Time Travel

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I'd travel back to the year 1994 and with me I'd bring $100,000.00 CAD Circa 1991 (it says that on most of the older bills from that era) I'd help my mom out by giving her $50,000.00 to make raising me a little easier and I'd tell my Grandma she'll die in the future from Cancer because she was too stubborn to get checked when she was ill for a few years prior to her death and maybe she'd get checked in the future to find the cancer early before she got too sick and it killed her. Then I'd take the remaining $50,000.00 and blow it on all sorts of random fun shit in my hometown that isn't there anymore.
I'd make a book of all that's useful, go back in time right before Muhammad gets his revelation from Allah, pat him on the shoulder and say that his religion will result in thousands of years of warfare and general desecration of everything and that it would be a better idea to go back to merchanting.
Step one: go back in time with rifle and box of condoms.

Step two: hide rifle in jousting lance.

Step three: kick ass at jousting.

Step four: ???

Step five: profit.
Go back in time with
1) A collection of best selling books, give them all to a publishing agency to release them 2 months before their actual release dates MAKING MILLIONS or threatening the authors with the aforementioned and get half their profits. Or go back with a play by play of the entire stock market and make millions.
2) Go back in time with science books and make the future happen.
(We can return back to our own time right?)
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