Regular Everyday Things You Do While Nude?

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As soon as i come in through the door most of my clothes come off. But only during the summer. Since i don't have AC in my apartment.

I tend to mostly be topless but when it's too hot i take off the rest.
saishothewriter wrote...
As soon as i come in through the door most of my clothes come off. But only during the summer. Since i don't have AC in my apartment.

I tend to mostly be topless but when it's too hot i take off the rest.

you Sound Like an Awesome lady :)
creapsmantic wrote...
saishothewriter wrote...
As soon as i come in through the door most of my clothes come off. But only during the summer. Since i don't have AC in my apartment.

I tend to mostly be topless but when it's too hot i take off the rest.

you Sound Like an Awesome lady :)

haha.. It's mostly because my apartment becomes a sweatbox during summer :(
But the temps are perfect for walking around in your birthday suit XD
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