Prenuptial Agreements

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What do you guys and gals think about prenupts?

I've been watching Mad Men on Netflix and it got me thinking, what if I was making loads of cash and I had a divorce, do I really want to split it? I realized no, no I don't, I like being in charge of what happens with my money. In the past I felt it was only the right thing to split your assets for your wife and kids, but I don't feel they'll need millions and millions of dollars to live comfortably.
I'm not into it. That's like already assuming you will get divorced, which is fucked up mentality to me. So no, not gonna do it.

Besides, eh, I don't really mind money anyway... enough for me to waltz around randomly in life is enough.
I think it's a setup for divorce. Like it's planned to happen.
They exist to protect people who know in the back of their minds, that they don't completely believe the one they're marrying is their one true love.

To that end, I believe couples should spend an AMPLE amount of time living together to learn EXACTLY what kind of person they are with, before EVER considering marriage.
I don't like it. As said before, it's assuming that you'll get a divorce.

When someone says prenupts, i can't help but think in all those hollywood stars marryng and remarryng..
I remember a particular case my father told me about.

He handled the case of a man with no prenup, whose wife had abandoned him and their children years earlier. The dude wasn't the brightest person, so he never filed for divorce or custody of his children. One fine day the ex-spouse decided to come back and take her claim of the assets. Unfortunately, laws protecting women in my country are very harsh towards men in almost all instances, sometimes without valid merit. Anyway, the woman filed for her half and custody of the children. Despite my father's best efforts, the guy lost custody of his kids, about 90% of his net worth and was crushed by a walk-out wife who had abandoned him.

In reality I don't believe in prenups, but it's cases like this that make it seem like not so bad an idea.
I would not want to lose half my things from a divorce and it's nice to have a contingency plan if things don't work out, but I do agree that getting a prenupt does sound like a divorce is a possibility. If a couple get a prenuptial agreement, then maybe they shouldn't be married. I could go both ways on this thing so I suppose there's only one solution. Don't make so much money. Easy enough, hell I'm already doing that.
If I was loaded, I would definitely opt for the Prenupt. It wouldn't really be about the money for me, because if I really liked her even if we get divorced I'd use all the money I had to win her back. It's kind of like, I don't mind giving away all my money for her, but I would hate it for her to take it from me.
If you think one is necessary then you probably shouldnt be getting married.
I suppose it makes sense.. but as everyone says, if you need one, it's a bad idea to be getting married. Seriously.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
If I ever have to go through something like a Prenup, she's not the one for me and I would never propose in the first place.
kitty93 wrote...
I don't like it. As said before, it's assuming that you'll get a divorce.

When someone says prenupts, i can't help but think in all those hollywood stars marryng and remarryng..

Well the divorce rate is high and in some places you have to pay your divorced spouse until they get married again.
Marriage insurance is what my lawyer relative called it. It's simply a precaution imo.
say what! wrote...
kitty93 wrote...
I don't like it. As said before, it's assuming that you'll get a divorce.

When someone says prenupts, i can't help but think in all those hollywood stars marryng and remarryng..

Well the divorce rate is high and in some places you have to pay your divorced spouse until they get married again.

So sad. What a fucked up world.
Lollikittie wrote...
They exist to protect people who know in the back of their minds, that they don't completely believe the one they're marrying is their one true love.

To that end, I believe couples should spend an AMPLE amount of time living together to learn EXACTLY what kind of person they are with, before EVER considering marriage.

I don't think you could ever have enough time to know that you won't ever get a divorce. Today is one day, 40 years from now is another day, full of different experiences gathered. I do think couples should however spend time living together before considering marriage, but at best you get an estimate of a really long time.

On a side note, is the notion "living with each other before marriage" accepted or am I just behind the times?
If i have a really good income, then yes. And i don't believe getting a prenup means you plan on divorcing. I highly doubt many people plan on divorcing, it is just relationships don't always work out.
No person ever gets married with the thought they might get a divorce(except if they have some scheme to cash in... for example manipulationg someone without a prenupt, so they can get MONAYZ after the divorce).

It costs no major effort for either partner and being in Love does not mean throwing all your reason out of the window (we are, afterall, endowed with higher Reason, why not use it now and then?) and being reasonably cautious never hurt anyone and should not be seen as a sign of lack of Love from either party.

Of course, if someone thinks they do not need it, I would not stop them but under danger of sounding unromantic, life is too crazy and you never know what happens, so it is best to be on the safe side.
brgdragon wrote...

I don't think you could ever have enough time to know that you won't ever get a divorce.

This is, of course, very true. However, the reason for my argument was more based on the common practice of 'settling'. At a certain age, a lot of people seem to think they're losing options in terms of a life partner. So you slowly start crossing items off your list of what you look for in a person. You hear advice like 'You're not getting any younger..' or 'You really should just meet a nice boy/girl and settle down, already'. This shitty advice is driving one too many poor schmucks into the arms of people that, 10 years ago.. would simply not make the cut.

So a lot of people look at their current significant other, shrug their shoulders, thinking 'Well, there's no glaring defects here..' and 'sign their life away'. It's this behavior right here, in my opinion.. that is the reason why marriage in our current era is failing. It's not marriage itself. It's the people in the marriages.

And their 'good enough' relationships.

brgdragon wrote...
On a side note, is the notion "living with each other before marriage" accepted or am I just behind the times?

I have to admit, the fundamentalists are making a bit of a comeback, but the rational ones have the sense to give their relationships trial runs before considering the exchange of vows.

Religious reasons or no, marriage before cohabitation is just.. a stupid decision in too many ways.
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
Lollikittie wrote...
brgdragon wrote...
On a side note, is the notion "living with each other before marriage" accepted or am I just behind the times?

I have to admit, the fundamentalists are making a bit of a comeback, but the rational ones have the sense to give their relationships trial runs before considering the exchange of vows.

Religious reasons or no, marriage before cohabitation is just.. a stupid decision in too many ways.

Interesting thing about that, actually. I Googled the topic, and I'm seeing multiple articles say that marriage after cohabitation increases risks of divorce. If not that, then other articles which say that marriage first gives a slight edge over the other.
artcellrox wrote...

Interesting thing about that, actually. I Googled the topic, and I'm seeing multiple articles say that marriage after cohabitation increases risks of divorce. If not that, then other articles which say that marriage first gives a slight edge over the other.

Fundamentalist agendas <3.

Don't sign an agreement with someone you don't know on an intimate level, kids.
Only a matter of time before shit unravels.
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