One insignificant thing you dislike about today.

[color=#993300]I can't tell if they're mad at me or not, though they have the right to
Gravity cat wrote...
12 hours sleep and still tired.

Believe it or not, too much sleep will do that to you. I'm not sure why, but you can oversleep and wake up tired as though you went back into your deep sleeping state.
About 7 to 8 hours is ideal, and if you don't want to feel so tired when you wake up, try getting up immediately and doing some stuff like a shower or make some coffee. It works well for me.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Went on Minecraft earlier and I just wanted to play in peace. Unfortunately, a friend of mine came online soon after I did and proceeded to pester the shit out of me with, in the space of about 45 minutes;

  • Five PSN game invites,
    [*]Five PSN messages,
    [*]Five Facebook messages,
    [*]A PSN text chat invite,
    [*]and a text.

Every time we're both online I start getting random game invites from him but this is the worst case I've had from him yet. He's a nice guy but he really does not know when to shut up. Having a conversation with him feels like a gigantic chore and trying to concentrate while he provides running commentaries is an even bigger chore. Hence being reluctant to play with him.

Sadly, I'm not the only one who thinks he's annoying.
Lost $4 in a horse racing bet.
Overslept and missed a seminar...........
[color=#993300]One of my favorite restaurants has become slower recently
Some of my friends were posting photos of my other friend Tyrone's funeral. It breaks my heart with the finality of it all... I am really going to miss him.
Apparently money keeps disappearing from my room and now my lock box with 70 dollars in coins and 180 in cash is missing....
blinkgirl211 wrote...
People are being annoying at work again...

I know how that goes....

When I came home, everything went to shit......fml...
[color=#993300]Brother is such an ass
Timmaddog! Why is it so hard to find some Puyo Puyo fan art that has both Arle and Amitie in the same picture together. I've only found like 3 pictures total.
Why am I looking for it? Well I was originally looking for yuri of the two, but nothing I wanted came up, so I decided to try looking up normal fan art. I'd draw them myself if I could draw for shit, but I can't.

But I seem to be the only one who ships these two.
NutritiousGoop wrote...
Timmaddog! Why is it so hard to find some Puyo Puyo fan art that has both Arle and Amitie in the same picture together. I've only found like 3 pictures total.
Why am I looking for it? Well I was originally looking for yuri of the two, but nothing I wanted came up, so I decided to try looking up normal fan art. I'd draw them myself if I could draw for shit, but I can't.

But I seem to be the only one who ships these two.

Forum Image:

I've always ship them, too (one of my oldest parings in fact). Got in the same trouble looking for fan arts... I've always considered to give them a (non-H) fan art of my own, I will tell you if I do it someday (though I'm not a that good with drawing yet)~

Oh, about the topic, family fights...
One of my friends is sick.
After preparing breakfast for everybody, one of my friends came coughing... a lot with a bit of a red nose...
We were forced to exile her into her bedroom.
I do bring her soup and a lot of meals that can help her feel better.
Made a wrong decision and ended up spoiling myself the end of a certain series.
My tonsils are messed up again. This happens like 2-3 times a year for years now and the doc still won't just remove them.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
mdarkanima wrote...
My tonsils are messed up again. This happens like 2-3 times a year for years now and the doc still won't just remove them.

Girl I work with gets the same problem. Says doctor won't remove them because she's too old to have the procedure.

Which is a bit dumb.
[color=#993300]Thinking of a sick friend
SneeakyAsian wrote...
[color=#993300]Brother is such an ass

You too? The many things my brother done......Another shitty day, another shitty dollar
i found out that my step mom died this morning.

love you Darcy, will always be thinking of you.
My lower back is aching from coughing frequently.
Monster Girl
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