Rate the Last Movie You Saw

Decided to rent Osmosis Jones again, brought back the best memories of my life.
Forum Image: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/c/c3/Osmosis_Jones_poster.JPG/220px-Osmosis_Jones_poster.JPG
"Ip Man"- 9/10.

At first glance you think generic chinese kung-fu flick, but it actually tells the story of when Japan invaded China and many cities were caught in the crossfire, and the standard of living was flipped upside-down. Ip Man defends the honor of China and uses his fists to fight back.
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
Underworld Awakening: 9/10

Nonstop action from beginning to end. I didn't like how the black cop was randomly thrown into the story. Other than that, I have no issues with the movie.
Saw the last half of Midnight Meat Train (sounds like a porn title). 7/10

Not really a fan of horror films. But this one was interesting to say the least.
Safe House: 6/10. Would have been better if they took out some of the middle portions that made the movie drag on. Was mostly boring but the action sequences were passable.
'Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain'- 10/10
[size=10]The "perfect" love story[size=12]❤[/h][/h]
Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay 7 / 10
Awesome movie, Fucking hilarious!
Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance.
3 out of 5 stars.
The movie was predictable from the beginning. Anything you think might happen, probably will. Apart from that, I really enjoyed the actors especially the one that played the kid, Danny. I recommend it for people who just want to waste time and have nothing better to see.
Went on a Redbox movie bender last night.

The Rum Diary - 9/10. Always been a big Hunter Thompson fan and this movie's sense of humor lived up to my expectations. Johnny Depp manages to capture Thompson's wit just like how he did in Fear & Loathing.

Real Steel - 7/10. Never thought that a movie about boxing robots would manage to seem so unoriginal. Still entertaining to watch for the metal-on-metal carnage, though.

Drive - 8/10. Pretty cool crime movie. Great acting from both Ryan Gosling and Bryan Cranston. Gore was a lot more brutal than I had expected and was nicely used for shock value. Only real downside was that the movie kinda failed at making me want to hate the main bad guys. If anything, I'd almost feel sympathetic towards them if they didn't keep reminding me that they were, in fact, still bad guys.

Inception - 8/10. Finally got around to seeing it. Pretty good flick, great action and lots of mind-fuckery, but I was more amazed at the fact that nobody had managed to spoil this movie for me after all this time than I was by the movie itself.
I saw the movie "Office Space" a couple of days ago. I have never seen a more hilarious or accurate rendition of working in a cubicle prison. The scene with the fax/copy/print machine did it for me haha.

Gets 5 stars from me.
i'm pre-rating act of valor a 10/10.

is that allowed? i don't care because any action movie that involves real active-duty seals is gonna be a work of action art. seriously, real seals using real seal tactics. how could it get any better? oh, wait, i know how: i get to watch it. hell yes.
Tower Heist- 8/10...really funny movie, between Ben Stiller, Eddie Murphy and Matthew Broderick lots of fun was had. definitely worth the watch should you rent it!
Watched The hurt locker a second time
I like Jeremy Renner
Batman: Mask Of Phantasm- 9/10...ok first of all, its the classic Batman the animated series in a movie. Second its got the Mark Hamill Joker(which is by far one of my favorite Jokers) and Third the story is very interesting and cool. it also helps that Mark Hamill unleashes the most awesome Joker laugh near the end.
The woman in black

10/10 in it's category. This movie scared the living shit out of me, it may possibly be the scariest film i've ever watched, and boy i've watched quite a few. The setting throughout the whole movie had me at my toes, which lead to great scares that made me literally scream once or twice. I liked Radcliffe as the main character, he pulled it off really well and he matured alot after the Harry potter movies.

I recommend watching it alone at night, if you got the balls that is.
My afternoons with Margueritte. 10/10.

Such a great film. I loved it.

ToyManC Forgot my safe word
The Secret World of Arrietty: 9/10.

A lovely film by Studio Ghibli, but too short! Miyazaki's influence is easy to see. I can't wait until I get a hold of a blu-ray copy to see it un-dubbed.
The Secret World of Arrietty- 8.5/10, really enjoyable movie by Studio Ghibli. definitely worth the watch for all ages, and a real delight if your a fan of Miyazaki movies!
Pervy Fatman wrote...
The Secret World of Arrietty- 8.5/10, really enjoyable movie by Studio Ghibli. definitely worth the watch for all ages, and a real delight if your a fan of Miyazaki movies!

The Secret World of Arrietty- 8.5/10

was way better than i thought it was going to be. (better than ponyo)
Monster Girl
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