How does your body work?

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PumpJack McGee wrote...
Sprite wrote...
Neruku wrote...
Sprite wrote...
I don't sweat.

you'r asian arndt ya?

Yep yep :3

What's that got to do with anything?

I'm Asian and I sweat like a motherfucker. I can't stand heat.

I have no idea...
Sneakyone wrote...
I can make a constant loud cracking sound with my left wrist.

My brother can also do that, but just with his right wrist.

But on my body? I'm double jointed on my thumbs (being able to bend them past 45 degrees backwards). That's about it for me. Nothing too special.
PumpJack McGee wrote...

-I require very little sleep comparatively to most people. Roughly around four hours per night. (Up until last year, it was about 3).

-Not so much something that my body does so much as it is something which it doesn't do- which is die. A quick list.

Fell 3 stories onto pavement
Got blasted by debris from a tornado
Got hit by cars on four occasions
Got kicked in the face by a horse
Got tackled by an angry bull
Got caught on fire
Got whammed in the face by a baseball bat
Had a section of wall collapse onto me
Action movie-level car crash, resulting in my neck being broken in two locations. Doctors didn't pick up on them at first, so I spent two weeks at home until my follow-up, in which the new x-rays showed my neck split in two at a 27 degree angle, in which they put me on the operating table straightaway.

-A result from the last incident stated above, the muscles in my left arm, shoulder, chest, abs, neck, and back are significantly smaller than my right, due to nerve damage (the muscles just won't activate properly, and thus have shrunk due to lack of activity).

-Another result from the crash, the nerves on my scalp seem to have been thrown out of whack; if you were to touch me on my forehead, I'll also feel the sensation on the top of my head- and the same thing occurs as you move further back, as well, right down to my nape. I also have a dead spot on my shoulder where I don't feel anything whatsoever (they tested with needles, scalpels, and temperature).

-When I stretch, my muscles vibrate. A deep, resonating shake. It's practically audible.

Dude holy shit. How are you still alive?

The only thing weird with my body that I can think of is that I have a severe reaction with mosquito bites that can cause huge patches of skin to swell. If I take a shower the bump enlarges to 3 times its size and takes an extra week to die down.
HungLikeAZombie wrote...
Sneakyone wrote...
I can make a constant loud cracking sound with my left wrist.

thats fucking gross...

Same with my right ankle, though. I broke it a few years ago and it now has a metal plate, but the cartilage is shot. The bones grind against the screws and each other.

It's really off-putting to a lot of people. ._.
I puke easily (after crying, if I have a headache, when I'm warm, when I drink or eat, etc.)
And I don't mean, I puke easily when I want to. It just happens and I can't stop it.
But I never get nauseous from shocking images when I'm eating (I can easily watch people eat poop and bugs on fear factor while eating shark fin soup or something, without even thinking about it).

I think that's pretty odd.
Ulzzang wrote...
I puke easily (after crying, if I have a headache, when I'm warm, when I drink or eat, etc.)
And I don't mean, I puke easily when I want to. It just happens and I can't stop it.
But I never get nauseous from shocking images when I'm eating (I can easily watch people eat poop and bugs on fear factor while eating shark fin soup or something, without even thinking about it).

I think that's pretty odd.

Toxic Influence wrote...

I also heal very rapidly, all kinds of things. When I broke my Tibia and Fibula a couple of years ago I healed in about 2 and a half months, the doctor said it would take 4. Cuts and scratches also go away pretty quickly, though I seem to scar easily.

I can crack almost every joint in my body repeatedly, but my ankles are the loudest. They crack with almost every step I take.

I also have very thick skin (metaphorically and physically). I used to get a shot in my arm every day because of a condition, and my mom would always have to stab the needle to get it in. She jokes around and calls it my rhino hide.

Ditto to both. I've also had numerous contusions, breaks, cuts, stabs, etc that should probably have killed me a long time ago.
I can roll my tongue really well, and whistle at the same time. Sounds just like a cricket people say
Sprite wrote...
I don't sweat.

Same, but I'm not Asian. Sometimes it's actually a real bother.
ribbonrebel31 wrote...
Once a month, for about 5 - 7 days, the lining of my uterus is shed...I bleed everywhere and get the most awful cramps and stomach pains... IT'S BEEN HAPPENING EVERYDAY SINCE I WAS 12. WHY. THE BLOOD. THE PAIN. WHY AM I CURSED WITH THIS?!

Because we're women. As such, we are forced to take out said pain on men. Preferably random ones we don't have to see every day. Said process is also a good excuse for us to get away with being in a bad mood. :3
Neruku wrote...
Sneakyone wrote...
I can make a constant loud cracking sound with my left wrist.

I can do that with my right wrist.
I also have dermographismwitch means you can write on my skin with a blunt or sharp object other then a pan and in a few minutes you can read what's written like this

Forum Image:

d-does your skin actually look like that??! O___O

My eyes are sensitive to light, I can see better in the dark, I can see (barely) when most people can't even see a thing, light only makes my eyes hurt and dry

I also have demographism, only to a minimum scale

Fast metabolism: heal fast eat alot, I just can't gain weight no matter how much I eat T_T

Due to my fast metabolism my heart is kinda um... flawd(?) since I have a condition where I can drop dead anytime while excercising (which is something i really enjoy)
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
I can control how long I sleep for.
I always feel really warm, even if I'm in a room that's like 60 degrees I'm just always feeling really, unnaturally warm.
Flaser OCD Hentai Collector
I have 9 incisor teeth (instead 8), I only have 2 wisdom teeth (instead 4). Like a lot of people I have cracking joints, especially my right hand that cracks whenever I make a fist. My kidneys are also connected by a string of tissue on their lower end (but I don't have a horseshoe kidney).
I can pop every joint on my body. My sinuses are almost constantly clogged. I can only sleep on my stomach.
mantisprime1250 wrote...
Neruku wrote...
Sneakyone wrote...
I can make a constant loud cracking sound with my left wrist.

I can do that with my right wrist.
I also have dermographismwitch means you can write on my skin with a blunt or sharp object other then a pan and in a few minutes you can read what's written like this

Forum Image:

d-does your skin actually look like that??! O___O

My eyes are sensitive to light, I can see better in the dark, I can see (barely) when most people can't even see a thing, light only makes my eyes hurt and dry

I also have demographism, only to a minimum scale

Fast metabolism: heal fast eat alot, I just can't gain weight no matter how much I eat T_T

Due to my fast metabolism my heart is kinda um... flawd(?) since I have a condition where I can drop dead anytime while excercising (which is something i really enjoy)

yes, it gets like that for a few minutes and then it gets back to normal. The daily exposed parts like hands and face react less then the covered parts like my back.

uhmm do you have the adam stockes syndrom, or marfan syndrom or what is the heart condition?

PumpJack McGee wrote...

What's that got to do with anything?

I'm Asian and I sweat like a motherfucker. I can't stand heat.

east asians have fewer apocrine sweat glands compared to people of european or african descent.
It takes a long time for me to fall asleep at night (at least 30mins, usually 1h or more), but if I nap/go to sleep during the day or morning, I fall asleep in about 15mins.
I'VE HAD ABOUT 8 SURGERIES FROM 1-12, WHICH ARE:1. Hypospadius repair, 2. Kidney tooken out, 3. mega ureter removed, 4. another Hypospadius repair, 5-7. balloon catheter in me for about 10 days, 8. cant remember. AND to add to all of that, now i need a new kidney because it never got replaced.
Neruku wrote...
Sneakyone wrote...
I can make a constant loud cracking sound with my left wrist.

I can do that with my right wrist.
I also have dermographismwitch means you can write on my skin with a blunt or sharp object other then a pan and in a few minutes you can read what's written like this

Forum Image:
My god I've been baffled why my skin's does that since it appeared a few months ago. To think I'd find the answer on Fakku! I know this is sorta off topic but thanks.
My internal alarm clock is shot. I will almost always wake up in the middle of the night and wake up at 6am despite the fact if I had a lack of sleep that night.
I sweat way too much from doing even the smallest of physical activities, I have this urge to sing in a high pitched voice all the time and I can't breath while descending from certain altitudes which makes it impossible for me to skydive or bungee jump which I really wanna fucking try.
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