Pink on guys. Is it gay?

See, i like pink. Pink is my favorite color. I would buy pink hats, high-tops, jackets shirts, etc etc. I would wear pink everyday (hell neon pink) if I didnt have this irrational fear of being called gay. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a homophob. I just don't like being called gay.

Now, I have received an epiphany from my friend "Do what you want to do, it's you after all. My view of you won't change even if you die your hair pink. If somebody doesn't like it or think its gay, fuck them, cuz they aint gonna tell me or you what to wear." hell of a friend.

Now I have decided to wear pink. Is it gay for guys to wear pink? what is your view?
i don't consider wearing pink as gay. just because pink's been designated as a "Gay colour", it doesn't mean the rest of the world has to follow that ethic.

If you want to wear pink, i say go for it. If anyone decided to be a fuckhead about it, punch en in the face. You have a right to express yourself however the hell you damned want, without the insults ^^
of course it doesn't mean your gay. Just because you like a certain color it symbolises your gay!? Its like saying i like puppies and then acusing me I'm into bestiality (probably not the best example,but you get the point). Anyways I know the opinion from a stranger is stupid, but just do what you want. Fuck standards, and break the mold. Thats just my opinion... hope it helps =)
I wear black fedoras, black vests, and black dress pants everyday but no one calls me emo/goth.
Look, it's not gay unless you think of it as gay.
Pink on men is the new "Manly" colour. Purple on the other hand...
Iamnotchrishansen wrote...
Look, it's not gay unless you think of it as gay.

This. Pink is for pimps....
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
DonkeyFace wrote...
Pink on men is the new "Manly" colour. Purple on the other hand...

What's wrong with purple?
Pink is gay.. and i should know.
no it is not gay at all.


1) It was my last clean shirt.
2) My Mom made me wear it.
3) I make this color look good.
4) My Dad did the laundry.
5) I wear this shirt to annoy you.
6) Smart people wear pink.
7) It's my party shirt.
8) Pink is the new black.
9) It's a fashion statement.

and last but not least

No its not gay, the only people who think its gay are the people who are insecure about themselves.
I've never worn a fully pink shirt before, but I used to own a RGU shirt with a BIG picture of utena's face on it. Pink everywhere and nobody ever called me gay.
Personally I think that the only reason pink on men is called gay is because infant girls are generally made to wear pink clothing, thus forcing the assumption that pink is only for girls/women. If you want to wear pink then wear it, f*ck anyone who says that you shouldn't. In fact, if I were in your position I'd strongly consider giving the finger to anyone who called me gay while I had a pink shirt on. Just be careful what you wear pink with though, pink scarves and sweaters might be pushing it a bit. Or maybe not. Whatever, just wear what you want and wear it proudly.
Lt. Rand0m wrote...
Personally I think that the only reason pink on men is called gay is because infant girls are generally made to wear pink clothing, thus forcing the assumption that pink is only for girls/women. If you want to wear pink then wear it, f*ck anyone who says that you shouldn't. In fact, if I were in your position I'd strongly consider giving the finger to anyone who called me gay while I had a pink shirt on. Just be careful what you wear pink with though, pink scarves and sweaters might be pushing it a bit.

Years ago the colors were reversed for infants. pink was for boys, blue for girls. At least according to my mother.
@ AE: That so? Wasn't aware of that O.o
Pink on a guy? GAY?! Colors have nothing to do with your sexuality. If you're confident in your sexuality, then be proud of it!

Also, I like wearing pink because I can throw it in with my whites.
LOL Nice reasoning. I guess it depends on a personality and how popular the person is. If everyone's cool with the guy wearing pink, then it's allowable.

I don't wear pink cuz it doesn't suit me what so ever.
I never found pink on a guy to be gay.

But almost all the guys of whom I've seen wear pink are enormous douchebags.

It's a generalization, yes- but I do tend to slam any pink guy automatically into the "douche" category until they prove me wrong.
PumpJack McGee wrote...

I never found pink on a guy to be gay.

But almost all the guys of whom I've seen wear pink are enormous douchebags.

It's a generalization, yes- but I do tend to slam any pink guy automatically into the "douche" category until they prove me wrong.

Yeah this~ Uguu....
tooge3 wrote...
LOL Nice reasoning. I guess it depends on a personality and how popular the person is. If everyone's cool with the guy wearing pink, then it's allowable.

I don't wear pink cuz it doesn't suit me what so ever.

Basically this.
Monster Girl
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