Imagine this situation...

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Imagine yourself as soldier returning home after 5 years of service abroad. After risking life and limb for your country, you came back safely. But when you arrived at home, your family said your fiancee has married another man, who is better than you (for example better job, looks etc). Someday later, you met accidentally in a local bar with her husband and she says "im sorry.We were just not meant to be".

How would you feel? ( you're a front line soldier who rarely calls home and writes only letters).
I'd be mad as fuck.
aziziahnaf wrote...
Imagine yourself as soldier returning home after 5 years of service abroad. After risking life and limb for your country, you came back safely. But when you arrived at home, your family said your fiancee has married another man, who is better than you (for example better job, looks etc). Someday later, you met accidentally in a local bar with her husband and she says "im sorry.We were just not meant to be".

How would you feel? ( you're a front line soldier who rarely calls home and writes only letters).

This happened to you or a friend? Just curious of your reasons for asking this.

At any rate, normally anyone, even I, would obviously be pissed off, throw a bar fight and such. Venting out your anger onto someone isn't gonna help, even if they're somewhat related to your shock/problem/situation.

Even so, what can you do about it? For 5 fucking years, the soldier has been away, serving his country, while her fiancee was alone, stuck to deal with endless worries, doubts, sorrow without the soldier by her side. Some women gets alone REALLY EASILY, always constantly needing love, affections, and support.

If there is a soldier that can just accept the fact that he's okay with it, my god, I give him big props,for just bottling it up, accepting it and wish them the best of luck.

But yea, any one would be pissed off and throw a bar fight.

This is all my opinion.
It happen to one of my friend. Yeah, he was mad like hell. I just dont know what to tell him in this kind of situation.He's like a brother to me, so don't want him to be depressed and all that.
Ofcourse I'd be mad...
but I won't start a bar fight or something(unless I'm reaaaaally drunk)....
I'd just say fuck off and she is a B-I-T-C-H...
that's one of the reason why I gave up on love in the real world, cause most of thewomen population these days are just bitches that never take a girl seriously, no offense..
It's based on my 20 chronological experiences anyway...
I'd hit the bitch. She didn't even have the decency to mail the guy to let him in on it.

Way to welcome back a soldier from risking his life for her sorry ass!

I bet she had it all planned out even before he left for war.
Hopefully by now I should've realized that life is quite the bitch. I mean, I just came from a war were people die for defending their personal beliefs regardless of right or wrong. I have seen how far human intelligence and spiritualism can go. Why would I care about a women who did not love me. It is sad nonetheless, but maybe just maybe there is a better women for me out there.
damn, thats a shame. I'd be pretty mad at the woman if it were me. But you know what, there's plenty of fish in the sea. get over her and find a better girl is what i'd do and then I'd show it off at the bitch
rocker154 wrote...
Ofcourse I'd be mad...
but I won't start a bar fight or something(unless I'm reaaaaally drunk)....
I'd just say fuck off and she is a B-I-T-C-H...
that's one of the reason why I gave up on love in the real world, cause most of thewomen population these days are just bitches that never take a girl seriously, no offense..
It's based on my 20 chronological experiences anyway...

My friend was about start a bar fight.Me and my buddies had to hold him back. He's pretty upset about it,even now. About woman, well some of them are not 'very nice'. Not all women are like that though.
that is true, there is bound to be a good, well mannered girl that your friend can find. They're usually where you least expect them to be. Good luck for your friend, It's a shame to see when a hero comes back to bad news like this
Keirova_47 wrote...
that is true, there is bound to be a good, well mannered girl that your friend can find. They're usually where you least expect them to be. Good luck for your friend, It's a shame to see when a hero comes back to bad news like this

yeah thanks man. Maybe i'll tell him to move on.I'm sure there are a lot girls out there that deserve a man like him.
the problem is that this isn't as rare as people would like it to be, there are many cases just like this when a soldier's girl becomes unfaithful because of their long distance relationship. I get quite pissed off at the women sometimes but what are you going to do right? no point wasting anymore time on someone like that.
Five years without communication with her, or his family? Nobody is going to wait five years in this day and age without even a letter.
there are some girls who can't even get through with only letters and webchats
Your friend might have come back from a noble cause, but she needed more and she had to go for what she wanted. No one is to blame in this situation...I would never expect a girl to wait 5 years for me, that's just asking for a huge burn.

HOWEVER, I would've thrown my drink in her face and made her buy me a new one. "im sorry.We were just not meant to be"??? That pity is selfish and it's just fucking insulting.

He needs to move on, if anything he should be going nuts and enjoying life to the fullest after that 5 year 'trip'. Don't let the memory of some girl get in the way of that. It's too insignificant to be a bother.
Well maybe its his fault that he rarely calls her. Then again, he's in a battlefield, so calling her all the time might be asking too much. Yeah I'll remind him to enjoy his life to the fullest now, forget about that damn girl. His family said it didn't bother them much. He got back safe and sound, and that was good enough for them.
He should've broken up with her or did he not know he will be gone for that long and that girl should've sent a dear john...
aziziahnaf wrote...
Imagine yourself as soldier returning home after 5 years of service abroad. After risking life and limb for your country, you came back safely. But when you arrived at home, your family said your fiancee has married another man, who is better than you (for example better job, looks etc). Someday later, you met accidentally in a local bar with her husband and she says "im sorry.We were just not meant to be".

How would you feel? ( you're a front line soldier who rarely calls home and writes only letters).

Slightly off-topic but sounds like the basis for a great rape/NTR doujin. Just saying.

More seriously though sounds like a slightly messed up situation. However, if you she married another man purely based on some arbitrary definition of 'better than you' (particularly things like looks and jobs)then she probably didn't love you that much anyway. I personally have low self-esteem so if this happened to me I had probably think I deserved it even if it isn't. But a statement like 'I'm sorry we were just not meant to be' will piss me off a lot.

Apologies for the irrelevance:

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I think she has the right to do what's best for her life, if she fell in love with the other guy and was happier, it doesn't matter that your friend risked his ass for oil.
He did not only risk his physical life by going there, did he thought that as long as he would come back alive, everything would be fine?
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