Rate the Last Movie You Saw

The Croods
opanihuya wrote...
suki888 wrote...
opanihuya wrote...
suki888 wrote...
Obllibion 8/10

How was it?

edit: fuck it. I'll be a man and go watch it myself.


You find it not that good? Its a pretty fine film

what system do you use? 7-8 good, 9-10 awesome, 6-5 hmmm, 4-3 meh, 2-1 holy mother of jesus. It was a solid 7. Liked Tom, scenery and sound eff; didn't like hollywood elements of plot. Prometheus was a bit more interesting.

the system you enter is correct. happy rating :)
Zero Dark Thirty 7/10. Some interesting things I didn't know, cleared me of some disillusions.

Currently watched Tae Guk Gi.

Edit: I'm really not good with these kinds of movies (Tae Guk Gi not Zero Dark Thirty)... (could never watch it in a theater). At times found myself filled with so much hatred and rage but couldn't direct it at anyone...


If I were to complain about anything, the camera at times, during combat, shock too much, was hard to tell what was happening, but in hindsight, probably help create the idea of chaos for me.

"Fight and die for your country or die" by both sides. You either die by your country hands or you die in the battlefield, hated because you didn't choose the second option.
ToyManC Forgot my safe word
Scary Movie 5. . .6? Whatever - the last one. 4/10. Rather disappointing. Few laughs and downright boring at times.

It's time to put this series in the closet and forget it.
Spring Breakers
Forum Image: http://www.highsnobiety.com/files/2013/01/spring-breakers-Vanessa-Hudgens-Selena-Gomez-Ashley-Benson-Rachel-Korine-8.jpg

8 Gucci Manes out of 10.

I enjoyed it. Ass, titties, drugs, guns, and James Franco. Skrillex on the soundtrack was a nice touch.

G.I JOE: Retaliation
Forum Image: http://collider.com/wp-content/uploads/gi-joe-retaliation-international-poster.jpg

9 Snake Eyes out of 10.

Did Michael Bay direct this film?! Explosions, explosions everywhere.
The last movie I saw was entitled "The Notebook". It made me cry.I rate it a perfect 10!
Shaolin Soccer. 8/10
Bullshits expected. Ridiculous effects, but matches the storyline.
Jurassic park.
10/10 it was in imax, it was incredible!
Jurassic Park 9/10

The 3D was great, but it didn't add anything more than what the 2d gave. It is probably a 3d movie that is best watched in Imax. The screen was too small for me to enjoy it properly. All that aside, dinosaurs are awesome and the velociraptors kicked ass.
Man on the moon
7/10. Intresting story and a fantastic job on Jim carreys part but it was very slow, I was not too fond of the pace in the slightest.
UsagiHime wrote...
Jurassic park.
10/10 it was in imax, it was incredible!

Saw Jurassic Park in Imax the other day too, it was fucking fantastic.

I dont remeber dinosaurs being that scary ;-;!!!
shinji_ikari Mustn't Run Away...
Scary Movie 5...0/10

I have watched Holocaust & graphic abortion films that I was able to enjoy more then this piece of rancid cinematic sewage.
Dark Shadows.

Hilarious, amazing, well done <3
Gundam Wing Endless Waltz:


Sucker Punch
i stop after a few minutes watching, it's suck !
Whores glory 8/10
It was a breathtaking and unbiased view of prostitues in Mexico, Thailand and bangladesh. It didnt focus on the negative side nor did it romanticise the idea of prostitution but simply showed them in there day to day life. It was one of the best documentaries I have ever watched. I think it's a german film too, not too sure. Either way its on netflix :). Only reason it isn't a ten out of ten is by the time it gets to the mexican prostitues you are a little bored, there life isn't as "intresting" I suppose in comparrison to the other two countries.
Mansome! 10/10.
There's nothing I really disliked, it was pretty awesome, and educational about men and their beards.

Awesome manly documentary about beards and such.
KLoWn wrote...
Tell us what the latest movie you saw was, give it a score and write a line or two (or a whole review if you want) about what you thought about it.

The Mist
Forum Image: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/a/a1/The_Mist_poster.jpg

Much better than i thought it would be, best Stephen King movie since like forever.
The ending was really nice too, although somewhat fucked up lol.

I'll give it 4/5.
Absolutely worth a watch.

That was my favorite. :D

The possession

i rate it 5/5

Worth the watch!
Rewatching Tropic Thunder, 5/5 I love this movie