What are your deepest Fears?

i dont know about deepest, but the most prevalent one i know of is falling. i dont like falling even if its the smallest kind unless i know its going to happen. I'm not afraid of heights, i could be in a plane or a high cliff without having problems, but if i start thinking about free falling from that high id feel like dying.
Being alone for my lifetime. Its a simple fear. Also, I hate crawly things on my skin. The spiders and I have an agreement, as long as I don't actually see them, its cool. the second they get into the house and I spot them, its smashing time. That goes for all manner of buggy things. I suppose blindness would be the next thing too, being unable to read or see, it would break me.
-Large Bodies of Water (I can't swim)
-Anything going through someone's eyes
The inability to take care of myself/no longer being self-reliant.
Death, I'm the kind of guy who looks on it in a wholly pessimistic manner.

I used to have phobias of heights and spiders, I find that I'm still a little uncomfortable with them but I can't really call them fears anymore.
Needles. I know it's a completely irrational fear and I probably have no reason to, but ever since I can remember I have been absolutely terrified of needles. Even now as an adult I can't watch anything involving needles and begin filling with fear just at the sight of one.
On a different note, while not a fear, I can't stand seeing anything involving broken bones either. Though this comes from the fact that I used to break a bone about once a year since 3rd grade. The last time was my senior year in high school. Funny thing is, I was always doing stupid things, but I only ever managed to break bones doing normal everyday things like tripping over the doorstep I had used all my life.
You know that feel when you look over a railing of pretty much anything remotely high in air and you have this nagging sense someone whether they are joking or not is going to push you or shove you over the edge? I am scarred to death of that. Also I pretty much jump at anything frightening that is supposed to pop out at you instantly.
Ive had little known fears to me but recently theyve begun to crawl up to me and they're:
  • 1. im afraid that no one will ever pay attention to me
    2. continuing wandering in life not knowing what to do
    3. afraid of being myself
    4. afraid of my own emotions
    5. of my overactive imagination (weird but true)

i got a couple more most of them are about my personality, way of thinking, and how i live my life
Having my throat slit while looking up.
Seeing as I play water polo, it's really funny that I'm afraid of being alone in deep water since I have Galeophobia and a fear of large fish/marine animals in general. Oh, I'm also afraid of the dark (I'm such a wuss).
Jeff-097: "Shade-Thr wrote...
Seeing as I play water polo, it's really funny that I'm afraid of being alone in deep water since I have Galeophobia and a fear of large fish/marine animals in general. Oh, I'm also afraid of the dark (I'm such a wuss).

I have the same fears.lol
Most bugs.
Really dark, deep water.
Being alone.
Sitting in complete silence.
falling, getting stabbed, heights, drowning, and dying without accomplishing my dreams.
My worst fear is balloons, I can't stand them. Every time I see a kid walking down the street with one I freak out. The worst is when people hold them directly or squeeze them, which coincidentally happened a lot today in my dorm. There were balloons all over the hall for some reason T_T.
The concept that there is nothing after we die.

No matter how small...
Fear of the dark, but not the dark itself but whats in it.
Fear of Heights, but not the height itself but falling off.
Lastly Insects just creeps me the f*ck out, mainly spiders
Fear of bugs.
All Arachnids.
Rejection or being an annoyance to someone else.
Fuck everything about them.