AquaChills wrote...
Vayne wrote...
Pervy Fatman wrote...
Vayne wrote...
AquaChills wrote...
Pervy Fatman wrote...
Well everyone it's official, Ryback v. Punk at hell in a cell!

I'm not sure how I feel about this. I don't want Ryback to have the title yet is what i'm going with, I was thinking John Cena was going to be the guest referee or something guess not.

We still have one more RAW left. There is still time to include Cena as a referee. Still, I don't see Ryback winning the title. I don't see where they can take Ryback in the case he wins it. Either some sort of strange disqualification will happen or Cena is somehow involved in the finish. That way, Ryback's first loss will not affect his character. If he does win, he wins by DQ. WWE is probably saving that undefeated streak to promote another event in the future, so I don't see a situation where Ryback gets a clean loss until such event occurs.

I agree with this, I know that Ryback won't get the title. More or Less it will probably end up setting up another Punk V. Cena match...*yawn*. Though WWE did surprise me by pushing Ryback for the top title on RAW, because I mostly see Ryback as a mid card kind of person, buuuuut kudos to WWE for setting it up the way they did. Hell if Ryback gets a shot at a major title now maybe in the future he may hold one of the two. Seems like he would fit right into the current World Heavyweight Title situation, though if he does enter that fray it's gotta be after Sheamus gives Barrett a shot at the title because we all know he's long overdue for one.

btw...Did anyone see Kofi kick Miz's head off his shoulders, that was sick!

Barrett most likely will be the next contender for the World Heavyweight Heavyweight title. He's had great matches with Sheamus as of late, without losing any of them. I would like that to happen.

As for the Trouble in Paradise directly on Miz's face, I agreed that was awesome. Also the way Kofi performed the move looked great, doing it as Miz turned from the ropes.
I found it, here it is:

I seen that! That was crazy also Kofi won the IC title from Miz on the main event show, and the Miz will invoke his rematch for HIAC on smackdown.

Yeah I heard, would love to watch the match if I find a way to download Main Event. Still, I don't think Kofi's reign will end that quickly. It would make Kofi winning the title somewhat meaningless. Still, you never know, it has happened before.
CTRL + F = 0 Results

1. Lesnar has a WWE contract until WrestleMania
2. Lesnar is a Paul Heyman guy
3. Lesnar is big enough to take down Ryback

I'm calling outside interference (a cage can be broken or you can hide inside of it), Lesnar could be a good opponent for Ryback coming out HIAC.
Paracelsus wrote...
CTRL + F = 0 Results

1. Lesnar has a WWE contract until WrestleMania
2. Lesnar is a Paul Heyman guy
3. Lesnar is big enough to take down Ryback

I'm calling outside interference (a cage can be broken or you can hide inside of it), Lesnar could be a good opponent for Ryback coming out HIAC.

Good prediction, most people are guessing this and I can see it happening. I hope Ryback can get better on the mic instead of saying I wanna eat stuff.
jmason Curious and Wondering
If Ryback only had mic skills from the beginning instead of FEED ME MORE, I think WWE would have pushed him quicker. WWE is usually high on people who can hold their own on the mic.

But if they EVER decide to put Ryback with the title, they're going to have what I coin the "Khali Title Problem". Khali was booked to win the WHC in 2007, and WWE had a serious problem with their hands, since Khali only speaks in growls and grunts, and has absolutely zero mic skills. Their solution is to push him again as a dominant monster heel (so his silence is justified), and luckily they had Ranjin Singh as his mouthpiece so they had the manager speak for the heel.

I doubt they'd have a manager for Ryback. And he's over as a face, so it's highly unlikely they'd gonna make him turn heel. So if WWE decides to give him the belt, it's a huge issue for Vince - a face champion who's a big man with very limited mic skills, on live TV every Monday on RAW. The writers are going to file overtime work for this one.
jmason wrote...
If Ryback only had mic skills from the beginning instead of FEED ME MORE, I think WWE would have pushed him quicker. WWE is usually high on people who can hold their own on the mic.

But if they EVER decide to put Ryback with the title, they're going to have what I coin the "Khali Title Problem". Khali was booked to win the WHC in 2007, and WWE had a serious problem with their hands, since Khali only speaks in growls and grunts, and has absolutely zero mic skills. Their solution is to push him again as a dominant monster heel (so his silence is justified), and luckily they had Ranjin Singh as his mouthpiece so they had the manager speak for the heel.

I doubt they'd have a manager for Ryback. And he's over as a face, so it's highly unlikely they'd gonna make him turn heel. So if WWE decides to give him the belt, it's a huge issue for Vince - a face champion who's a big man with very limited mic skills, on live TV every Monday on RAW. The writers are going to file overtime work for this one.

WWE is having a hard time trying to write the ending for Cm Punk and Ryback for their match, they don't want Ryback to lose clean but they want to keep the title on Cm Punk. WWE also doesn't want this match to end with a screw job or DQ for that will take away from both men. They also considered Lesnar to cost Ryback the match but that would screw things up for HHH revenge match. What do you guys think the ending should be? I know it won't happen but I want to see Cena to cost Ryback the match because no one would see it coming.

EDIT: Holy shit Ziggler and Bryan are doing one hell of a match!!! fuck yeah!
CM Punk vs Goldberg the Ref low blow's Ryback...wow that's so new.
kenjiharima wrote...
CM Punk vs Goldberg the Ref low blow's Ryback...wow that's so new.

The original plan was to have Ryback win clean but they decided Punks title reign was more important than Rybacks undefeated streak.
AquaChills wrote...
kenjiharima wrote...
CM Punk vs Goldberg the Ref low blow's Ryback...wow that's so new.

The original plan was to have Ryback win clean but they decided Punks title reign was more important than Rybacks undefeated streak.

So do you think it will be a one year or more title reign?

Also saw CM Punk Best in the World on Youtube


Really happy they're pushing Maddox to the main roster.

Also, looking forward to seeing Johnny Curtis as Fandangoo.

Deftera Mirage wrote...

Really happy they're pushing Maddox to the main roster.

Also, looking forward to seeing Johnny Curtis as Fandangoo.

kinda wish they left him as Creepy Curtis, would have been loads funnier.
Pervy Fatman wrote...
Deftera Mirage wrote...

Really happy they're pushing Maddox to the main roster.

Also, looking forward to seeing Johnny Curtis as Fandangoo.

kinda wish they left him as Creepy Curtis, would have been loads funnier.

I love seeing new faces to the WWE :]
This guy looks like he would give me a bunch of laughs.

Great video. I hope we see more of Brad.
Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins! Someone hold me please ; ;

Still, I don't know about Rollins debuting as a heel. I love watching NXT and he plays a face perfectly. Hopefully they don't screw him up.

Also, Cole was extra horrible tonight. Only thing I liked from him was, "Dolph Ziggler was cocked and loaded, and he went off in Randy Orton's mouth."
Survivor Series was awesome, some really good matches. I really liked the traditional tag matches.
Guessing they're not taking the belt yet from Big Show. Seems he's now on the "Super Man" list.
Sheamus most likely be the victim of Dolph's cash in if he ever gets the title back or if they'll still push for Orton he'll be the victim of the cash in.

CM Punk congrats for more than a year title reign.
- With Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns being brought up to the main roster, the next group of guys on the rise in NXT look to be Big E Langston, Bray Wyatt (Taylor Rotunda), his brother Bo Dallas (Windham Rotunda) and the tag team of The Ascension - Conor O'Brian and Kenneth Cameron.

The Ascension have a great ring entranced and packaging as a team plus have developed a lot of double team moves from the old 1980's heel tag teams. Now that there is more emphasis on tag teams in WWE, they may be brought up together soon.

Credit: WON

Personally, I think Wyatt and Ascension the most polished and deserve the push the others, not so much.
Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns... THE FUTURE!

I haven't been this excited about a group of debutants in years. If you don't watch NXT, I recommend you do so. So much great talent down there to follow and seeing them get called up to the main roster is always awesome to see.

Deftera Mirage wrote...
Personally, I think Wyatt and Ascension the most polished and deserve the push the others, not so much.

What the WWE sees in Bo Dallas is beyond me. Dude is as generic as they come. Richie Steamboat is way more exciting if they're planning on pushing someone based on their last name alone. Also helps that he's pretty good in the ring as well.

I'm a sucker for Big E Langston. Rybore's push should have gone to him >.>
I really would love to watch NXT since I know that's where most prospects will start out. Sadly, I can't watch it since it's not available in my country. Those three guys look like great future talents. There's also another one called Trent Barreta that I have heard about, as well as others like Deftera posted.
Cesaro was beast as fuck on RAW this week. Dat Alphamare Waterslide. Dat Swiss Death.

Forum Image: http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_me5nf6WMCJ1qi3n2ho1_400.gif
Forum Image: http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_me4tkwu8x61rtxeaoo1_400.gif

Also, I love the prospect of Ambrose being the Shield's mouthpiece.