Pink on guys. Is it gay?

Pink isn't a gay color it's just an feminine one. If your guy and you can pull it off, go for it.
Nothing wrong with wearing pink. Though if you refer to the color as "salmon" instead, people will call you gay.
[color=green]it's not gay
i have a 2 pink shirts
a casual one and one for my suit, chicks like it when a guy wears pink [size=5](for some reason)[/h][/color]
Not at all.

So, what does it feel like to take a dick up the ass, Nancy?
Color is not a living being. It has no gender.
Color relations to gender are social constructs, not fact. Pink is a color for anyone! :)
Not really gay, but it wouldn´t fit manly guys =3.

Pimps can wear that easily ^_^.
It's not about the colour... dude, i dont even think gay men use bras...
[color=olive]Pink aint gay its manly but i like black..[/color]
Depends on if you're from Palermo or not! :)
[font=comic sans ms]you go man! +rep
i think for men it's a pretty bold choice to go with it
i do find it noticeable but that's not always a good thing i must say way to go with self empowerment[/font]
I don't really care, but society will think your gay going around in all pink. Perhaps going half pink or something compromises your look less if your not gay
pink boxers..... aint gay. =3=
iMuse Kuroneko is mine
I have plenty of pink shirts...
Pink is not gay, but it is associated as a feminine color. Not gay though
Fuck no, its not gay. I make the Damn colour look good on me. Thats just not based on my opinion, people tend to agree and compliment how I look good on pink shirts.

Find your colour, if its pink then wear it all day long. If its yellow wear it even on the sunniest of all days. Wear black if its your colour, wear all white if you must. Dont let others judge you by what colour of clothes you wear.
Nah, no for me.
I have no right as to judge what are other people's preference, as they have the right to choose what they like and what they don't like.
So, if you like pink, why not? That's yours to pick.
FYI, I like black and white the most.
Obviously not!! Who ever said that is just jealous. Haha. Its just a colour! Just because girls like it doesn't mean men can't, Right?
Not gay, untill it has frills/lace/decorative buttons... You can see where I'm going.
I only consider pink as gay when the outfit is gay.
Like Hard Gay. And he wears all black. Since when is black a gay colour?

In fact I also think pink can look great. As long as there are darker colours with it and your skin colour matches with it. Then for me it can look incredibly epic.

[I think Hard Gay is awesome btw]

EDIT: BTW I read something somtime a psychologist wrote. It was about colours and the human sexes. And there really is no such thing, that some colours should be naturally preferred by let's say females.
Females usually like pink and red colours. That's because from birth they get confronted with it and they feel like pink is their colour. That's why later in life women think pink is a more girly colour because most women more often like that colour. [And like 100 years ago blue was a girl colour]
They tested it wen they gave young children [boys and girls scrambled] a shirt with a certain colour. Say group A had blue and group B had pink. Then after a few weeks or so, group A thought blue was a better colour and only for group A people and So did group B think the same about pink.
[the same goes btw for toys and such. There isn't something preprogrammed in the brains , which differs in sex and causes your preferation for certain colours or toys or most other things]

So no, wearing pink isn't gay. Unless most people think it is. Considering all the replies so far, pink isn't gay when you wear it.
pink is definitely gay, but if u like that color it shouldnt mind u what others think...
Monster Girl
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