What can I say to turn a guy on?

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Um, I'm in a long distance relationship, so I was wondering what to say to a guy to make him horny .//////.;;

He gets horny randomly whenever he talks to me (and I'm sure of that since he has proven to me that he doesn't read hentai/ watch pr0n as much as he used to and only uses it when I can't talk to him or text to him) but I wantto get him horny intentionally /////
I talked to him about it and he told me to figure it out myself... the thing is... Despite me being with him for about half a year... I'm still clueless about how I can turn him on lllOTL (yes, I know, I make a horrible girlfriend/lover)

A-and incredibly enough he knows more about me than I know about him lllOTL um um I think I'm going off topic. Overall I just want to know what to say to get him horny. And I may or may not use any suggestions that are thrown at me ;; u ;;<3

PS; I don't have a webcam OTL, I have a childish voice and I get embarrassed easily Q A Qlll
So cute and nice. He's lucky to have you.

Hmm... I dunno about how to turn him on though... especially online, it's all the harder. Since you don't have a webcam, the options are limited to cybering, phone sex and well... if you'd be willing to send him pics of yourself. Try giving him and ask him what he likes most?

And no probs about the voice, trust me. I haven't heard your voice lol, but I'm pretty sure he likes your voice a lot. Guys, at least the ones I know are just like that. They don't mind much, they like almost everything about the person they love.
Like mibuchiha said, there's a good chance he like's your childish voice and cherishes your easily embarrassed nature. I think that any effort you make to "be sexy" for him will probably be appreciated. If he understands your shyness, then the fact that you can be bold and forthcoming would mean even more.

I'm the farthest thing from an expert on any of this, but what would probably turn me on a fair bit, is hearing all the things my lover would want to do to me when we meet again. And some mention of what she's doing to herself for relief while we're apart.
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
Awwww~! <3

OK, so the best bet is for you to turn him on with your voice. Luckily, the cute and childish ones work wonders erotically. ;)


Here are Literotica's audio story section, but really, a lot are just masturbation voice clips. XD

It may be a little unorthodox, but see if you can learn some tips on how to turn on with just your voice alone. Don't worry, the cute can work to your advantage, if you know how to use it.
Call him onii-chan?

I don't know, your best bet is to probably do some searching around to find what he likes, and find similar interests~
Even just talking about those with him could be enough to turn him on~ :3
Or you can go further and tell him about what you like~ Encourage him to do those things to you (though only online, since you're long-distance, like you said). The key is you have to get him turned on without using touch, which is by far the easist way. Smell, too... both of those really help.
I find it weird your bf would not tell you what he likes sexually. If you both know your fetishes and quirks, you can adapt to that. Ask him to tell you once more and see if you can play it out.

Also, if you have a cute voice, you can use that to your advantage. Be glad you have it!
Gravity cat the adequately amused
The question that springs to mind is, why the Long Distance Relationship?

You could always ask him outright what turns him on, but on the other hand it's always fun to guess.

Since you have difficulty making him intentionally horny, a good place to start would be to make yourself horny first, you're a more natural pervert that way.

Since you say you have a cute voice, I think you could pull off the "Cheekily perverted but cute" route. In your "cute voice", imply naughty things like cuddling "suggestively", or make him guess "What you're doing right now" in a slightly seductive tone, if he guesses wrong tell him to listen carefully. Wait for the line to go silent then start masturbating. Nothing gets the blood pumping to the dick like listening to your partner pleasuring herself, especially if she's a moaner.

You could even talk dirty to him, explain what you'd like to do with him sexually. If you have a vivid imagination, that's not a problem. A possible scenario would be him coming out of the shower and you approach him from behind, gently kissing his neck and tugging on his member. Remember to go into detail!
Masose Ona Degenerate
That guy is lucky :D

I was in a LDR before and both me and my ex were natural perverts. It came off a bit odd at first when we started messing with each other over the phone and whatnot, but after a while we would just get into it.

So really, just trying to get the ball rolling could really help setting it off. I can understand that it will seem extremely weird and awkward, you might even be at a loss of words. But soon enough it will be easier, especially the more you get to know what excites him and yourself. And phone sex is really fun if done right :D
Doesn't take much. appeal to his fetishes. Lingerie, dirty talk. whatever.
Text him, "thinking about you makes me wet."

Dirty talk on da phone and send him pics of you... ;D

Deff' gon' work.
If he gets aroused randomly from hearing you speak, and you say you have a childish voice.. I think it might arouse him if you were to just come out and tell him this yourself. Chances are you might stumble over some of the words, your voice might crack in embarrassment. Guys eat that shit up. Seeing/knowing their girl is embarrassed. Not humiliated. Embarrassed. You know, your cheeks get flushed, maybe you kind of.. smile involuntarily. It's endearing.
Thank you everyone for your suggestions >///.///< I'll try these suggestions once my Internet returns to normal next month as I have limited Internet and won't be able to voice with him till then... lllOTL the only thing I can do for now is text to him Q n Q *misses his wonderful voice*
I'll do my best to to to.... Seduce him with more cuteness than before? If I know how to 8'D
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
Read an erotic story to him.
Tsujoi wrote...
Read an erotic story to him.

send your boobies in the mail to him, I'm sure he'll love it. ;D

Not but seriously, could always cyber.. that might work...
Furisutan wrote...
Um, I'm in a long distance relationship, so I was wondering what to say to a guy to make him horny .//////.;;

He gets horny randomly whenever he talks to me (and I'm sure of that since he has proven to me that he doesn't read hentai/ watch pr0n as much as he used to and only uses it when I can't talk to him or text to him) but I wantto get him horny intentionally /////
I talked to him about it and he told me to figure it out myself... the thing is... Despite me being with him for about half a year... I'm still clueless about how I can turn him on lllOTL (yes, I know, I make a horrible girlfriend/lover)

A-and incredibly enough he knows more about me than I know about him lllOTL um um I think I'm going off topic. Overall I just want to know what to say to get him horny. And I may or may not use any suggestions that are thrown at me ;; u ;;<3

PS; I don't have a webcam OTL, I have a childish voice and I get embarrassed easily Q A Qlll

Well, it's quite easy actually: you start by telling him how you are dressed, you write down some kinky stuff and you can be sure he will be turned on :D
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y

Here. Try these.

Add a bit of air into your voice.
1. tell him about your fantasies! how when you think of him you get turned on(i mean, maybe you dont?idk. but if you do then tell him) also tell him of the things you want to do to him.

2. maybe masturbate while talking to him so he can hear your panting or whatever noises you make but let him figure it out dont tell him! (ive never done this one myself but i think it would be so hot)

3. hmmmm what else.....tell him about all the awesome things he does during sex and how much you miss it- that way its sexy talk and you will be pointing out his strong points.

4. i guess you can tell him about some random fetish you recently learned about and start a conversation exploring each others preferences??? then after you know what he likes you can tell him how you're gonna make it happen, which basically goes back to #1

thats all i can think of right now.... GOOD LUUUUUCK~!

also: dude! if hes doing this long distance thing he obviously loves you so you dont need to be embarrassed. "Show me how much you mean it/ By the way that you please me baby" - Rihanna....ya DOIT
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