What Made You Pick Your Fakku Username... And Its Origins

Rebecca Black.....And Jason Voorhes
I pick mine cause when thinking a name for the character that I've been drawing.
The numbers are just extra.
Onomatopoeia. Of what, I'm not sure of.
I've used it for over 13 years. Just a combination of words I liked. I make up some meanings now and then.
So, I've decided it's story time.

For starters, the username "imnotyourdude" is not, in fact, myself telling you that I am not your dude. The user name comes from a story back in my middle school years (roughly 7 years ago), and I have been using the name as a joke (and of course as an honorific to whom I am not their dude).

It was a hot summers day when an unnamed friend and I decided to ride bikes to a local convenience store to pick up a drink to quench our thirst. I was over at his house, so naturally, I didn't have my own bike accessible to me, so I had to ride his little sister's Disney princess bike. The bike was about 2 sizes too small, and on top of that I wasn't wearing a helmet (who wears helmets anyways) because my friend didn't own any spares.

So, we were riding down the street when a police car pulled up in front of us, causing us to stop. He got out of his car, and we instantly recognized him. It was the asshole cop the entire city knows: Officer Gonzalez. This guy is literally the definition of a douche bag cop, having broken up multiple street hockey games and screaming at children for no apparent reason (or something incredibly stupid). This guy clearly thought he was the shit, and as such, decided to pull us over.

As soon as he got out he sent a sharp stare directly at me, and walked over and put his hands on my handle bars.
Gonzalez -"Your bike is too small for you son, and your not wearing a helmet."
Me -"Sorry, I didn't have a helmet, and we're just riding down the street."
Gonzalez - "You know, it's illegal to ride with out a helmet! I am 36 years old, and I still wear my helmet! You could easily fall off that tiny bike!"
My friend - "Dude, sorry, calm down."

Anyways, that's as far as you need in the conversation to get the point. So afterwards, we couldn't stop laughing about the I AM NOT YOUR DUDE quote, and made it an inside joke amongst ourselves. One day, we were playing some CS: Source, and kept changing our names to random stuff, before eventually I made mine "imnotyourdude" (it was the only thing that would fit), and it generated so many lulz it stuck forever. Thus, my username stems from that story.
A wikipedia article about overkill, where they cited Nuclear Landmine as an example of it.
I'm pretty sure no users here can remember my username at a glance, and I also used this username since elementary school.
Taken from my fav char from S.D.Kyo
Yukimura Sanada
Back then I think that he's just a fictional chara but then i realize he's a Japan historical figure
And the -kun is just for attachment
well its my full name lolz any where i go i use one of a few gamer tags or name's mostly Zero_Justice but i noticed there were a few zero's allready present so i just use my full name instead cuz its one of a kind just like fakku

found this nickname at france dictionary..
Pierrot = Clown
and after i found that i always use this username in any forum..
it means i "always" use this nickname..
but sometime i add ipoy at the end..
btw ipoy = my real name read backwards..
I don't remember the origins of how my user became to be. I just know this is one of many I use though.
a friend of mine called me like that so I adapted it
I was reading/watching Detroit Metacl City at the time and the OP "Satsugai" was stuck in my head for a while, so I decide to use it.
This is the username i always use (please don't google it).
Mine's based on one of the main characters of a story I'm working on.
my username was made when i first started forum-ing on a now dead forum, scince then i have jus kept it, recently changed to black rock lied on some places but yeah there ya go :P
Well, i like Shinya from Dir en grey, and desu is polite speech but...stupid me pressed the Y instead of the U /facepalm.

hence, shinyadesy~
Cause I lack the motivation to use any other so I rehash my original which was neojin but when I registered here someone already took that so I addstuff in the end. LOL Lazy
My old username was Zombie (I think it might have been a spelling variation of it) on here but I didn't like it so I changed it randomly to Rayne. No idea why. It's the only name I could think of at the time to change it to.
i was using this username eversince my first internet usage that required my to have an account with a username..

generally i was thinking of something random before.. i was a very random thinking person back then... this username suddenly popped in my mind