What Do You Ultimately Want?

To be the best Fighting Game Player on the Planet.
To provide for my future family and the family I have now.
To have unbreakable bonds with friends.
To be the best person I can be.
I want to get a steady job that pays enough for me to support myself. I don't need a lot of wealth or anything, I'd be content with living a simple life in a decent apartment as long as I'm not living paycheck to paycheck and as long as my job doesn't make me feel constantly miserable. I don't play on getting married since I doubt I'd be able to have a healthy relationship given how introverted and distrusting I am towards other people, so I'd be ok with a cat for company.

I'm still an 18 year old student, but I really want to live on my own as soon as possible. And maybe one day I'll find a nice woman who can accept me and all my quirks and insecurities.
I've revisited and revised my choice, all I want is a nice apartment in a nice city with a BMW motorcycle, an in house bar, cleaning services on Tuesdays, a job that I don't hate and a few good friends. That's it really, I want tasteful decor in a nice place to live working an unremarkable yet enjoyable job and to simply be happy.
I want to be the one to start the technological singularity :)
To become a little girl.
Seems fun as hell.
[size=14]Enough money so that I can buy what I want and not have to work. I'm lazy[/h]
BagMan wrote...
[size=14]Enough money so that I can buy what I want and not have to work. I'm lazy[/h]

It's almost normal to not want to work, I also think about how cool it would be to not have to work too.

Also, I love the gif in your signature.
Medzy wrote...
BagMan wrote...
[size=14]Enough money so that I can buy what I want and not have to work. I'm lazy[/h]

It's almost normal to not want to work, I also think about how cool it would be to not have to work too.

Also, I love the gif in your signature.

[size=14]Thanks, Love your cyclops as well. Good to know I'm not the only one who becomes disillusioned with work. [/h]
What I ultimately want is the world and all of what is on it to be in balance and also be happy, because that is what we need right now.
I want a job I enjoy doing, even on long days.
And a girlfriend.
to play world tour with my band. Really distant one. Only played in my hometown -.-
to become a manga artist but...

1. I'm not japanese
2. Most(all) of the main heroines in the stories I write wear glasses and even though a lot of people say glasses girls are hot, for some reason almost none of them end up with the main guy in anime/manga and that might effect the popularity of what I write
3. I have work(as a sculptor)
4. I have School work (because I failed this semester)
5. I have house work (because my mom and younger brother and sister are useless)
6. I have babysitting work ( because my 5 year old brother doesn't like my mom or my brother and sister because they're bullies and useless)

yeah..dreams instantly crushed
RukaMilda wrote...
to become a manga artist but...

1. I'm not japanese

You don't have to be. In the wise words of Mike Z, "If you wanna start making an indie game or something, just start."
Just start
RukaMilda wrote...
2. Most(all) of the main heroines in the stories I write wear glasses and even though a lot of people say glasses girls are hot, for some reason almost none of them end up with the main guy in anime/manga and that might effect the popularity of what I write

There is nothing wrong with something having a ending where nobody wins, it's actually more real and relatable that way.
You feel terrible for the character, and want to be there for the character.
I also love glasses too.
RukaMilda wrote...
5. I have house work (because my mom and younger brother and sister are useless)

I know EXACTLY how you feel.
RukaMilda wrote...
6. I have babysitting work ( because my 5 year old brother doesn't like my mom or my brother and sister because they're bullies and useless)

You're the big brother/sister of the year.

RukaMilda wrote...
yeah..dreams instantly crushed

"Don't Stop Believin!"
If you give up, that's the worst thing you can do. Things may get in the way, but those things can't stop you.
Ultimately, I just want to be happy, hopefully marry the one I love and have a couple children, a house, have fun and enjoy life with my family and friends.. and a lot of cosplay and anime/manga/video games :3 .
To be happier and healthier than I am now, to stop thinking so much about every single thing that happens in my life, and to finally find a decent job and contribute to my family's life for real.
Ultimately, attain one billion dollars worth of asset. Currently stuck in 7 million. For now, just taking things easy and trying to surpass my father in law. Old man got >20 million of assets.
The thing I ultimately want in life is to own a Pizza restaurant with an arcade.
SolidShark wrote...
Get married, be loved, give affection, recieve affection.
That is what I ultimately want.

Forum Image: http://puu.sh/3o8Ad.jpg

Forum Image: http://puu.sh/3o8Ce.jpg
To have my own house and well off paying job.
I haven't the foggiest idea of what I "Ultimately want." I want to find some money, so I wont always be broke. But ultimately I don't know