Rate the Last Movie You Saw

The Flowers of War - 9/10
I think the last film I watched was Killer Fish on the Horror Channel. I’m a sucker for hilariously bad movies, especially when it comes to horror. The film stars Lee †˜The Six Million Dollar Man’ Majors and some stone-faced models as they combat piranhas on sticks to steal a box of jewels on the bottom of a tropical lake (no, I don’t know either). There’s also a fat bisexual photographer who gets eaten by fish, a woman having a spasm in a scuba diving suit that looks more like a BDSM accessory and the most 1970s soundtrack imaginable. 10/10
hotel transylvania 8/10
the transporter 8/10
the dictator 7/10
sinister 10/10 very nice
john dies at the end 9/10
Django Unchained 9/10 Great Movie

Skyfall 8/10

Flight 8/10

Taken 2 7/10 -Not as good as the first but It had its moments
A girl who leapt through time (or something.)

Toki wo kakeru shoujo

Forum Image: http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/anime/1/2432.jpg

9/10 because concept.
Django Unchained - 9/10 Funny dialogue, great action, and even some good suspense. Another great flick from QT and an amusing homage to the spaghetti western genre.
The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension. Truly a cult classic. Stellar cast (Peter Weller, Jeff Goldblum, John Lithgow, Christopher Lloyd, Ellen Barkin, Carl Lumbly etc.), hilarious script, heaps of genre straddling and convention breaking & quite possibly one of the best quotes from a movie I have ever heard: LAUGH WHILE YOU CAN, MONKEY BOY! Did I mention the Rastafarian aliens from Planet 10 by way of the 8th dimension? I would recommend it to anyone, especially fans of cult cinema. The creators of Battletech & Star Trek: The Next Generation are fans. Give it a try! 10/10
Horrible Bosses Its A 10/10
Broken City 8/10

Mark Wahlberg doing his same 'badass' routine.
The Wings of the Dove 7/10

I liked the turn of events
Robocop. Need I say more? 9/10
End of Watch 7/10 Solid Movie
Silent Hill: Revelation.
Piece of shit/10
Groundhog Day - Tenouttaten

Forum Image: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/b/b1/Groundhog_Day_(movie_poster).jpg/220px-Groundhog_Day_(movie_poster).jpg

1. Concept
2. Comedy
3. Watched it with a friend.
4. Watched it first thing in the morning (4 am to be exact).
5. It changed me. A bit. But hey, it counts, right?
Silver Linings Playbook 9/10

Also, because of that movie i want to find a real life situation where i can tell someone to black it up
Dredd. I urge you all to buy this film on DVD/Blu-ray or on demand to show your appreciation of it and subtly demand a sequel. The film is brutally violent and action-packed, though no so gratuitously that is is not entertaining. The story is somewhat simple, but it's appropriate for what the movie is, specifically an introduction to Dredd, Anderson and the world of Mega City One. The setting is gritty and believable, plus it's faithful to the comics. Fantastic production value for an independent British film. Karl Urban is a good choice for the role of Dredd and thankfully doesn't show his face for the entirety of the film. The character of Anderson was easy to relate to and sympathise with, but was on par with Alien's Ripley in her ability to kick villains around and be an 'empowered woman.' MaMa was a good villain, if a little lacking in back story, and the script was of an acceptable standard, with a well-orchestrated twist and the required one-liners like 'I am the law' thrown in there without ruining the seriousness of it. Miles better than the laughable Stallone film, though a little more satire wouldn't be a bad thing. My only real gripe with it is that the effects in the stun grenade sequence seemed a little two-dimensional, like a tagged on overlay image. Lionsgate really sold the movie short in cinemas. A cult classic in the making. 7.5/10

EDIT: I watch a lot of movies.
Bullet To the Head - 8.5/10
Groundhog Day 8/10

First time watching this movie, and it was very funny, not many funny movies can end with a moral and have it make sense.

Billy Murray is a brilliant actor.
Resident Evil: Retribution. Puerile, daft and nothing to do with the games whatsoever, but enjoyable. I've seen most of the other films in the series and I love bad films as much as I love critically acclaimed ones. 7/10
Little Nicky - 8/10

It's not actually my first time seeing this movie, but I still finished watching it (on local TV) for ol' times' sake. And it's the first thing I saw when I woke up.

Forum Image: http://www.englishmoviez.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/little-nicky.jpg