What's your favorite current-gen gaming system?

What's your favorite current-gen gaming system?

Total Votes : 5,663
Imjustme wrote...
PS3. no argument. if u didnt choose this option u obviously havent played Valkeyria Chronicles

Does that game have any connection whatsoever to Valkyrie Profile?
atm i'm nerding my vita whenever i can^^
i have and enjoy all of them in different ways, my vote was tied between ps3 and 360 but since i only buy the exclusive titles for ps3 i have more xbox games so that got my vote
Haters gonna Hate!! Stop Drinking Hatorade >.< i can see alot of Xbox 360 haters on here for all the comments that say they only have xbox 360 come on stop been so mean in stop rep peoples down not all have money to buy Ps3 >:
even if they want too they cant :O i am a Gamer pc my self.
PlayStation. Its a man's console and has the best exclusives IMO apart from Nintendo. I have had them all except for the Vita and Go. But i currently own a Wii, PS2, PSP, & PS3.
Rapataku wrote...
Imjustme wrote...
PS3. no argument. if u didnt choose this option u obviously havent played Valkeyria Chronicles

Does that game have any connection whatsoever to Valkyrie Profile?

no. it does have an anime tho.
You can't upgrade a console like you can update a PC.
Xbox. My thumbs don't work right with PS3 controllers.
PC for sure

my PS3 is basically just for FIFA, Tekken 6 and well other fighting games :D, please GGXX AC psn soon I can't wait :D
PS3 on my case because I want it put the disk in and play it. Also why PS3 over Xbox360 and other game consoles one reason is the controller, Iam more comfortable withe the PS3 controller.

But for graphics and physics PC is the way to go.

The only thing I hate are the games that are exclusive for certain consoles. Saints Row1,Dead Rising, RE Umbrella/DarkSide Chronicles...etc
I'd have to say Xbox 360, and for a very close 2nd Wii because of Fire Emblem games
and full backwards compatibility
wat manga is this
PC ...i can whatever i want in my PC \m/
i would have to say xbox because ey have the best multi player games and playing with others is always more fun espically when u got that nerd rage lol anyways ps3 is second because ithas the best single player games and pc just has WOW which is amazing and beats the crap outta the other 2 but its just one game so its 3rd the rest dont even diserve to be rated
DS atm lol. Playing Devil Survivor 2 like no tommorow.
But what really changed for me is that i used to be a Psfan, owned a Ps1 and a Ps2 but all my interest's to playstation switched over to the xbox360. Is that just me?
Since im a tech geek i go with the best ram video card and library which xbox 360 is the clear winner ps3 lacks the ram and good games and wii is lacking hd gaming and ability to make great game series like final fantasy metal gear street fighter etc @averageyuri No i agree i had a ps1 ps2 and xbox but sony just dropped the ball with vita psp and ps3 for me i only got ps3 for fast bluray player and to play metal gear solid 4 an god of war thats it

gaming consoles started to suck after N64 :P their fucking controllers man, fucking shit.
Yeah, I pretty much enjoy anything but a 360.
PS3 because that's the only gaming system I have other than my crappy PC. I'd get an Xbox360 if I could.