Who's your favorite girl from Katawa Shoujo?

Who's your favorite girl from Katawa Shoujo?

Total Votes : 7,222
tamathemad Cupcake Monster
Mai fav is Hanako because I like people that act like she does ._.
Emi's route was... kinda disturbing... especially THAT part, if you know what i mean.
I was like "Please no... no no no... please dont even think about it"
Data Zero Valkyrie Forces CO
_Satsujinki_ wrote...
Emi's route was... kinda disturbing... especially THAT part, if you know what i mean.
I was like "Please no... no no no... please dont even think about it"

Why the HELL did you mention it in the first place?!?!?!? Noe i remembered that part.
_Satsujinki_ wrote...
Jimshorts wrote...
darksno wrote...
Lilly and Rin have probably the best story path ever. I still don't get the love for Hanako's story. It was alright..

I agree that Lilly and Rin have fantastic stories and beat out Hanako, storywise. It seems like it could have progressed in a more... satisfying way? I'd explain further but that would be potentially edging on spoilers, so I'll leave it at that.

Characterwise, Hanako just appeals to me and she's my favorite of the girls (obviously).

But unlike the other girls, at the end of Hanako's route, you loved her in a non-sexually way.
Like a puppy.

I wouldn't go quite that far, but I definitely know what you're getting at.
Hanako FTW.
By the way, shame on you if you didn't play it, go play it.
I haven't played but after reading this and seeing Hanako I will.
I finished Shizune's path a few days ago and she's my favorite so far. I suggested the game to a buddy of mine and his favorite is Hanako.
Emi's route is my favorite. I shed a few tears along of her route and still everytime replay it (don't judge me ><). The ending left me full of the 'no regrets' feeling which still haunts me. I finished her route last week.

Hanako and Shizune and Lilly were good too. Rin's route bored me until the end.
This has to the best VN I have ever played. I suggest saving Shizune for last, just my opinion, and try to avoid Kenji's route. You'll thank me later.

Overall, I give this game 1,000,000,000,000/10 stars!!!!!!!!!

Who cares if she has burn scars, Hanako is by far the cutest girl in Katawa Shoujo bc beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. She's followed closely by Emi and her upbeat positive personality.
I liked Hanako the most. Her story may not have been as exceptional as the others but I just wanted to rub her head so bad. Didn't really care for Shizune. Wanted more Shiina.
I like Lilly's and Hanako's story the best ,although I got Emi the first time still loved it,Its an awsome game for those who havent checked it out!, I really wish somebody would make a mod or something for a Misha route :)
Hmm...I'd say Lilly would be my favorite, with Hanako a close second. Rin's route was...unique, to say the least. (and the only route that I had to use a walkthrough flowchart >.< ) As for Kenji, I purposely went down the route that would give me that particular bad end. (and once I got to it, I couldn't help but laugh)
I haven't downloaded and play yet. Is this game nice to play?
100% all the way didn't sleep much for a couple of days.
guammastermind671 Da RL Lurker at FAKKU
I haven't played it yet, still trying out Clannad :P
YEAH !!!!! Go Team Kenji.
Why is Miki not on the list? ;_;
Well, if you'd ask me which girl i like most from the list, i'll say Lily.
Just because i jumped happily around, vigoriously swinging my arms in joy, while reading the
confession scene.

I think this Visual Novel gave me back some emotions and the feel of humanity.
I think i am going to think about my future.
finished it and loved it
i should prolly play this game
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
Hanako, definitely. Knew she'd be my favorite already way before Act 1 was released and she certainly didn't disappoint.
Monster Girl
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