What's most important to you in hentai?

What is the defining thing that makes a particular hentai good?

Total Votes : 7,172
Well I think it depends on why you're checking out the hentai to begin with. Obviously to fap but if it's only to fap then art is good but if you want something that's interesting to and keeps you reading even after your done then story is always important
EVERYTHING..IN B/W.. but u cant always have what u want so art is the Obvious choice here.
What do i fap to if not ARTWORK i surely cant get myself aroused to some kind of scribbles.
I believe the story's important but the artwork is the part that either makes it, or breaks it.
I say artwork first, because I can't fap to unsightly hentai. Then comes the story, because I can't fap to forced stuff, either.
i really prefer a good story even for a hentai manga to be enjoyed at its

bestForum Image: http://www.crunchyroll.com/user/rynabella/photos/14118953[spoil]
it's defiantly the artwork because it can be a good story but if it's drawn like a five year old drew it then it's not worth my time. So i believe it goes art then story then no censor.
I really like the story. There has to be a solid background on why they are humping each other. Even the plot about them suddenly humping each other and parting ways "for the lulz" is a good and funny story. :3
Story! no doubt about it...:3
In my opinion, The censorship is whats important to me. You all have to agree with me when I say, uncensored hentai is ALOT hotter.
I go with story with artwork being a close second
i prefer story than artwork :3
I personally prefer story but i guess i shouldn't really be looking for that in hentai. But art's also sweet.
Language. It could be a great story with terrific art, but if I can't understand it, I can't appreciate it. If its not in english, then I can't connect. After that would be art, with story at a close third. Art because if I really wanted a story, I could find some grade A fanfiction.
I say artwork because even if the story is bad, the artwork makes up for it in the end
defenetely the artwork, nothig is as important as seeing clear lines and well defined drawing XD it makes it look real :3

on second term i would go for story lol coz if its all fuck and bewbz all the time it loose sense :D~~~~~~
[size=12]If there's not a decent story, I just can't get into it. At the same time, if the artwork isn't good, I don't care how good the story is.[/h]
theonewhoeats wrote...
First and foremost, the art. It can be the best hentai story ever written, but if the art doesn't do it for me, then it's a bit of a waste. Though, a good story can really add spice to hentai and make it 100% more special.

Trueee to that!
Hard to choose, but artwork wins with story. Simple - story is practically always stupid and it's up to artwork if I read it or not. Language.. I can always traslate it. Color doesn't matter, also, I'm used to censorship, so, I choose 'story' :-)
sure art bcoz imagine if u read a hentai with gud story with the worst kind of art wud u rather watch it?
>< im new
Monster Girl
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