What Made You Pick Your Fakku Username... And Its Origins

PorygonPowah Genuine Lumberjack
My love of porygon and the song row row fight the powah lead to my current screen name. There wasn't really any thought in it beyond that.
I'm not sure. It was kind of random.

"I'm pretty happy right now." ok. "My name is Dia." ok. "I guess I'll just throw a random 01 at the end.. just 'cause." ok.
BOOM, username.
Its close to my real name
Not sure if I posted in this thread. My username comes from my car's front end.
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
Leroya wrote...
Its close to my real name

CHUCK NORRIS,nuff said...
Because I like pancakes, and being paipan.
Paipancaeks wrote...
Because I like pancakes, and being paipan.

bare pancakes. You don't even want the syrup?
i don't know exactly why. i just wanted sign up in fakku and make much cum AND I WANT CHANGE IT but don't know how.
Honestly, I picked my name from the new Assassins creed, And of how I am of some turkish origin
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
The Trooper wrote...
i don't know exactly why. i just wanted sign up in fakku and make much cum AND I WANT CHANGE IT but don't know how.

PM either Jacob or another Admin like Mike or Matt, and ask them for a name change, stating your current name, and the name you want.
I chose mine in a hurry, I wanted to quickly make my account because I desperately wanted to favourite some Mobstergirl mamga :P I put the 1337 there because 'RobinHood' is apparently already taken.
Mine's the same as all my other usernames. Originates from "I am the Walrus" by John Lennon. Nope, it's not the sonic villian.
As far as I could tell, EggMan has no definition in the song. I chose to define it with myself: I AM the EggMan.
The Z at the end is my first initial irl.
Loner the People's Senpai
Well since I just changed mine, I'll say because

A. Its short, simple, and easy to remember
B. I was never in love with my original username
C. I am sort of a loner IRL lol
EZ is a nickname i was given Freshman year of college. it's also the first letter of my first name and the last letter of my last name.

the numbers are from a poem i wrote a really fucking long time ago.
Loner wrote...
Well since I just changed mine, I'll say because

A. Its short, simple, and easy to remember
B. I was never in love with my original username
C. I am sort of a loner IRL lol

I seem to have forgotten what your old one was.
Azelle is the name of the first female cleric character my brother used in Dungeon & Dragon game. Since he potrays her as his ideal girlfriend (and I take her character as my ideal elder sister) thus he put 'Fans' at the end of her name.
I chose mine because i wanted to act cool.Plain and simple.
I made mine after the scanalation group I'm part of. Now I want an username to myself. *sigh*. But giving Jacob a PM Requires too much physical exertion.
It was a pseudonym I was using at the time. I came up with it after Crysis 2 wouldn't let me use Vivaldi as a username.