pillows.
Fapp fapp fapp.
It really helps me clear my mind.
Data Zero Valkyrie Forces CO
Humming a Levas Polka. Or fragging other players in MP games and showing why our clan is one of the best. NOT THE BEST.
I either drown myself in music or sleep.
Followed by eating a lot lol
I let it out by punching the shit out of a pillow or screaming at it. Feels better when you don't keep everything bottled up inside :)
Watch really funny anime or play a violence video game. It's best to unleash my wrath in my game rather then on people.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
I comfort eat. Really shouldn't, but I love sweet things. Play games OR go for a walk.

Better yet, I go out with friends.
I get straight to the root of the evil as quick as I can and try to resolve the issue if it's possible in any way. I maintain a pretty smooth lifestyle and I intend to keep it that way, no matter how difficult it is. Ironically.

If not that, I like to burn incense and meditate to ambient music.
I deal with it with a can of Mt. Dew, and Call of Duty. I often use it as an outlet for a lot of negative shit. Usually I draw though, but its been MW3 for a bit.
I rant for aome minutes and pop in a good fighter and put it on the easiest difficulty and imagine my opponent is the person I'm pissed at as I totally own the crap out his/her ass,wahahaha take that asshole. >:)
Many different methods serve to alleviate stress or anger. I personally have done a myriad of things, from taking a deep breath and calming down to playing piano or working out to burn off the rage.
I try to convince myself that im acually happy, usually by convincing myself that whatever caused me to become negitive is something pointless/stupid and i should learn from my mistakes, It sounds stupid but i sometimes give myself a peptalk in the mirror, it kinda helps though some people think im crazy...
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