Regular Everyday Things You Do While Nude?

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Ohmuh Dang wrote...
Showering and that's it; Truth be told, I'm paranoid about being naked.

...Did you just read my mind?
I'm never naked unless i'm taking a shower.
Straighten up the bedroom lol
I sleep naked. Some people say that that's odd for a guy to do it but I don't give a fuck. I feel so free when I do it. I can also say that I masturbate but I also do that when I have my shirt on.

When my door is locked at night, anything happens.
I play fighting games nude so that my erection dosent distract me as it rises against my underwear
I don't like sleeping nude, because it feels weird.
It's pretty much shower/ bath and when banging bitches, If even.

...I'm mostly nude when I'm just hanging around my house, so that includes the vast majority of regular every day things, except for something like driving.
Tanasinn The Bellpepper
reading and drinking tea. Especially when I'm suppose to get ready for something else entirely.

But damn some books do not deserve to be put down.
taking a bath naked

when no one is around...

and the house is empty...

I take off my dry clean only suit...

Strip down....

And shower in my casual clothes.
Pretty much whenever its not cold in the house, and it is unfortunately cold most of the time (fucking insulation is shit). I had to teach myself to sleep in clothes because i kept getting colds, i still hate sleeping dressed, and go commando whenever possible, because it allows my skin to breathe during sleep.

Asata wrote...

...I'm mostly nude when I'm just hanging around my house, so that includes the vast majority of regular every day things, except for something like driving.

Then walk or take a bus.
Really only thing I do naked is shower. Otherwise I live with other people so walking around house naked is weird to me, and well doing anything else naked just feels awkward.
Walk around.
Use my laptop for about half an hour, sleep naked sometimes, sometimes I draw. It depends how cold the weather is
I used to play piano in the nude (piano in the living room)
not good when my mum came home with some of her friends.....
Go in front of a mirror and cry.
For the most part, I remain at least semi-clothed for everything.

Although that being said, I recently made my breakfast in the nude.
It had been a hot night.
And it was a peanut butter and chocolate spread sandwich.
when im playing computer games and 360 games and when im sick. i used to cook nude but hot grease will teach your ass a thing or two.
Hmmm I most of the time I go to sleep in the nude then wake up make some coffee maybe read, watch some anime, or check the news for the first 1-3 hours of every morning.
I only shower naked, and also sometimes sleep naked, though this topic has inspired me to do more things while naked :D(seems very liberating).
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