What Made You Pick Your Fakku Username... And Its Origins

65 years ago, the French Revolution was in full swing, and the age of the dinosaurs had finally come to a close. I was just a wee lad of 49 at the time, working the day shift at a local gator farm outside of Tampa Bay. It's hard to believe I'm already halfway into the grave, am I right? But I digress.

One unforgiving Summer day working on the gator farm, I came across a glimmer of light at the bottom of the shit trenches I was dredging out. I reached in with my tattered work gloves and fished out a brilliant jade ring. I couldn't have been more lucky, for the reason I had been working at that gator farm in the first place was to save money to buy an engagement ring for my beloved. The only problem was that she wouldn't be born for another 12 years. That's what the gypsy told me, at least. So I saved the ring. I let it collect dust as my gator shit trench-dredging boots collected gator shit crust. I waited 30 years for her. 12 for her to be born, and 18 for her to be of marriageable age. Alas! I hadn't thought about the fact that I was 61 years older than her at the time of her coming of age. I would have to wait. I would have to wait long enough for our ages to be irrelevant. So I waited and waited and waited, and soon enough another 50 years passed. She was 68, and I, now a moderately successful 129 year old gator farm mogul. After another 34 years of stubborn wooing on my part, I finally won her heart.

The year was 2061 when we finally got married. But my beloved, her body was weak. She died peacefully at the altar in my arms, wishing only that she had been more light-hearted, and that I had taken more days off from my gator farm monopoly to be with her. She wished she had more things to LOL at, and that I had taken more holidays.

A Loliday.
Mine was named after a Gundam - the Hyzenthlay Rah.

Forum Image: http://images.wikia.com/gundam/images/5/55/Hyzenthlay-rah-i.jpg

Then I remembered it wrong, and it became Heizan-Thley.

Now it's Heizan-Tr5 because of the Gaplant Tr-5 [Hrairoo]
My gamertags are all either Heizan or Hrairoo

Forum Image: http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2210/2348821655_bb3d960841_z.jpg
I think you'll understand just by reading my username:D
i use mine for everything (playstation network, email, games, etc)

just sounded cool i guess, when i was playing MMOs lol
though everyone just calls me Nex XD
Mister Fixit is my favorite incarnation of the Hulk thus it's also the nickname I've got for my member. Long story.
Charles Adrien Wettach.
Pasithea is my username on just about every website I post on.

Pasithea is the Greek Goddess of rest, relaxation and hallucinations. I have been using this screen name since I was 16.
Yevrag is my last name backwards, and the 35 was the number i wore when i played high school baseball.
Also this is pretty much my username for everything, and I MEAN EVERYTHING!!!
Kutharos Not a dentist
I got my name after Ku, the Hawaiian God of War, Prosperity, among other aspects of Hawaiian culture.

I modified it to where Ku would be bonded to Thalas, which was supposed to make it elvish for my Warcraft Blood Elf mage. Thus Kuthalas. However, as I became more and more called Kuth for short, I got associated with the name more and more online.

After several years of WoW, the name just stuck, and it became apparent that I would now use the name for none WoW purposes. However Kuthalas sounded a bit feminine to me outside of Warcraft. I just changed it to Kutharos and that was that.
I just kind of got mine when my one friend started calling me Yachi one day...It has stuck ever since
nick name i go by in life with.
Mine is a quote from stupid meme called dolan,still have no idea why i could use that as my username
I wanted Seraphina, because it was kinda cool, but it was taken so I had to cut down and add somethings.
I still like this nickname :P
You know I d0nt5 know why I picked it not a day goes by I don'y trhink whyn didn't I think of some thing better.
I'm sure people have made this thread a billion times, but how did you get your internet name?
Is there a cool story behind it or is there a joke of some some sort or something else? Do tell.
I'm terrible at making names so when I watched a family guy episode I decided to use say what!
I forgot my original account and couldn't think of a good name. Name change coming soon...I think.
Ryssen = Russian

Sounds cool in Swedish.

I'm fine with my username. Only backside to it is that no-one can pronounce it correctly. But I stopped caring after a while.
If I had a nickel for every time someone asked this...
Anyways, it goes like this :
When I made my first ever email account, I was a really big fan of DOOM (still am)
Now there is a gun named BFG 9000 in that. Take bfg, take 9000 to the next level (10000= 10k) and I was 17 years old.
All this equals : bfg10k17.
There you go.
It's a long story, short version, girlfriend found account and started monitoring it, so I went through elaborate steps to maintain access to the forums without her knowing, the only way was to name a new account and have a mod ban the old one (the perfect alibi, "I got banned so I'm obviously not there") in the meantime I had an rp going in writing and I had to create an alternate in the interim. The username was chosen because I was worried that because I was technically breaking the rules I'd be banned, but Jacob understood, though he hadn't changed my username yet.