Sleeping habits.

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Sleeping Naked?!?!

No Thanks My house Is Crawling with Bugs....

i want any insects to teabag me in the night....
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
Krystel wrote...
Sleeping Naked?!?!

No Thanks My house Is Crawling with Bugs....

i don't want any insects to teabag me in the night....

Learn to spell check ;x
Regardless anyway, unless you're sleeping with a pacifier or have your underwear stuffed in your mouth, you'd be able to get t-bagged whether you're dressed or not.
ZiggyOtaku wrote...
Krystel wrote...
Sleeping Naked?!?!

No Thanks My house Is Crawling with Bugs....

i don't want any insects to teabag me in the night....

Learn to spell check ;x
Regardless anyway, unless you're sleeping with a pacifier or have your underwear stuffed in your mouth, you'd be able to get t-bagged whether you're dressed or not.

Yeah, and what did that one story say... the average person swallows eight spiders in a year while sleeping? ^_^;;
0_0 eight spider........ in a year.
In school days, i sleep from 11pm to 6.40 am...
on fridays, saturdays and hollidays i go to sleep later and wake up later..
On party days ( from time to time, i throw a dinner in my house and all my friends sleep over, and we pratically don't sleep at all..., so if we do sleep), we sleep from 6 am to 11 am or something like that XD
Now that i'm going to work from 7am to 4 pm, , i've gotta start getting used to go to sleep earlier... oh well, at leats i'll get to go to the beach !

I can't sleep with my closet doors open, and i always sleep with my belly down, like this:Forum Image:
xD but with my right arm underneath my pillow XD

I never sleep with my bra on, and if i can i sleep naked *grrrr*
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
They actually say it's not good for you to sleep with a bra on. Personally I find it more hard on the bras. Mine can get expensive, and I wouldn't want to wear out or bend the wires from sleeping funny on it.

Plus, they're not the most comfortable pieces of clothing ever.
Actually, boobs are fun to play with. I usually lay down facing up and i push them and they wiggle x3 love it... theyre chubby and funny : 3
Ichihara Kuyo wrote...
Actually, boobs are fun to play with. I usually lay down facing up and i push them and they wiggle x3 love it... theyre chubby and funny : 3

Forum Image:
I want boobs too~
Ichihara Kuyo wrote...
Actually, boobs are fun to play with. I usually lay down facing up and i push them and they wiggle x3 love it... theyre chubby and funny : 3

You're gonna cause a riot in here! XD
My room has to be pitch black, silent and cold for me to fall asleep.
Times I go to bed are random and I sleep for at least 10 hours.
Kuroneko1/2 wrote...
Ichihara Kuyo wrote...
Actually, boobs are fun to play with. I usually lay down facing up and i push them and they wiggle x3 love it... theyre chubby and funny : 3

Forum Image:

I want boobs too~

"boobies discussion" they are always a relevant topic on fakku.

I can't go to sleep unless i masturbate first. That's probably because i'm on Fakku 70% of the time i'm on the computer. I feel sad T_T
deathwolf111 wrote...
I can't go to sleep unless i masturbate first. That's probably because i'm on Fakku 70% of the time i'm on the computer. I feel sad T_T

I often do at some point before I go to bed myself. Usually because it is a great stress and energy release right before bed.
deathwolf111 wrote...
I can't go to sleep unless i masturbate first. That's probably because i'm on Fakku 70% of the time i'm on the computer. I feel sad T_T

That's not sad. It's great stress relief before bed lol.
Ichihara Kuyo wrote...
Actually, boobs are fun to play with. I usually lay down facing up and i push them and they wiggle x3 love it... theyre chubby and funny : 3

I agree, I just can't get my girlfriend to see the light!
Ichihara Kuyo wrote...
Actually, boobs are fun to play with. I usually lay down facing up and i push them and they wiggle x3 love it... theyre chubby and funny : 3

I couldn't get to sleep and now it's almost 8am, my eyes fucking hurt.
I live upstairs, and I have the whole entire upstairs as one room, one very long room. Because of this, if I were to turn all my lights off, it would scare the shit out of me.
And so i leave a light on at the bottom of my "hallway".
I MUST, MUST have a fan BLASTING at me when I'm sleeping, even if its winter.
I CANNOT, CANNOT sleep with more than one cover.
I only sleep with a certain cover, its red one that has bamboo on it, it gets washed everyday so I can use it at night.
If I don't have my Shana-tan pillow at my side, I cant sleep. (Its a Body Pillow :3)
I must tell Shana-tan goodnight and kiss her, EVERY NIGHT!
Then I sleep. :3
Hmm, I used to sleep naked when I was a kid. For some reason it just feels weird now so I sleep with just underwear. In the winter I occasionally put on pajamas.

Coldness isn't a problem. There's a purpose for electric blankets.

Nowadays I don't really have a habit except sleeping sideways. Always.
WOw my sleeping schedule got messed up this weekend. I normally go to bed around 8am and get up around 3pm or so because I work nights...

I woke up Friday at 2pm after getting 5 hours of sleep.
I took a 30 minute nap from 5:30pm to 6pm so that didn't really give me an extra boost.
I ate my one true meal of the day at 6:30pm.
I go to work from 10pm - 4am and had a couple snacks when I got home.
I go to a lake with some friends at 8am Saturday. I drink...a LOT.
I get back at around 9pm Saturday and pass out immediately from exhaustion and alcohol. Sleep deprevation and a depressant is not a good combination.

I'm currently working on getting it back to normal, but let me say that it is not fun staying up for 31 hours, only eating one meal, and drinking a metric fuck load!
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