Rate the Last Movie You Saw

Siddhartha 3/10 It had the worst acting Ive seen in a while and if I hadnt read the novella Idve been lost mostly. The bad acting did make it mildly amusing though.
Despicable Me 2 - 10/10

Entertaining as hell. Especially the parts with the minions.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
ToyManC wrote...
Gravity: 7/10. Great visuals, Bad technical details. Glad there was no Clooney/Bullock romantic crap.

Close your eyes while watching the trailer, listen to Bullock's screaming and it becomes a porno.


Escape Plan, 9/10. Was pretty funny and the film was good. Only thing I didn't like was that the guy behind the guy's incarceration was really predictable and so was the death of the muslim guy.
Escape Plan - 8/10
Captain Phillips - 10/10

A few points to ponder:

- Any ship's crew (even the captain himself) will not be wearing his uniform before he embarks the ship.
- You should see two captains onboard when a captain signs-on a vessel for relieving of duty, which should take an hour or so. It wasn't shown in the movie, but anyways...
- There were too many navigational lights switched on during nighttime.
- The drill was unannounced, but the duty officer is already on coveralls.
- radar targets should be acquired (the targets should have a square surrounding it), not left as it is. Also, pirate "skiffs" can sometimes be undetected or just return dim signals, as opposed to what you see on the movie.
- The radar should be set to have trails to be able to know the target ships' last known position.
- Radars don't give out bleeping sounds.
- The lifeboat the pirates used to escape is called a free-fall lifeboat, in which is very dangerous to ride on when it is launched and people inside are not buckled up. And yes, the lifeboat, according to the regulations, should be too easy to operate.
-Yes, there is an elevator onboard ships, but it only reaches up to the deck below the navigation bridge, in which you really have to climb the stairs up to reach the bridge.

Anyways, it was a good movie.
Gravity: 7.5/10, great effects, crappy dialog.
Thor, 7/10 nice exiting scene
Pacific Rim 8/10

I docked two points since it was pretty predictable.
Bad Grandpa - 8/10
Toy Story 3 - 10/10

It's just another kid movie. I wont.... *sniff* I won't... *sniff*
Pacific Rim - 8.5/10

Not really any original plot, but it was damn awesome for the action!
Thor 2 - 9/10 i like the movie and exited for the 3rd version
A common man - 7/10

A hollywood remake of this movie would be greatly appreciated.
In fact, the only thing i can criticize of this movie, is that it has been filmed
with a too low budget.
The Internship 9/10 i like comedy alot
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
8/10 Thor: The Dark World

A lot more laughs in this film than the first. There are two after credits scenes too.
Ender's Game - 'PG-13'/10

Full Metal Jacket for kidz. NOW IN SPACE!
Planes - 10/10
Because of that Flysenhower Aircraft Carrier
The Room. Saw it for the first time.

Words cannot describe with how wonderfully bad this is. Bad script, decent acting from everyone but Johnny, shit plot, bunch o' plotholes; it's just the works. I can't watch this unless it's with friends so we can MST3K it. Johnny had the most incredibly untraceable accent. Lisa is doing everything for the evulz. Lisa's mom makes the most sense out of everyone. Mark's kind of a dumbass, but he's pretty chill. Denny's probably retarded; just a little. Everyone else is forgettable.

There are just so many hilarious little moments.
-Tux ball.
-Mom, I don't love Johnny anymore.
-I definitely have breast cancer.
-What a story, Mark.
-Johnny's a wonderful person, X.
-What's going on here, Lisa? / What's happening? / What're you doing?
-Where's my fucking money, Denny?!
-Peter the psychiatrist disappearing. Last words in film: "That's it, I'm done. Great idea, Denny."
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Philomena - 10/10. I didn't know what to expect but I guess that's why it appealed to me. I knew it was a Drama because I'd briefed myself on Wikipedia but it also had comedy elements to an otherwise sad story.

It gave me feels when

she finds out her son died, later finding it was due to contracting the AIDs virus

and again when

she visits his grave after finding out from his former partner where he was buried - at the Abbey where he was forcibly taken from her.

Was really surprised that the events of the film were real. Based on The Lost Child of Philomena Lee
Texas Chainsaw 3D - 1/10

Straight trash, for various reasons.