One insignificant thing you dislike about today.

[color=#993300]Fucking spicy, fucking spicy, MOTHER OF GOD THAT WAS SPICY
DatYuriThough Goddess of Nature
Contracted anaemia from too much blood loss after a nosebleed.
Feeling a bit helpless with a family situation
Far too sleepy for mid-day.
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
[color=#ff69b4]bad food was bad.
eh. cut my leg. scotch tape over it so at least not bleeding.
I didn't advance
Woke up sick
For some reason I felt like screaming
Plans to go to aunt's funeral ruined because my sister cared more about her job.

Also, there's a small scratch on my GTA 5 disc, and it's keeping me from playing it.
Everything in our house seemed to short out for some reason. It seems fixed for now but yeah all of our lights, our fridge, my computer, everything just shorted and stopped working then started working again.
Need to pack but haven't put a single thing in my bag
DatYuriThough Goddess of Nature
Had to clean the whole house by myself.
Got into a nasty argument leaving with hurt feelings and no chance to speak. Also had my internet acting up which cost me 2 world boss runs in an online game.
They fucked it up again.
Didn't get enough sleep
I was ban from a forum for one day ;__;
I should not give a single damn about that but it was unfair and that upset me.
Had to wake up....
Gravity cat the adequately amused
A friend joined me on Minecraft. As much as I love him, fuck does he do some stupid things.

  • Built 2 ugly buildings in places I intended to build at some point (though he didn't know that)

  • Built a lava moat next to my sheepfarm. Where the moat is, getting past it to get to the bridge I built to the island next to where my house is a tad dangerous.

  • Killed all my cows, so I had to get 2 more and breed them back up

  • Emptied the chest containing all the sand I had

  • Emptied the chest containing all the TNT and Gunpowder I had

  • Emptied the chest containing all the Iron I had

  • Emptied the chest containing all the Clay Bricks I had

  • Nicked all my Moss Stone, though he did put some back and I reclaimed some of it.

  • On 3 occasions didn't replant the crops that require replanting (My farm is EZ harvest, press of a button or Lever and it's harvested) and untilled 4 of the plots without retilling them.

  • Instead of making his own, he stole a fair few furnaces of mine and took some fuel with him

  • Plonked items in random chests. He knows where my Storage room is and they are clearly marked with Item Frames.

  • Pissed my Wolves off and killed 4 of them

  • Accidentally burnt a building on my house's roof with Flint&Steel, when intending to clear the treefarm of leaves.

  • Unrelated to him, but the water puddle in the Mine I have which is supposed to prevent fall damage stopped working. I died 4 times in a row trying to use it.

This fiasco encouraged me to build a secret area in my house containing chests with shit I want to keep to myself. Though I do have to mine a block away to get to the lever to open it, so may get utilise a Sticky Piston holding a Stone Brick which hides the lever.
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
[color=#ff69b4]Boring day...
Monster Girl
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