Sick + video games = healthy?

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Is the mother crazy or is she right? Playing videogames means your healthy?

Total Votes : 75
If I was sick, which I practically never was, I slept untill I felt better, my body woke me up when it had purged the pathogen.
Loner the People's Senpai
Why do most parents hate when their kids play video games? because they see it as them being lazy and not doing anything. But now when he's supposed to not be doing anything, they act like they're overly stressing themselves? Doesn't make much sense.

Of coarse if I'm sick, I can only play slower less strenuous games like Fallout, but faster competitive ones like Madden or CoD, I'm not worth a crap until I feel better again.
I fucked my wife like crazy the last time I got 39 degree fever.

And I cum three times more than usual.
zeroniv_legend wrote...
I fucked my wife like crazy the last time I got 39 degree fever.

And I cum three times more than usual.

This was entirely unnecessary. Although completely informational (If it's actually true). -.-
Gravity cat the adequately amused
The whole "If you can play computer games, you're well enough to go to school" is a horrible lie and for some reason all parents fall for it.

It doesn't take that much effort to play a game when you're ill. Hell, sometimes when you're ill and you can't sleep you need something to do or you'll be bored shitless.
Sounds like your parents are ball busters.
Haha, they are. Although they certainly led me in the right direction even if they didn't know it. My rebellious stage was watching porn which led me to hentai. So, I think they did fine. Lol
Playing video games doesn't exactly require any physical exertion. The most it would do, imo, is get your heart rate up during tense/difficult parts. Having a 101 temperature is definitely sick, and I think that should be a deciding factor, not whether someone can move their hands/thumbs. My parents did the same thing, shit was dumb. I was violently ill and visiting the facilities every hour, yet because I was gaming away on a casual RPG I was obviously "feeling better" and told to do some work around the house. I passed out while trying to move some heavy boxes an hour later, and was then yelled at by the same parent because I was doing the work they told me to do. ._.
What is she thinking? Video games are not a mark for physical health. Most video games require minimal movement and only critical thinking skills and reflexes.
I don't find a problem when playing video games and using the computer when sick... though I had a real headache once. But that was about it.
I don't agree with her, but I can at least understand why she sent him to school...

what is unbelievably stupid is that she kept the internet away AFTER the school nurse sent him home. I think Ryuu said it best...

ryuuhagoku wrote...
That said, she's a mother. And mothers are not known for their logic and reason, especially with regards to illness.
ummmm hello!!! video games are good for you. yes. they are. and if you are playing video games while you're sick thats even better. i get so irritable when im sick and i keep wanting to smoke but im just so preoccupied with this tiny wondrous device called a PSP that i just sit on the couch, eat whatever healthy bullshit my mom shoves into my mouth, dont complain and dont a little angel! and besides your brother needs some happiness in his life! feeling like shit is enough but not being able to distract yourself from it is terrible!
Since it's Holiday break from college. I'm at my parents place for a while. I decided to show my mother this thread. Despite her pointing and gasping at some of the advertisement. She looked at the poll, walked away and said it was a load of bs. While I might agree with her to some point since it is most likely biased. It doesn't mean she can just brush it off like it's nothing. I told her if she took the same survey to her friends that are mothers, theirs would be biased to. With that said I kinda dug my own grave. She gave me the whole list of why parents are right and we are wrong, which really ticked me off. I'm thinking I should just throw her present into the fire pit in the backyard. -.-
She didn't even look at any of the comments. Just looked at the poll, said it was wrong and rigged. Told me parents are always in the right and walked away. Nothing ventured nothing gained I guess. But it certainly a waste of effort.

Well, Happy Holidays everyone.
i get the taking it away before the nurse sent him back, but after that, id be raising hell ^^ in the undenyable logical kind of way, hell if i felt ambitios id make a few data charts. its quite fun to see parents get rid and the face and yell "your still not getting it!" when they KNOW your right. :P
My parents were the same way, and neither one of them had a drop of asian blood [In response to first initial poster]

I maintain that you are not exposed to the same stressors [not to mention airborne bacteria] at home in your own bedroom as you are in a school environment [which are practically petri dishes]. Your immune system and overall physical endurance may be able to withstand sitting calmly in a chair while enjoying some electronic entertainment, but not the assault of 600+ shuffling pathogenic mouth-breathers.

So logically, too sick to go to school and too sick to play video games are too completely different thresholds. But since an adolescent's most prized possession [in this era, anyway] is his/her internet connection, Parents may remove said service in order to discourage their child from playing Hooky as a habit.

TLDR: Parents just don't understand. :/
Haru-chan wrote...
Since it's Holiday break from college. I'm at my parents place for a while. I decided to show my mother this thread. Despite her pointing and gasping at some of the advertisement. She looked at the poll, walked away and said it was a load of bs. While I might agree with her to some point since it is most likely biased. It doesn't mean she can just brush it off like it's nothing. I told her if she took the same survey to her friends that are mothers, theirs would be biased to. With that said I kinda dug my own grave. She gave me the whole list of why parents are right and we are wrong, which really ticked me off. I'm thinking I should just throw her present into the fire pit in the backyard. -.-
She didn't even look at any of the comments. Just looked at the poll, said it was wrong and rigged. Told me parents are always in the right and walked away. Nothing ventured nothing gained I guess. But it certainly a waste of effort.

Well, Happy Holidays everyone.

My modified response:

ryuuhagoku wrote...
That said, she's a mother. And mothers are not known for their logic and reason, especially with regards to illness, or facing differing viewpoints with open mindedness.

May I suggest returning the present instead of burning it. At least you get your money back.

Also, you've got some balls showing a Fakku page to your mother. And she's obviously not one of those really chill parents, either. Shame your plan didn't quite workout in the end.
Regardless, it's socially irresponsible to teach your child that "Because I said so!" is a viable reason for any kind of behavior. I've met plenty of people who were the biological sires of a child [estranged or otherwise] and so far, I have found no evidence to support that being a parent makes you right, about anything, in any situation, for any reason. The two are simply not related.
Wow my name is really lon wrote...
Asian parents?



IMO: That's a load of bull. Your mom can't get the hint? It's his day off from school, and if he's well enough to play, by all means, let him. But that notion for what you said OP is single-handedly the most retarded thing I've heard this week (Technically, it's the first retarded thing I've heard this week since it's not Sunday).

Back when I was in high school, middle school, etc., if I was sick and I was playing video games instead of getting shut eye, my dad's response: "Hell's bells."
Some games removes stress and some doesn't.

My parents still allow me to play when I'm sick but not for continuous long hours.

Aren't games made to make you enjoy them?
It's just parenting. If kids are gonna be bored when they are sick they won't fake being sick. I highly doubt she's stupid enough to actually think that playing video games means you're healthy.
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