What's most important to you in hentai?

What is the defining thing that makes a particular hentai good?

Total Votes : 7,172
art work.. compliments a good story.. :D
Censorship gotta go. I do not know the point of censorship if it is already rated 18+ in front of the doujin.
I'd say story is up there, but going by stuff like Minamoto-san 2 and Shukujo Zukan, I'd say artwork and uncensorship is the biggest deal.
Well Usually I go for the Artworks but recently I'm finding a good story to watch
No matter how passionate the sex but when the story sucks and just focus on sex part
there's nothing good to see any further since they didn't have much plot on the story. so I chose Story
alostneko wrote...
I chose color, but now after reading everyone's replies I regret voting for color. I forgot that even with color, some hentai mangas won't be good if they are drawn poorly. I think Story and artwork are the most important. If I could re-vote, and choose two options I would go for story and artwork. Since I can't, and I can't even vote anymore. I choose Artwork.

I agree with alostneko, artwork is important but color improves the artwork
In reality i dont think you can choose 1 of thoes options.
A good hentai is about story and the artwork. i choose the censorship cuz there is in meny hentais too much of it.
art work that i think is the most important to attract human from their first view i think - -
Art with a mix of story, certain artists have styles that I love, but their idea of a story is either non-existent, or pisses me off.
Art/Story are tied for me.
Everyone wants a good looking hentai. Then the story comes after. Think about it, what attracts you first in a hentai? The artwork right?
Doesn't matter how good the artwork is. If it's got a shit for a story, or the story is in a language I can't read, then I end up just passing on it. Likewise if the story is compelling, but yet poorly drawn, I'll at least give it a read through.
I voted language, but I don't specifically mean what language it's in. What I mean is the way in which it's written. What's being said and how it's said means a lot.
Story and art. you should have put theme too like incest,ntr,housewife,oppai,etc.
Pretty Hard to decide. If i had a choice of 2.. id go for Art work and Story. But since i only got one ^_^ Story for muah
lets see..... the story isnt important cuz everyone just want to see hentai only for that day and then, we forget about the story (most of the times its stupid)
then, the artwork, THATS the most important for me, cuz its the first thing that will make you choose that doujin from a lot more...
the language its also very important!!! the japanese voice its more horny than the english voice!! >.<... but in a doujin, its also important, cuz the words turn you on!! =w=
the color its not important =o=
and lastly, tha censorship its the enemy of the hentai-lovers!! =.= ...so, it would be better if it doesnt exist u.u but what can we do? ...
but as i said before, the most importan definitely ist the artwork =o=
While story is important, if the artwork is great, it can be in Icelandic and you can still enjoy the shit out of it. Just make up what their saying in your mind xD
The artwork comes first because I dislike bad artwork.
It needs to be good drawn, that's it.
And secondly the story is also important.
Because reading a hentai with no story wouldn't be a hentai.
It would be a porn. Mostly because porn has no story.
And do keep in mind that hentai is porn but at the same time not.
And language is also very important because I can't understand the story if I don't know what they're saying.
i wont even watch a hentai if i dont like the artwork and if the story is shit i wont make it half way b4 i find something a better one or just watch a classic
i wont even watch a hentai if i dont like the artwork and if the story is shit i wont make it half way b4 i find something a better one or just watch a classic
Monster Girl
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