How do you deal with negative emotion?

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I usually try to go out for a run if I can, if not I take a stroll around the park I live next to to clear up my mind.I don't want to cry whenever I'm emotionally distressed so I might even walk around midnight.
Negative emotion eh? That's what video games are for me, to get ride of everything I've built up through the day.

If I'm playing sport games like FIFA I'll yell at the referees cursing them for making stupid decisions (surprisingly I'm calmer watching real sports and real refereeing mistakes). If I'm playing CoD I'll curse the developers for making such a buggy game, curse the campers, curse the internet, etc.

I'm generally calm in person and don't get angry easily, but I save that for video games. Oh and my mic is never on unless I'm playing with friends in which case it's party only chat so I don't annoy people who just want to play and not have people go nuts. :P
I tell myself to stop being a fucking little bitch if it doesn't work we can always use vodka.
Hanging out with friends and beer.
I punch walls. >.>; I've busted open my hand doing that before, but it took the focus off of what was bothering me. It's super effective...
I put on my head set and play music until I calm down or I go to my room and punch the wall or something hard just not breakables.
i get my sister's teddy bear
put on the wall
clench mah fist real hard
punch it as hard as i can
put it back in my sister's room
go watch tv
my sister get in the room
she scream cos of the teddy bear
me hearing the scream
"Ahh~ much better."
Sometimes I sit and think. One time I grabbed a cardboard box and stabbed the hell out of it.
It depends on the source of the emotion. Usually a non-trivial source is something I can't control. Trivial sources include games and several school related things. If its something controllable I will get a good enough handle on it that it won't ever cause negative emotion to begin with.

If its uncontrollable I toss it away without feeling a thing and move on. Although if its strong enough I won't be able to toss it away, in which case I just cry and keep trying to tell myself to move forward until it goes away, but such emotions are very very rare in me.
Sometimes I exercise, do a few push ups to release the stress... others I play video games, fighters mainly. Then again it's not often that this happens.

But the recently I am trying to go face the problem. If it's because of a failed exam, I study more. If I got in a quarrel with a friend or relative, I talk to him/her about it.

but anyways it's not easy for me to get angry or sad, since I live a pretty calm life and all that.
The way I deal with it is I dress up in my most frilly dress, get my highest of high heels out, call up all my girlfriends and go on a major shopping spree. OMG!!! I bought the cutest pair of idon'tgiveaflying@#$% which I think the brand name is IwasactuallykiddingIamaguy Co.

Honestly Step 1. I go on Xbox Live find my friend who sucks at every game out there (even the Lego series)
Step 2. join his party because he screams at people who take his kills/ owns him/ spawn kills him etc.
Step 3. then join
Step 4.???
Step 5. PROFIT!!!
I find the irony in the situation, and if there isn't any (which is rare), I'll think about why I actually feel that way, and if it makes sense. If it doesn't make sense, then I usually drop it. The figuring out the root gives me time to cool of. I guess a short summary of what I do is: I put things in perspective.
I'm a simple dude so really I'll just be like 'shit happens'.
But if it's really over then maybe I would cry shed a manly tear
tswarthog The Iconoclast
I just drop everything at the current time, grab my mountain bike, and let it all out on the trails (or in the winter on the bike trainer).
Kind of Important A ray of Tsunlight.
I don't stay mad for more then a few minutes at most. I'm one of those kinds that have a quick temper, but calm down even faster.

So, sure, I snap at some stupid things now and again, but all is forgiven within a few minutes. I have no idea how to stay angry for long periods of time.
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