Important Quotes

[10:50:35 AM] Sir Poopdick VI: chen
[10:50:37 AM] Sir Poopdick VI: cheeeen
[10:50:42 AM] Sir Poopdick VI: monday chen
[10:50:45 AM] Sir Poopdick VI: tuesday chen
[10:50:47 AM] Sir Poopdick VI: everyday chen
[10:51:01 AM] Sir Poopdick VI: what day is today?
[10:51:02 AM] Sir Poopdick VI: chen
[10:51:09 AM] Sir Poopdick VI: answer is chen
[10:51:18 AM] Sir Poopdick VI: chen everyday
[10:51:37 AM] Sir Poopdick VI: breakfast, lunch?
[10:51:38 AM] Sir Poopdick VI: chen
[10:51:43 AM] Sir Poopdick VI: dinner?
[10:51:45 AM] Sir Poopdick VI: mmmmmaybe chen
[10:58:19 AM] Sir Poopdick VI: austin
[10:58:25 AM] Sir Poopdick VI: what time is it?
[10:58:39 AM] Sir Poopdick VI: yup, it's chen
[10:58:44 AM] Sir Poopdick VI: good man
[11:03:14 AM] Sir Austin the Monocular: It's Chen:03
[11:04:09 AM] Sir Poopdick VI: spot on
[11:04:14 AM] Sir Poopdick VI: and I'll sleep
[11:04:19 AM] Sir Poopdick VI: at half past chen
[11:04:29 AM] Sir Poopdick VI: then wake up at chen
Text message at 4:30 at night.

Joe:...... lazy fuck.
Jeff: comeon
Jeff: i'll pay you.
Joe:... not for anyless then 40$
Jeff: No
Joe: You live in my house, Kick in fucker.

10 mins later here takes my bike. IT'S 18f/8c OUTSIDE. The fuckers is graduating with a masters in criminal justice this year.... he still a dumbfuck.
"Fuck bitches, get herpes."
[12:37:22 AM] Khan Noirit Mustapha: black jesus fucking my asshole
[12:37:26 AM] Khan Noirit Mustapha: i am on it
Antw0n Remember me?
My friend Wyatt demanded I post this here.

Wyatt: If you get me a shiny Charmander I'll felate you.
Me: If I had a shiny Charmander I'd be getting felated by slightly overweight women, I wouldn't need you.
[00:10:02] wendy peffercorn: thats too much effort sorry
[00:10:08] wendy peffercorn: its already very festive
[00:10:31] wendy peffercorn: I'm negative repping this guy for not having cats
[00:10:43] Ƨƿooĸƴ: pls
[00:10:43] Kenjugs: hahaha pls not me
[00:10:44] Ƨƿooĸƴ: no
[00:10:46] Ƨƿooĸƴ: it's me tho
[00:10:47] Ƨƿooĸƴ: ):
[00:10:49] wendy peffercorn: he also got reported
[00:10:50] Ƨƿooĸƴ: have mercy
[00:10:50] wendy peffercorn: hahahahahah
[00:10:51] wendy peffercorn: OOPS
[00:10:52] Ƨƿooĸƴ: HAHA
[00:10:56] Ƨƿooĸƴ: PLEASE

rest in peace
Herodotus wrote...
I don't even know what we are talking about anymore.

[04:38:36] Sadaki: ur gay space
[04:38:49] Rich Uncle $k3L3T0N: uuuh nigga u gay
[04:39:01] Space: don't you talk that way to me, unk skele
[04:39:36] Ben: he's a bad mamajama.
[04:41:59] Ƨƿooĸƴ: space is the gayest
[04:42:07] Ben: you wish.
[04:42:11] Ben: because then he might be gay for you
[04:42:19] Rich Uncle $k3L3T0N: he's a big time pecker checker at the urinals for sure
[04:42:21] Space: but spooky is mah boo
[04:42:44] Space: and ew
[04:42:53] Space: checking peckers is distasteful
[04:43:57] Ben: it is not an acceptable deviance.
[04:44:17] Ƨƿooĸƴ: pecking checking is gayer than gay
[04:44:39] Rich Uncle $k3L3T0N: im hearing a lot of denial
[04:44:52] Space: no you're not
[04:44:57] Space: only ben denied
[04:45:04] Rich Uncle $k3L3T0N: ben supplied it
[04:45:36] Ben: I do whip it out and piss everywhere.
[04:45:38] Sadaki: wat
[04:45:51] Space: do you have a special room for that
[04:45:56] Space: or just let loose where ever
[04:46:00] Ben: shrink wrap.
[04:46:07] Ben: I steal some from work. for easy cleanup
[04:46:17] Sadaki: reported
[04:46:25] Space: reported for reporting
[04:46:30] Ben: Ben wraps tegumi in shrink wrap
[04:46:35] Space: ew
[04:46:51] Sadaki: this better b new shrink wrap

Edit: my sides

[16:31:51] gokublazesup: its to capture the sonic the hedgehog demographic
[16:31:59] gokublazesup: not enough people are thinking about having sex w/ mario
[16:32:05] Ben: you're comparing.
[16:32:09] Ben: a hedgehog to a cat?
[16:32:17] gokublazesup: they are both animals that i want to bone
[16:32:22] Kenjugs: super sonic is golden
[16:32:26] Kenjugs: cat suit is golden
[16:32:26] gokublazesup: as a furry, i can respect both marketing decisions
[16:32:27] Kenjugs: ???
[16:33:57] Rich Uncle $k3L3T0N: i own a hedgehog
[16:34:02] Ben: well. yes.
[16:34:03] Rich Uncle $k3L3T0N: i got the hedgehog in a drug deal
[16:34:06] Ben: but it's a hedgehog.
[16:34:08] Kenjugs: but you're not a cat
[16:34:11] Ben: you'd welcome any comparison.
[16:34:22] Kenjugs: stop treating your cat like an object and more like an ANIMAL
[16:34:23] Rich Uncle $k3L3T0N: i traded 2 caps of concentrated pscilocibin mushrooms for a hedgehog named scout
[16:34:41] Rich Uncle $k3L3T0N: scout never comes out except at nice and makes a weird noise when i try to pick her up
[16:34:58] Rich Uncle $k3L3T0N: she hides under a dish towel all day long and eats dried up bugs
[16:35:16] Kenjugs: 10x more useful than a cat
[16:35:26] Rich Uncle $k3L3T0N: yeah its an ownage pet for sure

ohh same here
"You know what I always hated about drama in most japanese shoujo / dramas, friggin love triangles. It's like just to add unnecessary tension to an already unrealistically dramatic situation in order jut to check when the hell it will break. It's like hey, let's not cross the bridge until we fucking destroy it first with the addition of unnecessary dead weight, just so we can rebuild it all over again and FUCKING CROSS IT! yeah, fuck love triangle. Wait a sec, THAT'S FUCKING BRILLIANT! A FUCK TRIANGLE!

And that's why I'd rather watch hentai then drama/ shoujo any day of the week" ~Ketsuna (2013)
[1:34:48 PM] Eoin: Dicks is good too
"Never trust a big butt and a smile"

-Bell Biv DeVoe
[9:07:49 PM] System: role=MASTER

ahh the good ol' hours
Antw0n Remember me?
[7:40:47 PM] Chan. huffs.
[7:43:00 PM] Fi puffs
[7:43:18 PM] Cruz blows your house down

I love these guys.
One of the best threads of Random on page 2, wat?

[12/22/2013 10:00:39 PM] Eoin: Some random will get 4 million
[12/22/2013 10:00:40 PM] Eoin: I bet
[12/22/2013 10:00:44 PM] [Devs]: yeah i bet
[12/22/2013 10:00:48 PM] [Devs]: in a few hours
[12/22/2013 10:00:50 PM] Shokuhou Misaki: i bet its a user with less than 200 post count
[12/22/2013 10:00:54 PM] [Devs]: lel
[12/22/2013 10:00:55 PM] Shokuhou Misaki: and a fag with no-face avi
[12/22/2013 10:00:59 PM] [Devs]: i remember when i spammed for it
[12/22/2013 10:01:14 PM] [Devs]: that would be uncool
[12/22/2013 10:01:25 PM] [Devs]: and he won't even know he got the 4 millionth
[12/22/2013 10:01:27 PM] Shokuhou Misaki: ikr
[12/22/2013 10:01:34 PM] Shokuhou Misaki: being the lucky guy is what this is about
[12/22/2013 10:02:07 PM] Eoin: wow
[12/22/2013 10:02:10 PM] Eoin: it's so close
[12/22/2013 10:02:13 PM] Shokuhou Misaki: ikr
[12/22/2013 10:02:13 PM] Eoin: I didn't even realise
[12/22/2013 10:02:17 PM] [Devs]: i know right
[12/22/2013 10:02:25 PM] [Devs]: that's why i've been posting and arguing
[12/22/2013 10:02:29 PM] [Devs]: partly because i want it
[12/22/2013 10:02:29 PM] Eoin: lol
[12/22/2013 10:02:36 PM] [Devs]: but mostly because he's a retard
[12/22/2013 10:02:55 PM] Khan Noirit Mustapha: dude
[12/22/2013 10:03:04 PM | Edited 10:03:07 PM] Khan Noirit Mustapha: where'd you get rori bitchi?
[12/22/2013 10:03:26 PM] Eoin: Uploads
[12/22/2013 10:03:33 PM] Shokuhou Misaki: lets spam IB anyway
[12/22/2013 10:03:41 PM] Eoin: in the flash games section
[12/22/2013 10:03:49 PM] Eoin: [Sunday, December 22, 2013 10:03 PM] Shokuhou Misaki:

<<< lets spam IB anywaysounds like a plan
[12/22/2013 10:04:15 PM] [Devs]: lets go
Revelation Defender of DFC
- Bo Burnham
[1:16:13 AM] kwuni_: fish people anime
[1:16:18 AM] kwuni_: wtf did i jus watch
[1:16:29 AM] Shokuhou Misaki: lel
[1:16:38 AM] kwuni_: so many feels
[1:16:43 AM] kwuni_: have u watched the new ep yet
[1:16:46 AM] i_am_antw0n: what Ika Musume
[1:16:48 AM] Shokuhou Misaki: not yet
[1:16:54 AM] i_am_antw0n: she was a fish person
[1:17:08 AM] Shokuhou Misaki: hes talking about nagi no asakara i think
[1:17:13 AM] Khan Noirit Mustapha: ^
[1:17:17 AM] Khan Noirit Mustapha: fishergirl anime
[1:17:29 AM] i_am_antw0n: more like Niggy no Asa..ka....rimjob
Anti gay post
[11:06:20 PM] The Manest Illest Danest Villain of Manestville Ill DAN THE MAN: IQ thread has less and less I
[11:07:01 PM] The Manest Illest Danest Villain of Manestville Ill DAN THE MAN: Should be renamed "My retarded friend's quotes"

Foreground Eclipse wrote...
[11:06:20 PM] The Manest Illest Danest Villain of Manestville Ill DAN THE MAN: IQ thread has less and less I
[11:07:01 PM] The Manest Illest Danest Villain of Manestville Ill DAN THE MAN: Should be renamed "My retarded friend's quotes"


holy shit it only took four years for one of you fakku cum nuggets to understand this.
[16:32:43] Tyler the Creator: getting 5 guys
[16:32:46] Tyler the Creator: awww yeah
[16:32:53] ShazBot: sounds p homo

[16:37:34] Tyler the Creator: but I would suck a dick for some poutine
"You can let 10 criminals go, but you should never wrongly accuse an innocent person."