How many Visual Novels have you played?

How many Visual Novels have you played?

Total Votes : 7,659
Any recommendations for a good translated one that I can... read too.
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
Not a lot to be honest.
Lets see... ace attorney, 999 doors, and ever17

I actually didn't know that it was the norm to have ero stuff in a vn till I started fate/stay night a few days ago.

EDIT: Wait what am I saying, I forgot MGQ was a visual novel :(
The Phoenix Wright games were pretty funny. I also liked Katawa Shoujo.
leedle leedle leedle
Interesting i enjoyed the polls I thought quite interesting to see
Recently finished Grisaia no Kajitsu way before the anime started

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after that I'm continuing Rewrite stalled this one for a long time now XD

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School days was pretty great. Never did experience the bad endings tho
hmm, let me think...

Monmusu Quest, Dangan Ronpa 1 & 2, Katawa Shojo, Wanko To Kurasou, Clannad. Should be all of them :D

I loved Dangan Ronpa and Monmusu Quest the most. Dangan Ronpa cause I kinda fell in love with Enoshima Junko and Monmusu Quest cause of the great story and the awesome soundtrack of the final fight^^

Oh, and just to mention it. I played Monmusu Quest seriously! Endured the temptation and fought right through 'em all!
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
Trace.K wrote...
Oh, and just to mention it. I played Monmusu Quest seriously! Endured the temptation and fought right through 'em all!

Same here, at least the first time. Losing is easy, it's much more fun to try to finish it with as few losses as you can.
Definitely played a few. My favorite will always be Majikoi though.
became a little traumatized after watching the school days, to be on dramatize my first virtual novel was the school days games then followed by little busters n other big or small name virtual novel.
A virtual novel where you can control your ending is my favorite, but a regular let it flow to the end ones are nice too. Never regret playing any of them at all. :)
I haven't played enough visual novels, but some are a little tricky to run...
i have played most the stuff from mangagamer from overdrive but my fav would have to be kira kira or deardrops
not exactly played, more like "click click click, echi scene, fap fap fap, click click click"
Katawa shojo, piece of wonder, Do you like horny bunnies, tsukihime.
Those are my favorites
Very hard to choose, I played the one that was most recommend to me by a few friends on Skype, Katawa Shoujo. Very good VN, loved Emi's & Hanako's Route. A few of SonoHan, skimmed them mostly. Shinigami no Kiss wa Wakere no Aji, was another I played, loved the Imouto Route and the Shinigami's Route, been a while since I played it, so I forgot the names. Most of all, I can't lie, Hoshizora no Memoria! I must admit, I cried with all Routes. Must be due to the fact that I have a sensile heart, but I loved only three, Asuho, Chinami & most best of all, Mare's Route.<3
Yoshiookami wrote...
Anyone have any good suggestions and possible DL for eroges? Looking to play some new ones ^^

For any Translated Vn in english :

They have everything here, pur eroge without any story (hello softhouse seal : D) , eroge with lot of gamelay (rance, eushully games, etc...) or normal VN (Umineko, higurashi , EVER17, etc...).
Ahh~ I remember the time I played Saya no Uta on my PSP~ Left me crying ;_;
Even though it didn't have H-Scenes with the English patch, and the English patch doesn't have the Ecstasy routes translated, by far my favorite was Little Busters! I cried at least 5 different routes. The last route was particularly touching and inspiring.

Katawa Shoujo was excellent.
Hinata Bokko (spelling?) was my first and is a great classic.
If you count it, Sengoku Rance is awesome? I am hesitant to count it though.
Monster Girl
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