What would you do if you were god?

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Yea, what would you guys do? This post is not to think if be a god is possible or not, or if it even exists or not, lets just think you suddenly became the god of the universe and of everything, now you can do what you feel like without any obstruction.

Now you are:

-whatever you wanted to be or could think of

Would you like to be a god? If you can do anything, could you create something you cant do? If you are omnipotent and immortal at the same time, could you kill yourself? Knowing everything, that is, being omniscient, what would you do then?

This is regardless whether be god is possible or if it makes sense, just think about if you just now became a god.
Okay, im looking foward to know what you guys would do
Probably what most Gods do, try to provide, find that it doesn't work, try and control and find that doesn't work, try and set rules and find that doesn't work and after some getting upset, and punishing everyone and finding that didn't work, walk away and let everyone mess up on their own.
Honestly after playing lots of simulation games, nothing. I don't get any pleasure out of micromanaging every last detail. I like to get the wheels turning, then sit back and watch. I suppose you could bring ethics into the equation but ... if you really think about it, after watching all of your creations die endlessly for all kinds of reasons, I'm sure you'd stop caring sooner or later. But then again I guess you could flip the argument and say that with omnipotence you could reprogram yourself into doing things you wouldn't care for.
If you could do anything and everything with a snap of your finger then what's the point? It would all get really old really fast for someone who's eternal. It's like buying a 1000+hr RPG and using every cheat code right off the bat. Would probably just make myself mortal again and go back to my 9-5 job.
Kill everyone.
Make a bigger appearence on earth, and leave no question that I exist and everybody belives in me now.
W.O.C183 always fapping
Make all lesbians hot, and everyone impotent, but horny. I don't know, power makes me wants to screw things up instead of improving them.
ChrisBRosado123 wrote...
Honestly after playing lots of simulation games, nothing. I don't get any pleasure out of micromanaging every last detail. I like to get the wheels turning, then sit back and watch. I suppose you could bring ethics into the equation but ... if you really think about it, after watching all of your creations die endlessly for all kinds of reasons, I'm sure you'd stop caring sooner or later. But then again I guess you could flip the argument and say that with omnipotence you could reprogram yourself into doing things you wouldn't care for.

Screw micro manage.
2.) beer
W.O.C183 wrote...
Make all lesbians hot, and everyone impotent, but horny. I don't know, power makes me wants to screw things up instead of improving them.

What about making the best anime that could ever be made and then watch it forever?
What about creating the best pussy/girl that could ever exist and then rape it forever? Thats like an endless pleasure matter hahahahahahahha.
Anyways, if you were god i dont think you would do things like that....

I wonder if god would start to feel like killing himself. Thats a good guess, is it not?
Get Laid, buy fakku products and finally kiss my friend
I think I would live life as a person from birth to adulthood and when i turn 18 i remember everything that has happened and who i am so i can choose to keep living innocently or live a normal life. if I'm immortal and can do anything i want i think this would be the easiest way to cope with my new life. granted i didn't know the life a mortal to begin with otherwise its a matter of perspective and i don't know what i would do as a god if i always was one.
swordmanXIII FAKKU's Breaker
Oh wow, I would try to get creative and make all kinds of shit. Make magic real but with rules. Also I probably spend most of my time making new animals and shit.
Depending on my mood, planet earth would look a lot more like One Piece, Naruto, Star Wars, The Matrix, LoTR, any zombie apocalypse scenario, 'what ever i am watching next', etc.
CronaBaka Mellow Yellow
I'd live a life like Haruhi Suzumiya.
How should I know? I'd probably have a drastically different outlook on life if I were all knowing.

...I'd act like a pseudo intellectual basically.
Heavily depending if you are the same person as an omnipotent being instead of a human being, but I'd rationalize the fact that gods don't exist and make myself magically dissappear.
That or actually steer humanity towards a point that's advantageous for the greater good (aka no wars, conflicts and stop making people chant my name on the one day I take a break!).
I had a strange dream where I was sacrificed to summon a sexy demon God. She then killed everything at once, trapped the immortal souls of the people (and only the people. No more animals) on the earth, and pulled all the angels, demons, and souls from all afterlives down to the earth. The planet was crowded as everyone who had ever died had now come back as souls... But everyone was just a soul. She made the earth the new heaven/hell/limbo/Valhalla/ect.

Then she turned all the men into butch-looking women so that everyone would be a lesbian like she was.

Now I don't know what I'd do as a god but it wouldn't be that. I'd try to do good.
Alphalicious The Omegalicious
Destroy those who wish to destroy free-will and self-determination -OR- kick start the end of the world and let natural selection sort out the unworthy.
I'd make every other day stimulating and exciting.

or just make a huge Vietnamese Bahn Mi Sandwich
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