What are your deepest Fears?

Heights, torture, and dismembering.
Large amounts of blood and physical pain are my primary fears, with hospitals and physical contact being a rather large secondary.

I've no idea why I fear the former two, since I don't really have a memory involving lots of blood (maybe it's blocked?), and my tolerance to pain is above average. The latter two, however, are easily understood by myself.
[size=10]...not that I'd enjoy sharing why.[/h]
-fear to face myself

i'm always scared to see myself in the mirror,because when i'm still a kid(i'm an orphan),i had nightmare about my other self keep talking of what i hid,done,and every lies i make,you might say i overreacted but if you replace me,i'm sure you know...how terrifying it is,my (old,rusty,broken,whatever) apartement room didn't have any mirrors at all,no reason just a little psychopath,but i ain't scared of my shadow.
Death and the life that follows it is truly frightening. No thoughts, no being, and ceasing to exist as if everything was for naught, that is the worst I am still trying to accept.

Maybe it will turn out for the better.
MK13 wrote...
Ah... Fear of heights! Afraid of the dark (when I'm alone)

But personally, my greatest fears are:
Losing someone I love
To fall in love with the wrong guy

I have pretty much the same fears as you (except the last one, because I'm a guy xP)
I also fear that no girl is ever going to see me as more than a friend (I get a lot of friend zoning even though I'm more caring and faithful than most guys around here, but again, mexican standards leave me as a weirdo)
And for making it short, I also have fear of pretty much anything that can kill me (paranoid xP)
hmm lets see:

Apiphobia- Fear of bees
Caligynephobia- Fear of beautiful women
Chorophobia- Fear of dancing

they very in degree and others are missing.
My greatest fear would be being confined in a tight space and unable to move. An example of this would be like being buried alive, without being able to move and knowing I would be there forever. I assure you, I would be mind-broken in five minutes tops.
Spiders, heights and drowning.
My major fear: Dying alone

My other fears: Needles, parasites, and confined spaces
A bad panic attack. I had a last bad one but I think loneliness+stress causes it honestly. So to beat that I need to be out there and stick myself in healthy situations that make me uncomfortable like -cough working a cashier job or joining school clubs. I just got a call for a job interview for dunkin donuts...I dont really want it. Its a very social and fast paced job but it might just be what I need...
Die, get rejected when i ask to marry with someone, say to my mother that i'm going bad in school and dark @-@
Being useless to my friends and family.
My deepest fear would be...
facing my uncle. period.
Heights, things I find too creepy (which things, it depends), dogs when aggressive, rejection from others (especially my closest relatives), and above everything, failing at things.
I am really afraid of Deep water, I cant explain why, but it makes me uneasy being on a boat or swimming in a lake when my feet cant touch the bottom and I cant see it.
1st: being un-needed by anyone, useless
2nd: syringes, will freeze up and break out in sweat
Being ripped apart
Snake bite (I hate snakes)
Dieing alone
Well to be honest I'm afraid of insects and bugs.
-Being buried alive
-Getting stabbed with a bunch of needles
-Being hated by my friends one day
Livided FAKKU Writer
My deepest fear would be to hesitate when faced with other fears.