What Do You Ultimately Want?

Happiness for everyone in the world. cheesy but its not because I'm a good person, I just want the world to shut up ranting about their problems in this and that so that I can make the things I want in peace without worrying about a WW3 and all that other political crap.
idmb22 Input Gold Rank Here
Not dying alone and in pain.
If i had to pick one thing that I ultimately want, It would have to be to find someone to share my life with. A person who can put up with all of my oddities and/or has her own to balance mine. Odd = fun life. Failing that, getting my writing published, as it means i can at least share my dreams with people in the way that so many others have done already in the writing community.
Same as the poster above me as well as wanting to find out the truth to my questions and reliszing my true potintial with out any indirect or direct influnces ie negative effects interfering with my life. Just dont want to be held back and learn to live on my own away from the humans im staying with. Eternal happiness etc
Livided FAKKU Writer
Hmhm this question always beats the shit out of me when I think about it...

I want a lot of things, primarily stronger will power. However the moment I say this I feel silly, because to me just getting the willpower would not be enough, I wish to earn it and build it up myself or it is meaningless.

So I will have to reject my highest wish and several others as they can only be worth obtaining for me by enduring the journey to reach it or I feel I would lose the feeling of appreciating them.

Instead I will settle on something more material, I ultimately want to be able to spend more time doing what I like doing without it destroying my life like missing work or whatever.
Most of all, Unbreakable bonds. Mostly friends that wont leave you, or family that will stick by you when you need them. Bonds can go long and prove more memories and moments in life you would remember till your last breath. They can also help you out when you are in need or something like that.
Holix wrote...
Most of all, Unbreakable bonds. Mostly friends that wont leave you, or family that will stick by you when you need them. Bonds can go long and prove more memories and moments in life you would remember till your last breath. They can also help you out when you are in need or something like that.

This along with what I previously said would be something I would love to have
There's a couple things I want on a realistic note and most importantly is a women who I can happily be with and if I don't find one then so be it I'm by myself for the rest of my life no sense in me being with someone I don't like nope no sense at all. I would also like my name to be remembered and known throughout the end of time for some significant event because I think being forgotten, being alone, and insignificant if a fate I suppose all humans are afraid of if not more so then death but, I digress. The last thing I would want is to not so pessimistic and depressed most of the time I'm awake weather it's one thing or another I never look at the good I only look at the bad.

On a unrealistic note I would like to be a god for obvious reasons I obviously wanna just be able to do anything I want and not be able to be punished for it. On a lesser scale of that I'd love to just have super powers nothing fancy ideally just something along the lines of Agent Smiths powers or Albert Weskers would be good enough for me. That about sums it up for me.
Sounds odd but I'd love to be able to fight for something I believe in. Reading stuff about revolutionaries in France or China just makes me think how exhilarating it must have been to be a part of a monumental change in history. Or even being a student fighting for a cause like Enjolras in Les Mis sounds exciting. Then again I can't really complain about living in a peaceful country... :P

As for my personal wish, I'd like to have some genuine friends. Aside from family I don't actually have any real close friends (plenty of friends to hang around but no close ones) so some companionship would be nice.
Ultimately I just want happiness. I don't care how or what must be done for me to achieve this. I want to be able to achieve a pure happiness, free of any kind of substance/medication. I'd also like to be able to be sane without medication [: But if I can be insane and happy at the same damn time, well fuck me, that's fine.
Medzy wrote...

What I ultimately want is to cure my Social Anxiety, to be able to not be afraid of strangers, then eventually make friends who I don't have to fear.

Yeah kinda me too... It's not an all out panic for me, but I just can't be myself near others. I have created this outter-me everyone knows, and I keep the real me to myself. Having friends that I can be myself with would make me much more outgoing.

And of course the cliche "I'd like to find love".
It may sound mundane but money.
Being rich provides more flexibility in life than having little to none.
That's my motivation for studying really hard.

Regarding your problem of overcoming your difficulty in trusting people,
I think that's not a bad thing with how messed the current society is, your just being careful.
They say that having a few friends whom you can count on in times of difficulty
is better than having hundreds of people whom you only can call a friend in times of fun.
I wish you the best of luck though.
To win a Dota 2 International tournament and having the prestige that comes with the title of World Champion in my favorite game for the past 7 years.
I want to be free from my Social Anxiety. It hurts me everytime when someone wants to start a conversation with me I feel scared and want to move away. This has been going on since elementary and I want it to stop. I missed so many opportunities due to this and it hurts everyday just thinking about it. I just want to change, but don't know how. I want to make some friends, fall in love, live somewhere quiet with my partner, and just to change. A man can dream.
Marrying someone, have kids and settle down. A life where I don't have to worry about money and the future. A life where I can do anything spontaneous and also relax any time I want. Ultimately I also want to find the one I love. I feel like when I meet the right person then life would be simpler already.

But the problems that prevent me from achieving all those are because I can become way over analytic and flop over the chance of actually doing something about it. Fucking brain.
I know it sounds selfish but what I ultimately want is Absolute immortality. Never aging, never getting sick or having any kind of diseases and never getting wounded permanently.
know where in life i'm standing
ToyManC Forgot my safe word
To get my book published.
I have no all-time ultimate goal or something, as I usually put 'goals' as 'objective that needs to be achieved'. In short, once I accomplish an objective, I continue pursuing a higher target.

Well, my previous ultimate goal is to build a warehouse that's capable of containing 30,000 tons of materials and I have accomplished it a few months ago. For now, my ultimate goal is to have a billion dollar in my bank account.