What can I say to turn a guy on?

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Hey there Furisu-chan. I'd like to say that I'm in a long distance relationship too, so I kinda understand how you feel. First of all, he's lucky to have such a nice girl like you, I wish you both a health relationship. Second, I recommend using that cute voice of yours. Do you know any of his fetishes? If so use that too. I've seen your drawings and I'm just amazed, I can't make that kind of drawings in just mere minutes. (Heh, cheap comment from a guy who never tried...) A-anyway, just be yourself, that worked for me for 5 years and 8 months. :3
Hi there. Im in a long distance relationship too. I understand the embarrassed part of talking naughty on the phone or voice chat. My boyfriend was like that at first to. Yeah there might be some awkward moments and stuff but eventually it goes away over time. What we do is cyber, webcam, and just telling him what I want him to do to me or that I'm horny gets him going.
Use your voice to your advantage. If you never try you will always be shy.
Best of luck to you both :)
artcellrox wrote...

Here. Try these.


win :P

also pay attention to detail if you say something and he seems to enjoy it more and you can hear it in his voice work with that maybe its his fetish and good luck to you.
Ok so I tried doing a few suggestions... And let's say my bf got upset. He told me he was scared that I was getting more and more perverted... He told me that if I kept being like this I'd get to the point where I'd want to um... Have sex with anyone... Th-then he told me that he doesn't want me to become as perverted as him... L-let's just say this ended with me crying so much to the point where I kinda lost my voice and now i have one hell of a headache... lllOTL h-he says he appreciated it at least.............
"theres a stage of pervertedness where you become so perverted you dont even care who anymore.Trust me, It's true.Where you just simply want to relief yourself"..... My head and my chest are in pain.... My fear seems to be increasing dramatically....

That's one paranoid bf. Like me somewhat. -.-

Try to assure him that you only love and want him, no one else. Let him know how much you love him, that you're doing this because you yearn for him, care about him, wanna cater to his urges etc. Over time you both will get comfortable with it and it'll be great for you both.
Well that went further than I expected it...I can't be a writer if this keeps up.

A-ah well... like Mibuchiha-san said try to assure him that you won't be like that. A nice long talk will do. Argh, I'm so useless at this, and I should be the old wise guy person...... Just have the talk with him, tell him about your feelings, confirm that you love him from the bottom of your heart, that you'll never be like that whatever the circumstances. Say to him what he means to you.

Aaaah....Now I feel embarrassed typing all of that. Well good luck, Furisu-chan. I'll be rootin for ya!
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