One insignificant thing you dislike about today.

On Halloween I got the cops called on me because someone thought I was putting vodka in my purple punch. It was ginger ale

Today I got a call from my boss telling me not to show up. I don't know if I'm supposed to take that as I'm fired or a schedule change was needed suddenly or whatever else. I hope I'm not fired. I was lucky I found that job when I did. They are pretty hard to find these days in my area, and I don't want to have a far away job that eats tons of gas.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
pspkiller626 wrote...
A kid came to the door for candy and I gave it to him of course, but then his companion came out of nowhere wearing a horse head mask. I nearly jumped into the ceiling.

I wore mine to my Voluntary work today. The manager's friend's kid took it and almost ran off with it. Top kek.
[color=#993300]1-3 in a chess tournament, lots of fun....
apartment full of rude people......sigh......and we can't move for another year.....
[color=#993300]Parents being awake at the worst time possible
A few persons made me felt less confident today...
[color=blue]Phone got cut. Thought it'd last at least a few more days.

Also, maintenance induced double post. It happens.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Because of overtime at work, I feel dead. But mo' moneez.
Finding out that Wayne Static from Static-X passed away. I was a huge Static-X fan growing up, it really saddens me to hear that he passed away so young. This year has had some of the worst deaths, it's awful.

My cold got worse.
Church service sucked.....and they keep asking for money......
DCMA now blocks some of the doujinshi I used to read and my psp screen is cracked....what else can go wrong....
Someone at work today ran a spoon through the garbage dissposal, and it kill it. We had to plug the drain and clean it every 20 min.
on the upside, we got a new cart for the kitchen that dosent fall apart when we use it.
Wrists hurt from uneven pull ups... now what? ;_;
Wanted to hang out with the twins, they said "not today, sorry. "

It wasn't a date night for them or anything. i guess they just wanted a day to themselves, and while I respect that, i still felt a bit "awwwww :(" being rejected
Gravity cat the adequately amused
12 hours sleep and still tired.
[color=#993300]Yesterday: I didn't hear a thing,,,
I am so hungry and there is nothing to eat, except popcorn...
Coconutt wrote...
I am so hungry and there is nothing to eat, except popcorn...

[color=blue]Home slice, we're on the same boat. I don't get paid till Friday, so I gotta coast by bartering with my friends. Porn from my external HDD for food.[/color]
People are being annoying at work again...
British banter is seriously getting on my nerves these days...
Monster Girl
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