One insignificant thing you dislike about today.

DatYuriThough Goddess of Nature
SneeakyAsian wrote...
DatYuriThough wrote...
SneeakyAsian wrote...
DatYuriThough wrote...
My social anxiety is playing up to the point where I can't talk to anyone without physically running off in fear. Stupid disorder...

[color=#993300]Why hate it? I find it kinda cute rather, us Asians heheheh, we like it because it displays modesty

It's kinda hard to be modest when I'm crying in the corner of a room because someone wanted to say hi. And I like to be social with people, it just makes it a lot harder to be social with people.

[size=10]B...But thanks for calling it cute...[/h]

[color=#993300]Can I hug you? At least through the internet? I swear I might have a hnnng attack, no offense

The important part is that you recognize the problem, now you just need to work towards it.

And I'm pretty sure people will understand, at least once you explain it to them. If not, they're probably not the kind of people you'd want to hang around anyways

OT: Too flipping busy to talk to anyone

S...sure you can hug me...

Not many people are too accepting of it here and just call me a coward...
I couldn't keep my pants up, they kept falling down.
DatYuriThough wrote...
SneeakyAsian wrote...
DatYuriThough wrote...
SneeakyAsian wrote...
DatYuriThough wrote...
My social anxiety is playing up to the point where I can't talk to anyone without physically running off in fear. Stupid disorder...

[color=#993300]Why hate it? I find it kinda cute rather, us Asians heheheh, we like it because it displays modesty

It's kinda hard to be modest when I'm crying in the corner of a room because someone wanted to say hi. And I like to be social with people, it just makes it a lot harder to be social with people.

[size=10]B...But thanks for calling it cute...[/h]

[color=#993300]Can I hug you? At least through the internet? I swear I might have a hnnng attack, no offense

The important part is that you recognize the problem, now you just need to work towards it.

And I'm pretty sure people will understand, at least once you explain it to them. If not, they're probably not the kind of people you'd want to hang around anyways

OT: Too flipping busy to talk to anyone

S...sure you can hug me...

Not many people are too accepting of it here and just call me a coward...

[color=#993300]IRL or on the internet? Either way if they are, they are stupid uneducated people who can't use the word coward in the right context. Social anxiety is actually pretty widespread, just in different severities. Cowardice is something very different, not being able to take blame for your actions, performing acts out of selfishness through deceit or trickery. But anxiety and nervousness isn't cowardice, people aren't called cowards for having phobias, they're just called phobics
DatYuriThough Goddess of Nature
SneeakyAsian wrote...

[color=#993300]IRL or on the internet? Either way if they are, they are stupid uneducated people who can't use the word coward in the right context. Social anxiety is actually pretty widespread, just in different severities. Cowardice is something very different, not being able to take blame for your actions, performing acts out of selfishness through deceit or trickery. But anxiety and nervousness isn't cowardice, people aren't called cowards for having phobias, they're just called phobics

IRL. The area I live in is...well to be blunt: Fucking crap. But I'm kinda used to the ignorance, I've had to deal with homophobes too. As soon as I get the chance I'm bolting.

I've been trying to push myself to get better by talking to new people so at least I'm making some progress however slow.
DatYuriThough wrote...
SneeakyAsian wrote...

[color=#993300]IRL or on the internet? Either way if they are, they are stupid uneducated people who can't use the word coward in the right context. Social anxiety is actually pretty widespread, just in different severities. Cowardice is something very different, not being able to take blame for your actions, performing acts out of selfishness through deceit or trickery. But anxiety and nervousness isn't cowardice, people aren't called cowards for having phobias, they're just called phobics

IRL. The area I live in is...well to be blunt: Fucking crap. But I'm kinda used to the ignorance, I've had to deal with homophobes too. As soon as I get the chance I'm bolting.

I've been trying to push myself to get better by talking to new people so at least I'm making some progress however slow.

[color=#993300]Progress is progress, and things on this scale can't be rushed. As I say, all conflicts come from fear and misunderstanding, coming from a conservative community, you see how people are unwilling to change due to fear. But things as they are, the best thing to do is avoid conflict in the first place.
DatYuriThough Goddess of Nature
SneeakyAsian wrote...

[color=#993300]Progress is progress, and things on this scale can't be rushed. As I say, all conflicts come from fear and misunderstanding, coming from a conservative community, you see how people are unwilling to change due to fear. But things as they are, the best thing to do is avoid conflict in the first place.

Not so easy to avoid conflict when people seek you out over it, I never fight back in anyway and try to ignore it all but...yeah not that simple most of the time.

Anyway, thanks for taking the time to give me advice Sneeaky.
DatYuriThough wrote...
SneeakyAsian wrote...

[color=#993300]Progress is progress, and things on this scale can't be rushed. As I say, all conflicts come from fear and misunderstanding, coming from a conservative community, you see how people are unwilling to change due to fear. But things as they are, the best thing to do is avoid conflict in the first place.

Not so easy to avoid conflict when people seek you out over it, I never fight back in anyway and try to ignore it all but...yeah not that simple most of the time.

Anyway, thanks for taking the time to give me advice Sneeaky.

[color=#993300]I can imagine
But no problem, helping people is what I do (or at least what I [would] like to do, whether I'm helping or not is the more important question.... (; ̄д ̄)
I can't really continue blowing up pool toys with the pump today. I used it to blow up two of them yesterday, and I just discovered I've got blisters on my hands from it. Small ones, but it hurts to try to use the pump right now. And they kinda sting.
DatYuriThough Goddess of Nature
SneeakyAsian wrote...

[color=#993300]I can imagine
But no problem, helping people is what I do (or at least what I [would] like to do, whether I'm helping or not is the more important question.... (; ̄д ̄)

Don't worry you did fine. I'm just happy someone took their time to talk to me ^_^
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
[color=#ff69b4]So tired when I should not be.
[color=#993300]Well that wasn't supposed to explode
A really bad thunderstorm woke me up from a good dream ;-;
Something I invested a lot of time in just crashed and burned faster than the Challenger. I don't feel too bad, though. For some reason.
That was the worst dream I ever had.
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
[color=#ff69b4]I'm getting upset over little things because of someone.
Getting pissed off with state rules and regulations today, plus there is a lot of thunder. *attempts for the third time to go back to sleep*
Can't keep a clear thought in my head unless I'm exhausted. Right now I'm just feeling like my life is going nowhere. Hope that changes soon.
Not insignificant but I wanna b*tch...

Had an appointment with a paid taxi service that was canceled by the taxi service for the fucks, went through 2 hours of shit to get another one, to have the manager, a fucking asshole who blew up and hung up on me out of nowhere before, do it to me again because they still didn't send a taxi and I had to call again...
My teacher not allowing me to redo a test :|
Dell changed their packaging, so now breaking down 50 boxes involves removing giant staples rather than just cutting the tape.
Monster Girl
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