When do you bathe?

When do you bathe?

Total Votes : 4,245
I like to get over with it as soon as possible.
In the morning. When you sleep you're generally flatulent, sweaty, etc. So think about taking a shower and then marinating in that for several hours. No thank you.
Therefore, I take my showers in the morning before heading to work.

And for those who legitimately answered "... Bathe?" -- gross.
Why not both? Taking a bath is good no matter when you do it!
So, no one else is disturbed by the number of "...Bathe?" results

it´s the internet so i don´t think the polls are being answered honestly.
#Captain obvious yeah i know XD
Its holiday bro, i'm free from all my obligations. Including bath :>
I would have to say in the early morning and the evening before I sleep
I seriously hope you people are joking about not bathing. Jesus.
Well, I normally shower in the morning, but now that I have a job where i sweat in the sun all day, i shower when i get home.
I like to shower or tub it at night. But like most people I shower in the morning.
I actually bathe twice a day, once in the morning to wake up and once at night to go to sleep.
Is there a restriction that showers can only be done once a day? Cuz I do it thrice - in the morning before i head to work, in the afternoon after I get back home, and at night before i go to bed...
Generally in the morning, or twice if I feel like it. I really like bathing
PorygonPowah Genuine Lumberjack
It tends to vary. I like to shower at night to help me sleep, and I like to shower in the morning to help me wake up...
For me bathing is a very rare habit. I usually take a shower after breakfast. It takes too much time to fill up my bathtub
I went with evening, though there should be a choice for both.
Usually in the morning because of school, that's the only way i can wake up and in the summer time i take my baths before i go to bed =)
Morning, its easier to do my hair after a shower.
Truth is I do it after work or whatever activities I do for the day kupo.
it depends on when i work and how busy i am sometimes a few times a week or once a week
Usually when i get home from college at night