Make-up vs. The Natural Look

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Total Votes : 82
I made this thread in the Love, Romance and Relationships section but it got deleted a while back with a bunch of other people's threads and posts. I decided to make it again and I think it would be better in this section.

Firstly, I apologise if the poll doesn't fit everyone's needs. You can apply the question a man or a woman, though if you want to vote for both and have contrasting answers then you're screwed. You'll have to pick one and discuss both if that's the case.

So, what is your preference?

Overall, I personally prefer the natural look of women with no make-up. This goes for smell too; I much prefer a fresh out of the bath/shower smell as opposed a girl flooded in various perfumes (not to say that all women who don't go around with the fresh smell are flooded in perfumes, they obviously don't), though I'm a a hypocrite in that I do use deodorant. There's just something about the natural look that really attracts me. These days in advertisements, especially for women, it's all about looking like the people in those adverts, and they like to use bandwagon propaganda to say if you don't look like these people (because, according the advertisers, everyone else does and wants to) then you won't be accepted in society, which is just bullshit.

Of course make-up can make someone look very pretty, it's just when it's overused that they're just drenched in the stuff. I particularly despise fake fan. I think eye liner is about the only make-up that can attract me, only if it's a little bit to define their eyes, because eyes are my favourite part of someone's face.

I like their natural look. Although a bit of make-up is nice unless it's over used.
I find it refreshing and great that girls are confident enough in their own beauty to not need make-up. I do prefer girls without make-up, as I find the natural look just as beautiful as girls who wear it. That said, I do understand why girls wear make-up, and they look good with it too, so long as there isn't too much. I didn't vote yet, I'd rather there be an 'either/or' or 'both' option, but I guess I'll vote for natural look.
MisterE wrote...
I'd rather there be an 'either/or' or 'both' option, but I guess I'll vote for natural look.

I'm so retarded, I didn't even think about that. It's a pretty fixed-answer poll. But you could have used the 'other' option.
yurixhentai wrote...
MisterE wrote...
I'd rather there be an 'either/or' or 'both' option, but I guess I'll vote for natural look.

I'm so retarded, I didn't even think about that. It's a pretty fixed-answer poll. But you could have used the 'other' option.

Yeah, but then I'd have to explain what I meant by other...and I'm just to lazy for that shit. It's fine anyways, you don't need to cover every option for jackass like me.
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
I'd lying if I said absolutely no make-up is ever required on a girl. I know some is. However, I do prefer the more natural look myself.
I dont wear make up much and the girls I like only wear it once in awhile
Cory in the Human Instrumentality Project
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I look the prettiest when I'm in the project, you can be this pretty for only 3 payments of 19.99. Then you can be in the project too.
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I prefer "off-white".
devsonfire 3,000,000th Poster
I do prefer girls' natural look, but a little bit of make up is alright too.
As long as it doesn't change her face completely, I'm fine with it..
Where the fuck is that mellow music coming from?
yurixhentai wrote...
Where the fuck is that mellow music coming from?

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Your time has come.
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