Who's your favorite girl from Katawa Shoujo?

Who's your favorite girl from Katawa Shoujo?

Total Votes : 7,222
i just love Rin. :)
ive first played this since the demo. XD and i now have played the whole, i vote for lily! :D a nice route
Haven't played due to IB being filled KS threads. Turns me off.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
It was a tough choice, but Hanako. Lilly is a very close second. I completed the game 'cause I'm a sad act like that.

I'm amazed at the amount of people who haven't played it. It's a good game.
Hanako, followed by Rin. Though if Hanako is 100, Rin would be 95 and the others around 90 so no big difference. Testament to a really great game.
God Tier: Rin
Trash Tier: Everyone else.
Best Tier: Hanako, Lilly, Shizune, Misha, Emi, Akira, Yuuko.
For me, either Shizune or Hanako...
Miki, followed closely by Lilly and Hanako. Seeing as I can only choose one and it can't be Miki, I chose Lilly.

But like kouteiheka said a few posts above mine: If Miki is 100, Lilly and Hanako are 95 and the rest of the girls would be around 85 - 90. They're all very likeable in their own ways.
Lilly because her personality is simply lovely.
I actually started with Emi, next was Rin, then Shizune/Misha, then Lilly.. I saved Hanako for last 'cuz I felt if I started with her I wouldn't get around to finishing the other girls..
Emi is my favorite character and story line in the game Hanako was a close second but Emi on m over with her cute stubborness Hanako was cute and very shy usually what i go for but Emi just gave me that extra "wow" and currently almost finished with the game
Kenji, cause the ending with him in Act 1 is the most unique, and oh, OPTIC BLAST!!
Its a hard choice lilly is hot but so is hanako
OMG!!! WTF!!! There are still people who haven't play that creation of God himself...
Utter blasphemy!!!!

Anyway My fave is Lily as she is beautiful, cute and has a awesome personality!
Lilly first (by quite a bit), then Hanako and then Rin. Emi and Shizune are pretty much tied.

Also, anyone else find it funny that Shiina and Misha have two seperate categories despite, you know, being the same person? Maybe her disability is a split personality.
From The First Triall , i already choose Lily (pure shoujo)
Jimshorts wrote...
darksno wrote...
Lilly and Rin have probably the best story path ever. I still don't get the love for Hanako's story. It was alright..

I agree that Lilly and Rin have fantastic stories and beat out Hanako, storywise. It seems like it could have progressed in a more... satisfying way? I'd explain further but that would be potentially edging on spoilers, so I'll leave it at that.

Characterwise, Hanako just appeals to me and she's my favorite of the girls (obviously).

Edging on spoilers? Lol. I've beaten the game so it wouldn't be spoiling me unless there's some hidden message that I missed or something. Hanako is nice, not going to lie. The whole shy thing, than opening up was very nice, but I liked how much more she opened up while on the Lily route. She did things for herself and didn't need to have someone there holding her hand kinda thing. The bad end for Hanako was so....... unexpected to say the least lol.
I've never played it. Pirating now. :D
Monster Girl
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