Sick + video games = healthy?

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Is the mother crazy or is she right? Playing videogames means your healthy?

Total Votes : 75
Actually for me i tend to refrain from playing game that is mentally intense like metal gear of even touhou for that matter since it can be stressful and may make my fever worse... But i think it helps playing casual games for relaxation purposes... But it's all a matter of opinion... Nothing is really right of wrong here...

To answer the question i think being able to play while being sick is not being healthy... And being able to go to school when sick is not being healthy..and going to school is much more tiring than playing games so it's actually the other way around, if you can go to school when your sick its most likely that you could use the computer when your sick.
Oh I love discussions like these. If only my mother would actually read them. I asked my bro again about what father said about him playing video games when sick. Well, the response was certainly different from my mother's. My father said at that time -- after my bro was sent home by the nurse -- let him play video games. Only after he finishes the homework he got from school. I was actually surprised he would say this since he is a bit more strict. I asked him about that and his response: "If I didn't have TV when I was sick I would throw a fit".

Oh father, if mother could only understand... And keep the comments coming guys! Love reading this. My bro was jumping up and down with joy when I told him about the Polls. I'd show him the thread, but he's just a bit young.
I could still play the wii even though my hand was incapable of writing at the time. Bloody soccer ball.
ok that was not cool of your parents (no offence) but i look at video games as something to get you mind of of being sick, like if im sick i play video games and eat a nice bawl of ramen noodles and the next day im good as new.
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