Sleeping habits.

i stay up 'til 2-4 am in the morning and get up at 6-8 am. it's unhealthy but i do it.

i also sleep naked.
Sleep at 1-2 am, turn off the light, turn on the fan, nothing special.
Going to sleep around 2 am, sometimes 4 am and wake up afterwards with at least 7 hours of sleep ^^.

Sometimes I turn on the fan but I prefer sleeping without it being on.
I sleep between 10 hours on weekdays and 12 hours on weekends. Whereof I usually spend 1-4 hours curled up into a ball, laying awake, waiting to pass out.
erratic at best. i often stay up until 4 am and wake up around 1-2 pm if i dont have classes, school just started last week and my 1st class starts around 7 am so ive been staying up till 3 pm and sleep till 10 pm or so. right now im still trying to set my body clock to suit my class schedule.

i got used to sleeping in a cold room, so i usually turn my AC on set it to 16* C also i can't sleep if im not hugging a pillow, i guess its like a requirement for me to sleep comfortably
TheDarkStarAlchemist wrote...
i also sleep naked.

Oh good, I was beginning to think I was the only one after all. XD
Tsurayu wrote...
TheDarkStarAlchemist wrote...
i also sleep naked.

Oh good, I was beginning to think I was the only one after all. XD

I do as well most of the time. :P So definitely not alone.
I like to cover my eyes with something so that way even when the morning light is shining through the blinds of my window I can still sleep no problem. And I gotta have a fan on or something because the white noise helps me to fall asleep.
Deathykins wrote...
Tsurayu wrote...
TheDarkStarAlchemist wrote...
i also sleep naked.

Oh good, I was beginning to think I was the only one after all. XD

I do as well most of the time. :P So definitely not alone.

why would anyone not sleep naked?
why would anyone not sleep naked?

Well i still live with my parents so i can't even though i want to
Masterjc wrote...
why would anyone not sleep naked?

Well i still live with my parents so i can't even though i want to

I still live with my father, but we have a nice unspoken rule that we always knock on each other's doors if they are shut, plus I have a lock if I feel the necessity to use it.

I can't stand sleeping with clothes on, it doesn't feel comfortable, especially socks! I mean if I'm at someone's house or something I obviously don't sleep naked and I manage, but I absolutely cannot fall asleep if I have socks on. My dad sleeps with socks and I don't know how he does it. >.<
I just kinda...lay on my bed till I fall asleep.
I can usually sleep on anything(Reasonable)
Right now my bed it a futon couch/bed made of wood.
Its always in a bed form. Its the best thing I've ever slept on.
I love a pitch black, silent room to sleep in.
Sometimes I need to take a sure before I go to sleep, most of the time I don't even think about it and go to sleep.
I love have multiple blankets when its freezing. Its the greatest feeling ever to wake up, get out, then get back into the warm bed again because its so damn cold I rather miss work then get out of bed.

....I'm pretty damn normal.

When I have trouble sleeping I usually stay up all night.
Oh, and i hate sleeping with clothes. I sleep in my boxers/underwear/boxer briefs.
Always have. Always will. But that's pretty normal too. Sleeping naked just feels...too naked...but I've done it before.
Sleep is for the weak.
Masterjc wrote...
why would anyone not sleep naked?

Well i still live with my parents so i can't even though i want to

nah it would just be hilarious! DO IT! :D
Just sleep. Naked or not, just sleep. ^^
I can't sleep naked nor just with boxers, I gotta have shirt and pants (or shorts). My nose is too weak, I'll start sneazing like hell if I catch a cold breeze.
Scion in chains The Forgotten Faggot
IEAIAIO wrote...
This is a topic to discuss any sleeping habits you might have. I have to have a fan on to be able to sleep properly even in the middle of winter.

OMG thats how I sleep too. I have to have something cold blowing my face or I cant sleep. Sometimes I even put a cold wet cloth over it too.
mibuchiha wrote...
@elder: no longer pure...just what are you implying there?

as for me, i find it very hard to sleep comfortably if the room's not pitch's as if, light irritate me somehow. and i don't really need a fan, as long as the temp of the room is just right...but whenever i have a fan, i use it. gotta like the breeze...and i rarely use blankets. also, somehow when i wake up i always find myself in a weird posture, usually leading to cramps. ah, as usual, i use dakimakura whenever i can.

Lol, what I was implying.. perhaps I should've gone into more detail.. was that I feel the bed is no longer clean once slept on once. Sometimes I think I may have obsessive compulsive disorder. I feel that the only time it's okay to sleep on the bed is after a nice shower and after a new sheet is put on it. Because not only are you clean, but so is the bed.. or at least the sheets are. And after sleeping on it more than once, the bed looses it's level of "freshness". More than the bed, the sheets actually. So yeah, unless I change the sheet again, haha.. I just don't sleep on the bed. I can be so weird.
i sleep with a fan no matter the time of the year(even if im sick)

i go to sleep at around 2(start tryin to sleep at around 12, so i just lay there)and wake up around 9 or 10 in the morning

i put my t.v on mute and put it on sleep for around an hr and a half to 2

i have three pillows..1 i hug, 1 i have in between my head and my arm(folded once or twice), and 1 under that arm(when i wake up i tend to have 1 maybe 2(if im lucky)pillows with me(i tend to push them off to the side, and if i didnt have a wall at the head of my bed i would have only 1 if im lucky)

there has been many occasions when i have woken up off my bed, on my knees with just my head on my bed with my hands hanging, and one time i was on the other side of the room with my back against the wall siting up

i also have to have a blanket with me no matter how hot it is, even if that means that a very little part is over me(it tends to be over my waist)
I roll my feet from side to side to be able to sleep... (in our language it's called "pangunguyakoy"...) I find it hard to sleep if my feet aren't moving...