Prenuptial Agreements

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artcellrox wrote...
Lollikittie wrote...
brgdragon wrote...
On a side note, is the notion "living with each other before marriage" accepted or am I just behind the times?

I have to admit, the fundamentalists are making a bit of a comeback, but the rational ones have the sense to give their relationships trial runs before considering the exchange of vows.

Religious reasons or no, marriage before cohabitation is just.. a stupid decision in too many ways.

Interesting thing about that, actually. I Googled the topic, and I'm seeing multiple articles say that marriage after cohabitation increases risks of divorce. If not that, then other articles which say that marriage first gives a slight edge over the other.

I think I may very well be wrong but I think that may have more to do with the type who wait being more likely to be the type to not believe in divorce
sweetguide wrote...

I think I may very well be wrong but I think that may have more to do with the type who wait being more likely to be the type to not believe in divorce

Very possible. Although I can tell you that refusing to divorce never necessarily means the marriage is happy, or for that matter.. right. There's a reason so many suburban mothers have closet drinking problems.
Well, it's kinda sad how you don't trust the person you're marrying...
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