Time Travel

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New here and wanted to start getting involved in the community, so here I go!

You have a time machine that only goes backwards and you can only use it twice, once to go back in time and once to get(hopefully). It can bring you to a place different then where you used it, example: I use it in Canada, but tell ii to go to America may 11 1892. You are allowed to bring two items with you. Example: I use the machine in Canada tell it to go to America, July 21, 1861, in Prince William County, Virginia, near the City of Manassas( the first battle of bull run)and i bring a Kevlar vest and a AK-47 to try and win the Civil War for the Union a hell of a lot faster. What items would you bring and why,what time to you go to, and why would you go there? This is working on the assumption that you cant break time and that time paradoxes don't exist.

Didn't notice anything like this in here and i hope this is where it belongs, sorry if i messed up and broke some sort of rule.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
If a Time Travel thread already exists it'll get merged.

Anyway, we're allowed to Time Travel twice and bring 2 items, aye?

* First off, my phone and its charger. That's two items, but the phone came with the charger so I count both as one item. Besides, bloody thing was expensive, not leaving that behind. If I get bored, I've got games. If I go to a time period where mobile phones exist, win win.
* Second, flamethrower. Whatever period I choose to visit, any problem that arises can always be solved with fire.

As for periods of time, not sure. I'll have to get back to you on that.
I bring a laptop and charger filled with hundreds of science books and history books back to the U.S.A. before World War I starts. The science books put America 90 years ahead of other countries technologically, saving billions in research. Even though the timeline will be incredibly changed by now that most of the stuff in the history books won't happen, the books will teach policy makers of mistakes to avoid. Knowledge is power.
Meh I rather like the world I'm currently in so revolving around the basis that I'll revert to the age I would be at the moment if possible to prevent any type of distortion or paradox as I can't cause one I would head back to Japan 2003 where I would be around 17-18 I believe with atleast 900,000$ minted 2001,false documentation pertaining to an indefinite student visa or ambassitory visitation, and a laptop with a surplus of otaku material such as VNs,eroges, etc.
Once there I will try to act out the role of a foreign exchange student and begin the conquest of Japanese wimmins.If within the year I am unsuccessful I'll just concede to download a bunch of Loli,commit several crimes, and buy something with the remainder of my money that I could sell for a lot when I return to my world(Since the premise of time travel generally considers multiple planes of existence all being pulled together into a cone at one specific area) both gratified and legally safe(which I can't say for my other self in that timeline)
I'd go back into the past to invent the Windows OS, and probably stay there whilst having knowledge for the world to come.. Which I would sell to different corporations.
Although this is an answer better suited for serious discussion, the idea of changing the flow of events is fundamentally flawed because of causality and continuity. If you go back in time and change something then it already happened and your going back in time would have played a part in creating the current set of events that we go by. Your meddling in the past would have ben a part of the flow of events that happened and would be unchangable. That being said, I'd go back time and assassinate myself to see what would happen. If it would negate causality then it'd totally be worth it.
I would first wait until I become old, master the arts of Judo, Taekwondo, and Aikido (all 3 which i have been learning for quite some time already)
Go back in time to when i was a small boy, having knowledge of everything i've learned.
Bringing 1: My life's savings
2: Fap Material

Then again, spend the rest of my life mastering Tai-Chi, Shaolin Kungfu, Muay Thai, Jeet Kune Do etc.

Probably start a dojo and create my own martial art after that.
1) F-15
2) a year supply of war supplies

I'll proceed to bomb every single civilization that has relations to the creation of modern day religion. Good/bad or neutral. I'll eradicate the very idea of religion from the surface of the world and usher an age of facts.
I would bring a complete world history encyclopedia. I'll change the past with it.
I would got back in time and prevent the user from creating this thread
Loner the People's Senpai
Gone back to Leonardo Da Vinci's time with a World Encyclopedia or some other form of book that introduces the the concept of the "Industrial Revolution" and show them to him. Imagine how advance out civilization would be now if the Industrial Revolution happened back in the 1500's. I would also bring an AK-47 as well, they're easy to clean and everyone would fear me with their measly swords haha.
HiroyukiShota wrote...
1) F-15
2) a year supply of war supplies

I'll proceed to bomb every single civilization that has relations to the creation of modern day religion. Good/bad or neutral. I'll eradicate the very idea of religion from the surface of the world and usher an age of facts.

And more than likely bring about a religion of a God that flies in the skies like a grey bird, burning temples and the such and then destroy all of the science gained or influenced by religion including all astrology, most medicine, both eastern and western, mechanics, and art.

Gone back to Leonardo Da Vinci's time with a World Encyclopedia or some other form of book that introduces the the concept of the "Industrial Revolution" and show them to him. Imagine how advance out civilization would be now if the Industrial Revolution happened back in the 1500's. I would also bring an AK-47 as well, they're easy to clean and everyone would fear me with their measly swords haha.

Everyone would fear you...except all the people with muskets and rifles and considering they still have artillery, bombs, and have foreseen a machine gun or atleast an automatic weapon.
Darkhilt wrote...
HiroyukiShota wrote...
1) F-15
2) a year supply of war supplies

I'll proceed to bomb every single civilization that has relations to the creation of modern day religion. Good/bad or neutral. I'll eradicate the very idea of religion from the surface of the world and usher an age of facts.

And more than likely bring about a religion of a God that flies in the skies like a grey bird, burning temples and the such and then destroy all of the science gained or influenced by religion including all astrology, most medicine, both eastern and western, mechanics, and art.

Ahhh, but you see. Fear is a potent medicine. And where i'm doing it is at religion's very base. So without it's start, a religion will not occur and thus the concept of a god will there never be.

People would still live simple. There will probably never be cities and night will still be a period of time for one to live in fear from.
HiroyukiShota wrote...
Darkhilt wrote...
HiroyukiShota wrote...
1) F-15
2) a year supply of war supplies

I'll proceed to bomb every single civilization that has relations to the creation of modern day religion. Good/bad or neutral. I'll eradicate the very idea of religion from the surface of the world and usher an age of facts.

And more than likely bring about a religion of a God that flies in the skies like a grey bird, burning temples and the such and then destroy all of the science gained or influenced by religion including all astrology, most medicine, both eastern and western, mechanics, and art.

Ahhh, but you see. Fear is a potent medicine. And where i'm doing it is at religion's very base. So without it's start, a religion will not occur and thus the concept of a god will there never be.

People would still live simple. There will probably never be cities and night will still be a period of time for one to live in fear from.

Meh if the concept of a "god" has existed since before antiquity whilst our ancestors recided in caves wouldn't that mean you have to bomb them instead of those societies?And as you do that you'll once again come to my argument, to solve that which they cannot understand, they'll believe you to be a God or atleast worship and treat you as one to perhaps escape your wrath, not that you can describe what you are doing to the savage, as it is a savage.The reason for all things is to survive, as such, we always have and will look for that which is stronger, and that which is weaker.That which is stronger, God, will always have a place unless you choose to kill them all.With completely no atheistic or even agnostic views till around 1600 you would have to kill all of them, lest you strengthen the faith of the zealots who instead of hating their God, look for that God for salvation.

I did not once mention fear, and besides, antagonizing any religion empirically does not cause its believers to fall away from religion, look at the pagans during various Catholic expansions, those Christians during Rome, Muslims during the crusades, Jews during the holocaust,Protestants during their beginnings, in all those examples the religion and it's followers only became stronger as their foe saw the only way to rid themselves of an "evil", one that will be omnipresent at that, would be to destroy it.
1.) Probably i'll bring my clothes coz' i don't wanna be naked all the time =)...
2.) I will also go to future, snatch a handful of modern firearms, then go back to past..

I will go to the civilizations when the mathematicians were born and i kill em so that algebra, trigonometry, calculus and such things will never get complicated like now!
Meh if the concept of a "god" has existed since before antiquity whilst our ancestors recided in caves wouldn't that mean you have to bomb them instead of those societies?And as you do that you'll once again come to my argument, to solve that which they cannot understand, they'll believe you to be a God or atleast worship and treat you as one to perhaps escape your wrath, not that you can describe what you are doing to the savage, as it is a savage.The reason for all things is to survive, as such, we always have and will look for that which is stronger, and that which is weaker.That which is stronger, God, will always have a place unless you choose to kill them all.With completely no atheistic or even agnostic views till around 1600 you would have to kill all of them, lest you strengthen the faith of the zealots who instead of hating their God, look for that God for salvation.

"which they cannot understand, they'll believe you to be a God" , that phrase got me interested.

With ignorant, one bring forth gods and monsters to explain it's cause in the past. Such as Poseidon's wrath on sailors where storm's occur in the middle of the sea. And the Aztec believing that the sun will one day extinguish and thus offered up human sacrifices (which still surprises me because it was a fact that the sun will eventually extinguish)

With our current knowledge, many of such mysteries are already solved. So wouldn't that make human themselves gods in their very own right? We're able to govern and direct our curiosities at the unknown yet many still would like to stick their conclusion to the hand of beings that man themselves created for the sake of looking away from answers they themselves were unable to answer in the past.

Oh well. Religion talk will always end up becoming circular. 'Sides this is the random board, i shouldn't linger here for long.
Id go back to the 12th century during the Crusades with an electric guitar & a battery powered amp.

I would then rock my way into godhood. That or brutally murdered.
Let's get complicated:
Through the entire journey I would bring an acoustic guitar, so that wherever I find myself, I am always employed.

And a turkey baster.

Trip one:
The year will be 1880. Oxford. My mission is to shag Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde.
Difficulty: Low. I will stay for a minimum of three months, to collect a fair bank of viable samples.

Trip two:
23rd May, 1477 Rome. I am to infiltrate The Vatican and impregnate one Caterina "Riario."
The pregnancy will be seen into the second term, and I will then travel to the studio Verrocchio. I have forty days to seduce Leonardo, the apprentice of the shop, and two years during which to strengthen the relationship and collect adequate samples.
In the year 1503, the samples will be administered to Bianca Rossi.

The resulting child will be protected, indoctrinated, and provided for by an organization of intelligentsia. He will be encouraged to procreate, and following my death, the line will grow to rival, and eventually challenge the ruling powers, in the year 2013.

OR, with the shitty luck I've been having, the organization will send the wrong patriarch to 1503, and will not be properly dissolved following the third world war.
I would go back the discovery of America and create my own empire filled with science and technology by the following items ww1 weapons schematics and a Kevlar full body suit.
It's pretty hard to materialize in an exact spot, you know? Universes also moves little by little, which means all objects in space aren't stationary.
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