What's your favorite current-gen gaming system?

What's your favorite current-gen gaming system?

Total Votes : 5,663
i own a ps3(also sill play the on my PS and PS2) by now have a pc that can play BF3 on max yes max,cost about £800 and still not finsh being bulit. i voted pc play it more that my PS3 now
PC ! Here's the reason.

1st. you can work on your PC, console ? i don't think so (unless you MOD your console)
2nd. you can play any console games on your PC with emulator (as long as your PC specification can handle) playing PC game on console ? "Impossibru" (PC and console version even that is a same game it's a different)
3rd. you can upgrade your PC anytime you want, can you upgrade your console ? NO. unless you're buy a newer version. (means, you need to buy an entire console)
vote obviously goes to ps3. hands down.
It doesn't matter as long as I can play 20 year old overpriced games on them.
i have to say it is a tie with the PS3 and PC cause I love jpgs on my PC but the graphics and blu-ray on the PS3 keep bringing me back. On top of that I love Hyperdimension Neptunia on my PS3 right now that is all about the gaming systems. Yeah Nepgear and her sister Neptune.
I'm honestly surprised that more people voted for the PlayStation 3 versus the Xbox 360. I guess they thought it was an ideal choice. You know, free online followed by bad connectivity. Ah well, needless to say, I voted for my hardy, powerful Xbox 360.

*Note* Don't give me any bullshit for my reasoning, please. I will not be notified when a reply is posted. Thank you.
Right now? 360. So much better than the original Xbox. It should've come with wifi, though. I understand why the PS3 generally isn't backwards compatible, but it still stings. The Wii suffers from Nintendo Syndrome (lack of games), but is still fun. I like playing games on any system, and it's not uncommon for me to buy all three consoles.

PC doesn't have that edge it used to, but you can't deny their superiority on FPS and flight sims. Need to get me a desktop again...
I have all the system that is listed, if I had to choose it would be the ps3.
There was a comment up top and I agreed with it.
It all depends on what the person like to play, all the systems is about the same. If only there was one system that has all the quality put into one system.

Yes overall PlayStation has all the RPGs game that I loved, the Final Fantasy ofc.
PS3 because the majority of the games I like are there.
Fuck yeah PC.
PorygonPowah Genuine Lumberjack
My heart wanted to vote DS, but my SC2 addiction made me vote PC T^T
I'm just a PSP guy and I hope Vita soon... I going to get that Pesona 4 the Golden... I have a original and a hacked both psp 1001... one is for good translated games and for psone games emulator and one if for online connection stuffs...

I only have a laptop now that I'm living here on US so I play Dragon Nest and SD Gundam Online taiwan server... for just a Pokemon Black and White emulator for DS.
Why no PS Vita? Touch my Katamari is amazing!
It's funny because none of those are "current gen", only the PC technically.
Xbox allday son.
PC is is my favorite, I sold my 360 because it was gathering dust.
PC, especially for this year. For sure year of the PC.
I am fortunate enough to own all of the above, but when it comes to Graphics, running speed, and options, the PC is the way to go. The thing is, I am a Fighting Gamer and playing fighters on the PC is limited to a select few games (Melty Blood AA:CC, SSFIV:AE2012, ect.). In the end, I went with the PS3 since I'm on it more than any other console and I own a copy of just about every competitive fighting game on the PS3.
my pc is my game station, and i play mmorpg's games...
i haven't another distraction...
my pc is my distraction
PS3 for me. Amazing graphic, and moreover, it has BluRay player.